

Void wrapped his arm protectively over Keylee's shoulder. Giving death glares to everyone who dared to come close.

'You know, not everyone is out to kidnap me...'

'Not after I scare them off.'

She slowly shook her head but smiled slightly. 'Let's just go to Theo. You have the location right?'

Void mindlessly gazed at something besides them but still answered the question with a low grumble. 'Yup. Don't know why but for some reason he wants us to come to the Dread doctors operating theater.'

Keylee grumbled annoyed. 'Nooo, not again, I don't like that place. It's dirty, and damp, and cold, and I swear there's a lax of oxygen', she whined.

Void chuckled dryly. 'I don't understand it either. We can always not show up-ouch.'

Void moved his hand up and down at his shoulder where Keylee hit him while faking an expression of pain. 'I honestly thing you dislocated my shoulder.'

'Oh no, the drama king has a dislocated shoulder! What should we do your highness?' Keylee placed a hand on her heart and widened her eyes. Void played along and gasped.

'I think I might- yes- yes I feel it... My life flashing in front of me... Please, tell my enemies none of them was able to kill me.'

They both looked at each other with a serious expression until Keylee bit her bottom lip to prevent laughing. That made Void smile, which caused Keylee to loose it and she ended up in a fit of laughing.

Void smirked and swung his arm once again around her shoulders to guide her away. 'Come one Kitten. We gotta go. Theo is waiting and seeing as you don't wanna leave him we better hurry.'

When they had finally arrived, an uneasy feeling crept upon Keylee. She shivered slightly and sneezed. 'Oh, something feels terribly familiar in a very bad way.'

Void tossed a glance besides him at the girl who was now no longer radiating any happy feeling. He knew what this meant, it meant Theo had found Deucalion. Yet he kept his mouth shut and instead just wrapped his jacket around Keylee.

'Whatever happens, I'm gonna keep you close alright. I'm right behind you. And remember I can summon the oni since it's still night.'

Keylee stopped in her tracks. 'You know something.' She stated.

Void just stared at something else en pushed her forward. 'It's better if you face this.'

Keylee was slightly confused at his behavior, but well, it was Void. She would be more confused if he acted more normal.

'Hmm, but this senses really familiar, like, I know this...'

'I hope you do.'

Keylee's head snapped up at the familiar voice. Her heart skipped a beat. Out of instinct she took a step back and bumped into Void's chest who placed both hands on her shoulders in a protective manner. Glaring at Deucalion.

'I can feel your stare but you are aware that I'm blind and trapped right?'

Keylee ignored him and looked around to find Theo. When she didn't find him she thought of a way to find him.

'THEODORE KARL RAEKEN! Get your ass over here and start explaining!'

It didn't take long for Theo to calmly walk towards everyone. 'Ah, I see you're back. Great, great, you already know Deucalion but you don't.' He looked at Void with his last statement. 'Void, this is Deucalion, though I'm sure you have every information you need from Stiles' memory. Deucalion, this is Void, he's a thousand year old demon fox who's currently possessing Stiles. Be nice to each other.'

'Be nice!? Theo, he is the entire reason everything happened to me! How the hell am I supposed to be nice to him when he pisses me of by just being here!?'

'Ouch, Keylee, since when are you so mean?'

Void glared at Deucalion. 'Shut up. For your own sake, shut up.'

Theo looked at Keylee but seemed to be in a bit of a hurry and was already walking to the other side of the room to get his jacket.

'Look, I get you're angry but I really need to go now. You and Hayden stay here with him whilst I go get Lydia with the others. It's easy, find Lydia, find the hell hound, find the beast. Don't kill each other alright.'

Before Keylee could protest he had already walked out. She just stared at the spot he had stood a few minutes ago. Void observed her carefully. 'You can go out to train a little if you want to.' He offered. Knowing very well she would disobey Theo in that progress.

Keylee nodded. 'You're fine here alone, right Hayden?'

'Yeah, just come back when you're calm please.'

Keylee nodded and followed Void outside. 'Do you really need to go with him? Since when do you follow his orders?'

Void simply stared at her and sighted. 'For everything is a first time right? I gotta go now since I can practically feel the irritation coming of him from here. I'll come back for you and just give call if you need me.'

Keylee sighted and nodded while Void walked off to Theo. He didn't tell her the real reason he went with Theo. If he had told her it was to trick him, it probably wouldn't take her long to figure everything out. Now he just hoped Deucalion wouldn't ruin anything.

When Keylee finally decided to go back inside, she planned on just ignoring Deucalion. Only that was a lot harder than she thought.

Hayden was pacing back and forth while Keylee just sat on the stairs, nervously tapping with her foot.

'Do I make you nervous?'

Hayden stopped pacing around and stared at him while Keylee tried hard to stay focused on her suddenly very interesting shoes.

'Shouldn't you already know the answer on that?'

'Well, I thought it would be more polite to ask. But, yes, a girl your age shouldn't have a resting heart rate of a 110 beats per minute.'

Keylee huffed. 'Since when do you ask people politely?'

Deucalion sighted. 'When did you become so sarcastic? How about you two just unshackle me from this thing and we'll both be a little more at ease?'

Hayden looked at Keylee and back at Deucalion. Both girls narrowing their eyes. 'How stupid do you think we are?'

'Since I highly doubt you want me to answer that question honestly, let me propose an alternative. You set me free, and I'll tell you a secret about those talons sitting in that jar over there.'

Hayden turned her head at the talons. So did Keylee, not taking notice of them before Deucalion pointed it out.

'I may be blind-'

'But you still take notice of everything with your other senses...'

'Yes Keylee, they paint a very detailed picture. I know that the talons were created by the dread doctors.'

Hayden looked suspicious at Deucalion. 'So what?'

'So, Theo believes he can fit them onto his own claws like a couple of press-on nails? Use them to siphon the power from the beast?' He chuckled. 'Good luck with that.'

Hayden walked closer to the talons. Keylee stood up as well, carefully taking steps closer like the talons could explode any moment.

'What do you mean?' Hayden turned back to face Deucalion

'The dread doctors would have designed those talons with a specific frequency. For a specific person.'

Keylee looked up. The puzzle pieces falling into place. 'You mean that...'


Hayden looked confused from Keylee to Deucalion. 'What?'

'As a genetic chimera yourself, I would have thought you'd understand how often the body rejects an organ. Especially from an outside donor.'

Hayden stared at the claws and realization crept upon her face. 'If he puts them on-' she looked at Keylee who nodded. 'He'll die.'

Hayden picked up the jar with the talons. Staring at it like she'd rather throw them out of a window. Keylee stared at it too. None of them saying a thing until Deucalion focused his attention to Hayden again.

'Starting to question where your loyalties lie? Or maybe you're starting to understand your role.'

Keylee glared at him. Not liking the affect he had on both of them in just a few minutes. 'Shut up, you are just trying to manipulate us.'

'Hmmm, I am trying to manipulate you? Then why would Theo hide so many things? Why would he leave you two here and not someone else like Josh or Cory? You two are far more capable than them.'

Hayden narrowed her eyes and looked at him. 'I know why I'm stuck here with you. It because when it comes to Liam, I'm a liability.'

'You could leave, could go off to help them, no one has to know.'

'Yeah, except you.' Keylee intervened.

'I'm no friend of Theo, you want to help Liam? Worry less about being a liability, and more about your ability to lie.'

Hayden turned around and placed the talons down. Keylee stared at her with a frown.

'You aren't seriously thinking about doing as he says right?'

'I am, actually. He has a point. Besides, you are still here right? What could go wrong?'

'Uhmm, a lot! Theo told us to stay.'

'Exactly, he just ordered us, bossed us around. I don't want that, I want to stay alive but I don't want to be his minion. Please Keylee, I need to help Liam. Think about it, you and Lydia were close friends right? Theo would just use her, Liam is trying to safe her, you need to let me help them.'

Keylee sighted and bit her bottom lip. 'Fine, I'm just very accidentally staring at that wall cause I'm not gonna lie for you but unfortunately I also wouldn't notice if you were gone.'

She turned around as Hayden smiled and ran off.

'So, just you and me now huh? Tell me Keylee, how did you end up on this side of the war? Where's Scott?'

'We're not on speaking terms. Now shut up and let me wait in peace.'

'Again? Was it you or him who cut the ties this time?'

Keylee ignored him and started to look for a paper and something to draw with.

'You can't ignore me forever. I just want to have a little chat. After all, I did bite you for a reason Keylee. And it wasn't so you could do bad things.'

She sighted and still refused to answer. Finally finding a notebook in Cory's bag. He probably wouldn't mind.

'Keylee. Listen to me, it's all I ask and then you won't even notice me.'

Keylee looked over her shoulder, biting her lip again. 'Fine. I'll listen. But then you shut up!'

'Alright. I was just curious, since when do you let people manipulate you? Since when do you not notice them lying? Or are you just in denial?'

'What are you talking about?'

'Theo of course. He is lying to you, he has it all planned out. Did you never wondered why even Void didn't like him? Theo brought him back, Theo saved you. Why wouldn't Void like him... It's easy, because he's lying to you. Because he has lied to Scott. He planned all of this Keylee, and you are just a pawn in his game.'

Keylee chuckled and hung her head, shaking it in disbelieve. 'And you actually expect me to believe you? You!?'

'No, I don't expect you to believe me, I expect you to start doubting things, I expect you to see things now. I'm not lying to you Keylee. I knew you hated that, so I never did. Go ahead, don't believe me, but if you relive the memories, you'll see I'm right.'

Keylee swallowed and took a deep breath. 'No. You are just lying.'