
The Escape From God Valley

The eerie aura carried a sense of malevolence into it, sending shivers down my spine. My insticts screamed at me to leave, so wasting no time. I descended at Sengoku's location, the combination of the speed of my descent along with the force of gravity made my descent even quicker as I approached Sengoku's location. Sengoku, who was preparing to defend again against Whitebeard's tremor fruit based attack, lately sensed my descending figure. He could only raise his golden arms, which were coated with haki, before I gave him a drop kick from the heavens.

The impact of the attack made his puke some blood out as the ground exploded. I formed quite the crater, and when the smoke cleared. I could only see a mildly unconcious Sengoku, I guess his already fatigued body couldn't handle a sudden and powerful attack such as that. I wasted no time flying up and going to where Whitebeard was standing, he was not pleased by my sudden interruption. In fact, he looked quite visibly angry, he stared at me coldly; waiting for me to explain myself. I looked right back at him before saying, "We need to leave" Whitebeard gave no response, I guess he needs a better explaination. "Marine reinforcements....should be arriving soon" Still, no response, what's with him? As we kept staring at each other, I thought 'What's with him? Why isn't he saying anything' I racked my head for answers at his form of the silent treatment. 

Maybe he wanted an apology? However, for what? Breaking my promise to him, or interfering with the fight? Maybe both? I could only give a tired sigh before bowing my head slowly and saying, "I'm sorry for everything" Silence permeated through the air once more. I began hearing Sengoku's groans once more, it seemed that he was gradually gaining conciousness. I began to get anxious before I heard a booming laughter, "Gurararararara!!! Was that so hard? I was tracking you from the moment you left the ship! You're quite the disobedient one aren't you! Even inviting a CP0 agent aboard on my ship! Gurararara!!!!"

It had seemed that he have noticed my actions in the island while he fought. Just how powerful was this man? He patted my head with his gigantic hand before making his way back to the ship, I sighed in relief and promptly joined him as he walked down to the south shore of God Valley Island. As we walked, it seemed that he wanted to iron out our, 'differences' in casual conversation. For instance, he asked why I had invited Stussy to join the crew, I could only slowly recount what I had done when I met Stussy. He let out another hearty laugh when I told him that I killed a World Noble. I went on and explained how valuable she could be in our crew and then I added a sweetener to the persuasion by saying, "I...will take responsibility...for her" To this Whitebeard looked at me with a rather surprised look. I had never taken the initiative to take someone under my wing, in fact the only one who was close to that was Marco, and that was only because he kept engaging me in conversation. 

We kept walking in silence as Whitebeard pondered my suggestion. His silence made my anxiety grow as he made a giant leap towards the ship. I quickly grew my wings and followed him, and when he landed. He glanced at Stussy and company with a cold expression before saying, "So you're the brat that my son would be willing to vouch for, huh?" Stussy took a couple of steps back while looking at Whitebeard nervously. She looked just about ready to escape before Pops declared, "Very well, from this moment on. You are my daughter! May anyone who dares to touch you know the wrath of Whitebeard!! However, you are to stay with Boris, you understand?!?!" To this, Stussy could only nod her head before promptly making her way to my side. It seemed that Whitebeard had given her quite the scare from his demeanor.

Whitebeard looked at the trio who I had also brought into the ship. The trio was trembling at the mere presence of Whitebeard, Whitebeard then asked the trio, "So, what will you brats do? If you want, we will drop you off on an island if you do not wish to be pirates." Although the trio's body were stiff with tension, their gazes held firm as one of them, namely Bonney's future mother Ginny responded, "If you could, please drop us on a nearby Island! We do not wish to be pirates, although we are thankful for your hospitality!" 

Whitebeard continued to look at the trio with a cold expression, only to walk towards the nearest barrel and announcing,"You heard the child! Head to the nearest Island and drop these kids off!!! After that, We go to Water 7!!!" The crew cheered in unison as the ship began leaving the shores of the Island. By that time, I could sense the marine reinforcements drawing near the front of the Island. Xebec, Roger and Garp were still going at it strong. However, what attracted my attention the most was that baleful aura on one of the leading ships drawing to the Island. I tried to use my Observation haki to get a vague image of the individual, but everytime my haki would near the ship. The aura would reject my haki, I pondered how that was even possible and gave up after several attempts. 

By the time the marine reinforcments arrived on the island, we were long gone from the scene. God Valley Island was nothing more than a distinct outline on the edge of the horizon as the ship slowly made its path to a nearby island. Meanwhile, I took Ginny to Marco to see if he could help with her sickness. Marco only laughed when he heard my request, I was one to rarely talk and I only listened to him as he told stories of his vast adventures before meeting Whitebeard. He also told more stories of others who were with him when he joined Whitebeard like Jozu, Vista, Whitey Bay and others. Jozu, Vista and Whitey Bay looked quite young comparing to their appearance during the Summit War. They, frankly looked like pre teens; however, the look on their faces indicated their undying fidelity towards Whitebeard. 

Anyway, Marco looked at Ginny's body and quickly noticed her illness. His expression was quite grim as he observed the disease eat her body slowly. He looked at me before giving me a diagnosis on her condition. "I've never seen a disease quite like this before, although it looks small at first. Sapphire like scales will soon be sprouted all over her body. The best I can do is burn all the tumors that she has at the moment, however, it will be a one time thing because the disease looks like it can evolve. At most it will get her a couple of more years than she initially was supposed to have. However, other than that there is nothing more I can do." Ginny looked quite disheartened at her diagnosis. However, it was only momentarily before her expression brightened up. Saying, "That's okay! I'll be happy to know that I'll be able to live a little longer than I initially predicted, so thank you!"

We soon reached an island in which we dropped the trio on before leaving. They waved at us as we slowly left their field of vision. Stussy looked rather sad as we parted ways with them, it appears that she had grown rather fond of them during their time with her on the ship. I could only hope that Ginny would be able to spend more time with Jewelry Bonney after she was born. Although I helped, there was no known cure for Sapphire Scales. Hell the only thing I heard about it was that Dr. Vegapunk, Stussy's creator, had performed a stem cell operation on Jewelry Bonney in order to remove the disease from her blood; and that was strictly off of hearsay. I could only wish the best for them as we slowly made our way towards Water 7.

I'm sorry guys.

I couldn't actually save Ginny because Vegapunk wouldn't be able to meet Kuma and Jewelry till later on.

Introducing Vegapunk then would have vastly affected the plot.


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Love y'all!!!!

Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts