
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Filem
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140 Chs


[Vision POV]

I left the Compound as soon as I received a notification that informed me that I've successfully gained digital access to the entire area around and within the base. 

The content of the information I had gotten was very wild, in both latent potential and destructive potential if it were to succeed. 

To be perfectly honest, I remembered little details and key points from the comics. It's hard to focus on small pleasures when going through college with the most stringent courses anyone could take up and also struggling to get into the prison called corporate life. 

So like the majority of people who grew of with these relics, I only could remember some of the most important events that happened and also the fucked up bizarre ones that just didn't make any sense whatsoever. 

And also due to the fact that this universe's earth closely resembled that of the mainstream MCU from my former earth yet with a lot of plot holes due to the presence of groups like the X-men and Fantastic Four, it made it harder for me to even form a solid prediction that had more than a 70% credibility since the influence of these groups were bound to clash against the others in ways yet unknown. 

Despite all this, one thing I remembered quite a bit were the few experiments that came after Steve, Logan and Wade's scientific modifications. 

Weapon H. 

That was the experimental research Ross dipped his fingers in. 

Based on what they had and the procedures they had in store in case of satisfactory results, I could already see how and why they wanted to make the Avengers obsolete. 

The research, while being backed by Ross as a proxy of the US Military, was conducted by William Stryker and one Dr. Abraham Cornelius, with both of them having participated in the revision of Project: Rebirth and the Weapon X program. 

Weapon H basically, from what was currently being tested, was trying to fuse the DNA of the Hulk into the experimented subject while also grafting an Adamantium skeletal frame into it to create the perfectly invulnerable soldier. 

I increased my speed further, breaking the Mach 10 barrier, decreasing the time needed for me to get there to mere minutes. 

It doesn't take a genius much to figure out that should they succeed in this research then the Avengers are done for and can only be considered fugitives if they resist the sanctions that'll then be placed on them. 

After that, irrespective of what the Avengers choose or agree to, they will move to bag Banner up as he is technically considered military property. Having a country, irrespective of which one, gaining unlimited access and full freedom to experiment with Banner's blood is akin to a proven equation for global hegemony. 

And Ross being at the top of that was a big no no. I have yet to enjoy this new life and its ever growing possibilities to the fullest to let something like that happen without doing nothing, especially when I actually have the power to influence a world as big as this. 

"Confirm the identities of everyone in a 5km radius of the Nevada base."

I ignored the chime of the completed task and slowed down my flying speed as I got ever so nearer to the base. 

A few things were inconsistent with what I can scantily recall about the comics narrative about this experiment. 

Apart from William Stryker working with Ross on this experiment, the subject used was a mutant, as opposed to a human, who could shed his skin like a snake once harmed to a certain extent. 

Stryker, Abraham Cornelius and Ross were all inside the base with the first two going through a bunch of biological data from their experiments while the latter was in his office, doing administrative work. 

"Hmm, what approach should I use? Storm in by kicking the front door in and make everything as clear as possible, or sneak in until I'm caught before falling back to option 1?"

[From the perspective of the targeted goal, the probability of completing this operation with the least amount of exerted effort from all calculated possible approach is to navigate your way through as stealthily as you can while retrieving and destroying all the data you've acquired from their servers, at least as much as you can accomplish before you are found out]

'Hmmm… Well it takes nothing from how I originally wanted to crash into it if I decide to opt for efficiency.'

First thing I did was change my appearance to a template I've never used before after making sure it didn't exist in present time in this earth, while the next was to go invisible. 

Donning on Simon's appearance for my skin setting, I started lowering myself down the middle of the base where the underground experimental facility was built. 

I easily ignored the heat, metal and digital scanners on the surface with a little Technopathy as I went underground. 

[Extreme caution is advised from this point onwards] 

[Multiple electromagnetic scanners and sensors have been identified] 

I looked confusedly at the new prompt that came up. 'Huh? Tweak them to ignore my presence.' Shouldn't it have registered these sensors when it scanned the whole base? 

I carefully made my way towards where the subject pods were being preserved since that was my main objective. 

[Notice: Failure in completing generated task] 

[Report: Most of the sensors and systems from this level are manually operated and archaic in systematic design] 


I cursed as I casually walked through a door oblivious to the four guards stationed there. 

This new info just made things a little bit troublesome. It means this place will soon turn chaotic as soon as they find out that all their research is suddenly disappearing from their databases. 

I stood in the middle of an empty room and looked below me knowing I am just a few floors away from my target. 

The reason why I'm slowing my walk down was to make sure I trip the obvious traps after I've deleted more than half of what I wanted gone, thereby greatly reducing the time I need to spend in this base. 

I could already feel the tiny vibrating humming frequency of the electromagnetic field below me and while I can easily offset most of it with a manipulation of my own, it'll no doubt raise a few alarms. 

"No need bothering myself of the inevitable after coming this far."

With that I sank through the concrete-gravel floor I was standing on and fell down directly to the section where they kept their research subjects. 

Most of them were nothing more than experimented husks at this point and even the ones that had some level of brain activity have been brainwashed repeatedly to the point that their brains can no longer differentiate between real and implanted memories. 

The first alarm blared as it registered an unfamiliar individual in a strictly restricted area and the rest followed after, drowning the entire base in a cacophony of screaming bells. 

Truthfully I felt sad for the experimented mutants, some of which were just kids in their late teens, knowing fully well that this wasn't the end to atrocities like this. 

"I'd ask for forgiveness but unfortunately we all know I won't get any answer." 

I would have probably thrown up fiercely had I seen something like this when I was still fully human, but now those raging emotions never go beyond a specific range. 

I could see the three prime perpetrators running towards this floor with full haste but unfortunately for them, I was just about done with my main objective. 

Using telepathy to manually dig out any remains of their personality from each of them would take a huge amount of time which I was low on so I made the cruel decision on my part and went through the data I had of all of them to know those who were no different from zombies. 

"How far?"

[Data deleted – 91%

Estimated time left to completion - 1:47] 

If I knew how to use the Mind Stone's abilities at a high enough level then this would have been feasible and not as depressing as it was making me. 

The door creaked open but I paid the intruders no mind and focused on the information I was browsing. 

I frowned heavily when I saw the results. 

They were basically all failures, except for Weapon H that had a modicum of success and was still salvageable. 

I know I was being stupid with this thought of mine but I didn't really like the feeling I got after I realized that I could take a human's life away with little remorse and I even contemplated giving Ross and his party up along with all these evidence of their inhumane experiments and let them suffer the consequences for it, but seeing all these was gradually snuffing out those naïve thoughts of mine.





You can find +5 chapters ahead in my patreøn

