
The Vicious Stepmother & Her Baby Became Popular in the Internet

The almighty movie queen Ye Zhen Zhen transmigrated into the book’s cannon fodder female supporting role and vicious stepmother, her husband was rich but had a bad relationship, and her stepson was cute but ignores her. According to the plot of the original book, her cannon fodder female supporting role is about to face a miserable end. Ye Zhen Zhen thought, even though she is in a book, she is afraid that these paper figurines will fail! Facing the cold words of the fake husband. She replied: How can you, a big man with a body temperature of 37 degrees, say such cold and heartless words to his wife? Facing the unreasonable troubles from the stepson’s classmate’s mother, “Ye Zhen Zhen, you have to apologize to me.” She sneered disdainfully: “I apologize to you, you kneel down and listen?” Relying on her excellent professional skills, she turned her life around in the parent-child variety show with her baby, and became popular overnight, with constant drama appointments! The stepson who didn’t know her very well and called her “auntie”: “My mother Ye Zhenzhen is the most gentle and beautiful mother in the world!” Black fan: So what if you are beautiful, you married a bad old man for money! One day, the fake husband appeared at a charity party and introduced himself: “Hello everyone, I am Ye Zhenzhen’s husband, the rumored bad old man.” Everyone in the audience couldn’t believe it: the handsome and wealthy CEO of Media Asia Group is Ye Zhenzhen’s husband? Black fan: The slap in the face really hurts! ! !

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11 Chs

  Chapter 5 Do you want this month's salary?

Song Jinze leaned against the back seat of the car with his long legs crossed, and said in a flat voice, "Speak."

  Before boarding the plane just now, the president said that he would report to him all the news about his wife and young master's appearance on variety shows, but the hot searches on the Internet seem to be a bit...

   A little too much.

  Secretary Zhang bowed his head, clicked on the hot search page on Weibo on the tablet with his index finger, and handed the tablet over, "This...you should read it yourself."

  He couldn't speak.

  Song Jinze glanced at Secretary Zhang, "What's the matter? Talking or not knowing words?"

   It's not the words but the words that burn the mouth.

He clearly knows these words, but he feels strange when they are combined together, "President, please read it yourself!"

  Song Jinze took the tablet and glanced at the hot searches on the screen.

#Ye Jianjian is bad stepmother marrying a bad old man#

  #Xiao Yuchen asks four plus four equals#

  Song Jinze frowned: Ye Zhenzhen, Ye Jianjian is so mean?

   It said that the old man she married was himself?

  Secretary Zhang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, saw through the rearview mirror that the handsome face of his own president had darkened visibly to the naked eye.

  At the age of 28, he is handsome and rich. If he is called a bad old man by netizens, no one will be happy.

Secretary Zhang thought for a while, and added, "President, I watched the live broadcast of the wife's slander just now. She has always defended the young master. The wife and the young master are really fierce!"

Secretary Zhang expressed his admiration in Capital, and he didn't want to stop following the live broadcast for a moment.

  The corners of Song Jinze's mouth sank, thinking of the scene where the woman choked him with words in the morning, she was really good at hating people.

  He only discovered this this morning.

   "President, Madam, they are recording this variety show in a village not far from Ancheng, and the woman who had a conflict with his wife is also the wife of the director of Lemon Channel, I am a little worried..."

  Song Jinze threw the tablet aside, "You can figure it out."

   Come on!

  Secretary Zhang asked again, "Do you want to deal with the hot search?"

  Although the president said before that he doesn't care about the hot searches about his wife, but this time it's about their president, so he thinks it's better to ask.

Song Jinze raised his eyebrows, "Do you want this month's salary?"

  Secretary Zhang nodded repeatedly, "Yes, of course!"

  The image of the president must never be maliciously slandered by others!


  When the guests arrived at Changle Village, it was already past 3 pm, and the assistant called everyone to gather at the entrance of the village.

Assistant: "Welcome all mothers and babies to Changle Village. I am your accompanying assistant Xiaowen. We will spend the next week here. Then please hand in your wallets, mobile phones and all electronic devices. Products, babes turn in all the toys and treats."

Shen Yibo, who was eating bread, cried "Wow~" when he heard that the snacks were to be handed in, "I don't want to hand in the snacks~Mom, I don't want to hand in the snacks~!"

  Before departure just now, Shen Yibo filled his suitcase and small backpack with snacks, and now that the program team said they had to hand them in, he felt that the sky was about to fall.

  Han Jiangxue knelt down and hugged Shen Yibo tenderly, "Yibo, good boy, let's listen to Auntie Xiaowen, please don't cry, don't cry, dad will be unhappy when he sees you crying on the live broadcast!"

  Hearing that his father would see him, Shen Yibo's crying became much quieter, "Woo~oo~ But I don't want to hand in my snacks~"

Han Jiangxue was a little annoyed by Shen Yibo's performance.

When she was at home, she would give Shen Yibo whatever he wanted, but now that there are cameras around, she felt that she couldn't do anything, so she gently coaxed again, "Son, please be good, we can't eat now, we have to hand in these."

  Xiao Wen also persuaded softly on the side: "Yibo, leave your snacks to Auntie for safekeeping, and Auntie will return them to you after the recording of the show is over, okay?"

   "I don't want it! Ah~ woohoo~ I don't want it! You lied, and my mother lied too. When you were at home, you let me eat everything!"

  Shen Yibo cried and squatted down, hugging his small backpack tightly, for fear of being snatched away.

   It's filled with his favorite food, and he doesn't want to give it to anyone.

  Han Jiangxue patiently patted Shen Yibo's shoulder, "Calm down first, okay?"

  She looked around, thinking of finding a place to talk to Shen Yibo about the rules with the camera behind her back.

[I was like this when I was a kid, hahaha, I'm in a hurry with whoever grabs food from me]

  [Listen to Xiao Yibo, Xiaoxue treats him really well at home! ]

  [Am I the only one who feels a stepmother's doting on her child? ]

  Yang Yike held a plush rabbit in her hand. She hugged the rabbit tightly in her arms, raised her small head to look at Xu Wanjia, and asked in a low voice, "Mom, can my Nini stay here?"

  Xu Wanjia squatted down, smiled and said to her daughter, "Yiyi, ask Auntie Xiao Wen if she is, okay?"

  Yang Yike took a peek at Xiao Wen, with a timid and shy look in his eyes, and said in a very small voice, "Auntie, can I keep Nini? I can't sleep at night without it."

  Xiao Wen really wanted to agree, but the program team had a rule that all toys must be collected. She couldn't bear to refuse, "Baby Yiyi, you can't!"

  Yi pouted suddenly; tears soon came out of her eyes.

Xu Wanjia picked up her daughter and said, "Good girl, Nini is very tired playing with you. Let's give Nini a vacation and let her go to Auntie Xiaowen's place to rest for a few days. When we leave here, Nini I have the strength to accompany you, okay?"

  Yang Yike blinked her big tearful eyes, turned her little head around, and whispered, "Nini is tired, let Nini rest..."

  Xiao Wen took the little rabbit from Yang Yike's hand and gave her a thumbs up, "Baby Yiyi is awesome, don't worry, Auntie will make good arrangements for cute Nini for you!"

  Little Yiyi nodded, "Thank you~"

  Fang Xiaoyu had been on the set before, and she was already used to these rules. She obediently handed in the snacks and toys she brought.

  [The little girl is really good, Yiyi is shy and cute, Xiaoyu is generous]

  [I really want a daughter! ]

  Xiao Wen looked at An Ruilin who was standing aside, "Ruirui, you have to hand in your toys and snacks too."

  Wu Yuerou also reminded from the side, "Son, be obedient."

  An Ruilin raised his finger to Song Yuchen, "Why didn't the boring gourd be handed in?"

  Following An Ruilin's words, everyone turned their eyes to Ye Zhenzhen's mother and son, Wu Yuerou sneered, "Ye Zhenzhen, don't you have a cell phone?"

  Ye Zhen Zhen didn't bother to talk to her, without saying a word, she handed over her mobile phone and tablet to Xiao Wen.

  Seeing this, Song Yuchen only gave An Ruilin a sideways glance, squatted down his small body, opened his suitcase, and said to Little Wen, "Auntie, please check."

  He doesn't bring toys and doesn't like to eat snacks.

  [Xiaochen is so polite and cool! ]

  [How did this 5-year-old child manage to control the domineering temperament so well? Ha ha ha ha]

  An Ruilin stomped angrily, gritted his teeth and handed in all the toys and snacks he brought.

  He didn't want to be compared to Song Yuchen.

  When Xiao Wen was collecting An Ruilin's toys, Han Jiangxue hugged Shen Yibo and said to Xiao Wen, "I'll take my son there for convenience, wait a minute!"

   Ask for collection and votes!

  (End of this chapter)