
The Vengeance Will Come ¿Eventually?

If your World End´s next is just a new beginning. Follow The Fate´s Doll in their seek of vengeance and purpose

ShadowsOverTheWall · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: The Prodigal Son

[14:00 of the 6th day. Time to Draw of Worlds: 1 days, 10 hours, 0 minutes].

Both of them already groomed and ready for the journey, they took their attire and headed towards the summoning. Musashi led the way to the place that Uzziel had observed several times during his morning training sessions with noticeable uneasiness.

They walked calmly, Uzziel enjoyed for the last time the stillness, the peace of that forest that he would probably never see again. In minutes they reached the big red arch, Musashi made a gesture after which Uzziel stopped. 

The master stepped forward in front of the structure, made a gesture with his hands and sketched some symbols in the air, then some runes were projected briefly dispersing in the air, a black veil covered the interior and soon the image of an unknown district appeared together with a smell of coal and the sound of the hammer's rumbling on the iron.

-*sigh* Uzziel-seito, it's been a long time since I've been in this forest and I owe a visit to certain.... "friends"...

They appeared in the midst of a variety of forges, smithies and factories of all kinds. The atmosphere was noisy and hot, with a gray sky filled with smoke. Different fiercely defined, sweaty, charcoal-scarred and tanned humanoids worked and interacted all around. Thousands of weapons, armor and objects of the most diverse types were observed in showcases arranged for the public. Unlike other places where Uzziel had been, streets and various vehicles could be seen all around with the industrial look of early 19th century England.

[Several superior Deities were surprised to see the young man again, next to the Swordswoman's Messiah.]

[The Protector God of the Nippon people observes the old swordsman with surprise].

[A powerful aura suppresses the vision]

Musashi looked around briefly before heading down one of the narrow streets leading away from the center. The panorama was quite similar as they walked, though the quality of the objects on display varied in quality though the young man inexperienced in the matter could denote little outside of the apparent luster and sharpness as well as the material of what he looked at.

-The man we are about to see is a great blacksmith, I will see if he is able to grant me a certain favor," said the master as he walked with a greedy expression in his eyes.

[Soul integrity: 92%]

-Will you give me a weapon? A katana wouldn't be bad, maybe some Colts or.... A staff?" thought the young man with a notorious illusion on his face while a discussion was forming in his head.

-Why would you need something more than a katana," replied an energetic male voice.

-Why not a cigar instead? Ask the big guy for one, I can't stand this abstinence any longer," recommended a seductive voice of what sounded like a middle-aged man with a touch of hopelessness.

-I'm not even sure if I'm old enough for that! Although... I've long been gnawing at that need," Uzziel replied to the seductive voice.

Something clicked in his consciousness, he was shaken by the feeling that such a comfortable discussion, seemingly natural to himself, was far from normal.

"What the fuck!" echoed inside Uzziel in three voices.

Musashi noticed that something was out of place with his disciple but preferred to ignore the strange behavior, he couldn't overreach himself more than strictly necessary.

After long minutes they arrived in front of an imposing wooden tent with runic engravings and golden details, its sky was open and smoke emanated from inside as in so many other places in the district.

Upon entering, no one greeted them, a large number of tall, burly men moved from one sector to another working on a variety of objects without paying attention to them, without eyebrows or hair, with simple clothes, aprons and black leather gloves dressed their bodies accompanied by tools of the trade.

Two large rows of work tables with ovens and other implements stretched to the sides on a gray stone floor, at the bottom a staircase of white ivory covered by a crimson carpet climbed to a more dignified workstation where a subject worked in solitude in front of a giant black oven with golden engravings and a mithril anvil where you could see the back of a subject while working diligently. 

All around resounded the crashing of the hammer on the iron with great harmony and rhythm interspersed by the cry of the blacksmiths, such a product was especially striking to the ear, a worship of fire and iron. 

As if nothing, the old swordsman led his march in the direction of the imposing throne accompanied by his only disciple in calm silence.

Uzziel marveled at the site as he climbed the stairs, a part of him curious to learn the craft, another believing it would be especially useful in his new world.

-Völundr... old anvil-head," Musashi interrupted the giant blacksmith.

[Intense pressure ripples through the surroundings].

That figure they observed in the distance was quite imposing, a back marked and worked to the limit with wide and strong arms whose veins were marked by a black leather apron and khaki pants and matching shoes. His great bearing seemed to reach 3 meters with ease, surpassing both disciple and master. A golden tan, similar to that of a bodybuilder, could be seen along with a short and wiry reddish hair.

The man dropped a golden hammer which left a noticeable mark on the floor and made a sound that echoed in the great forge. At the impact everyone stopped and formed lines at their workstations looking in the direction of the top of the forge.

 -Musashi... You murdering bastard..." said the giant seriously as he clenched his left fist.

[An intense pressure increases in the surroundings.]

Uzziel felt a shiver run down his spine but he remained impassive next to his master, even though his body indicated danger, he didn't even flinch and kept his eyes fixed on the back of the man in front of him.

In an instant he turned and lifted the swordsman up and sat him on his arm with a joyful expression on his face.

[An intense pressure disperses]

-How many eons have passed since the last time I saw you," laughed the giant.

-More than enough- answered the old man.

-And who are you, boy? I imagine you are someone special if you made this old man take the sword," he asked, focusing his gaze on Uzziel while with his free hand he stroked a magnificent reddish mustache worthy of Don Frye himself.

-I am Uzziel, disciple of Mr. Miyamoto, a pleasure to meet you sir..." Uzziel bowed and hesitated to say the intricate name for fear of messing up.

-With Vol is fine, boy. [Clears his throat] Shall we go to a more comfortable place? 

The young man and the old man on the giant nodded.

[18:00 of the 6th day. Time to Draw of Worlds: 1 days, 6 hours, 0 minutes].

The new group was led by Völundr to a parking lot where a luxurious red 4-door sports car was park.

-Mmmh... this is rather more comfortable than a horse," Musashi remarked about the means of transportation while touching the fine leather around it.

My friend, this has the power of 1100 horsepower," said the blacksmith seriously, putting on a pair of glasses that he removed from the visor and proceeded to rev the engine before speeding off in the direction of a bar named Baccus.

Neither the boy nor the swordsman had time to blink as the God set off at full speed through narrow streets avoiding cars and doing various pirouettes with divine skill to their destination.

Soon they arrived at Baccus, the red-haired man immediately got down and shook out his black leather apron.

Then, swordsman and disciple, threw themselves on the side of the vehicle, they were pale and dizzy after the very short and intense trip with one of the Great Lords of the Forge.

-Like you, my hermit friend, I have cultivated more arts, the fondness for cars in particular with the Great Disciple of the God of Racing, the magnanimous pilot Eliseo Salazar," said Völundr proudly as he got out of the car.

The front wheel on the left side disconnected and spun a few meters before falling.

-It looks like I'll have to tow it again," said the red-haired God with a thoughtful look on his face.

The old man lying with his four limbs stretched out on the floor felt relieved before getting up.

Once inside the bar, Völundr and Musashi ordered sake to start, Uzziel a juice. Food was served to them, among them traditional dishes from the Germanic cultures that worshipped the high god and other oriental ones from the now extinct Nippon.

-Now to what do I owe the honor of your visit- Vol asked as he ate and drank.

-I come to repay the favor of the last Council and take the opportunity to introduce you to Uzziel before the Draw.

-Being that you have never participated, you are a magnificent postulant, the beginner's luck is a fickle bitch and even problematic in this opportunity.

-Nothing a member of one of the Great Houses can't handle....

-Which you are not. Tell me Musashi, how is Hachi?

-I didn't stop by to see him on the way, you're the first.

-So... family problems yet?" said the giant, stroking his magnificent mustache.

-You see... we've known each other for a long time, haven't we?" said Musashi with ulterior motives and a whimsical smile.


-You know I've never asked you for anything, don't you?

-I can't say otherwise.

-You see, this poor skinny young man has to go to a distant world and you know that my style is based on the katana, don't you? And you know the situation of my world, don't you?-

The giant took out a cigar from his apron, calmly sparked his fingers after which a flame appeared, proceeded to light it and take a puff, slowly.

-Boy, give me a hand," ordered the red-haired man.

Uzziel gave a brief glance to his master who nodded.

As Vol approached him he grabbed him by the wrist, whispered something in an unknown language and proceeded to burn Uzziel right in the center with the cigar.

A burning spread from the area, the young man winced in pain.

[(notification sound) [Favor of Forge God ] acquired.]

-Ready boy, you have become an even more troublesome subject. When the time comes you will be able to forge a katana, if you practice enough, one of a kind.

The boy was surprised that it was so easy.

-Thank you, Mr. Vol and you, master," said the young man, caressing the mark left by the burn, similar to a rune.

-Boy, Think how to make a katana" the tall red-haired man demand.

Just by thinking about it, precise details and plans were drawn in his mind regarding basic aspects of a blacksmith's trade as well as the steps to forge the particular sword.

-That expression tells me everything.- Vol smiles to the boy.

-By the way, you rusty sword, you're using your authority to obstruct the rest of the geezers since you arrived, aren't you? They won't take that well even if you are their Master, Aphrodite already lived the consequences once for even less. Just... be prepared for the consequences..." observed the blacksmith with seriousness and resignation in his voice.

-Thank you Volundr," Musashi said solemnly, bowing to the man and pouring him more sake.

-The future is uncertain, my everything is in the present," Musashi said, touching the hilt of his katana.

-The old ways are not lost, I hope not to see them first hand.

They continued to share some more time until they decided to retire.

[20:00 of the 6th day. Time to Draw of Worlds: 1 days, 4 hours, 0 minutes]

Once back at the entrance of the bar, the tall blacksmith spoke: Well! While we're at it... Do you have a place to stay?

-I thank you Völundr but there is little time left and I still have... a place to visit.

-Oh... this should be interesting... I'll go with you! The forge won't be shut down if I'm gone for a while.

-So be it, our next destination is Hachiman's headquarters.

"¨¡Tanoshi-sō!" echoed in Uzziel's mind with great vigor.

The gods and the young man were escorted to a nearby teleportation point in a cab to avoid prying eyes, from there they moved to the Blood and Iron District.

-It would be best to come informed," advised a seductive voice in Uzziel's head.

Uzziel took the opportunity to check his guidebook as they made their way to the place:

[Encyclopedia Of The Endless Pantheon:

The District of Blood and Iron is the point where Deities dedicated to the art of war and martial disciplines conglomerate. It has an apotheosis Coliseum in the center where most of the disputes between the Servants of the Gods are held, both for entertainment and as a method of conflict resolution according to the Regulas Fundamentalis and smaller stadiums where other fights are held.

Hachiman: He is the Shinto Deity of War, but he is also venerated as the god of agriculture and tutelary deity of the Japanese people and the Imperial House, granting happiness and peace. He is also venerated as protector of human life and in some temples as God of sailors].

When they appeared in the new place they found themselves on the top of a hill with a simple but majestic viewpoint that allowed them to appreciate the immensity of the district and the infinity of barracks distributed orderly in wide spaces.

To a part of Uzziel it reminded him of the heyday of the Roman Empire he once studied.

-Mmh... Hachi is a bit far from this place, in honor of the time I'll use my authority," said the red-haired blacksmith.

-It seems practical to have worshippers," Musashi said.

-That's why we insisted you stubborn old man, it's a miracle that you are still on this plane.

Soon a transport escorted by beautiful winged warriors appeared.

-This is paradise!- said a seductive and lustful voice in the mind of the black-haired and pale boy. 

The transport moved them through the skies to the domains of that God that provoked emotion in the depths of the young man's soul.

Arriving from above, Uzziel saw a large rice field around a traditional Japanese hexagonal structure, farmers could be seen taking care of them, in the farthest part of the center of the structure, warriors in various armors were practicing with spears, bows, swords and horses. In the next one some were fighting individually or in groups and in the middle it was covered by a beautiful dark roof.

The procession parked at the entrance, leaving their passengers to leave immediately.

Involuntarily Uzziel waved them away, drooling as he tried to make out something under the skirts of the beautiful ladies. Regaining control, he shook his head and cleared his throat.

Turning his gaze to the front he found two magnificent and gigantic ivory Nio´s on the sides of a large dark oak gate shaped like a Torii directing their furious countenance at the newcomers.

-Guide us Musashi," the blacksmith ordered, nudging the old man's back.

He stepped forward and hit the floor in front of the gate amidst the fierce gaze of the statues.

A sound of creaking wood was heard, and a second later the great door began to open slowly.

-The prodigal son..." a voice said.

-...has returned home!" complemented another.

-Welcome back, BASTARD!" shouted a third and more furious voice.

-Oops, come boy!" the big blacksmith took the boy on his shoulder and moved nimbly to the side.

[A great pressure rocked the surrounding area.]

Uzziel watched in shock as three warriors in traditional crimson armor rushed at his master. One with spear with a height exceeding 2 meters, 2 with katanas of a height close to 170 cm, all 3 firmly countered with the unsheathing of the large and wizened swordsman in less than a second.

The clash spread a shockwave in all directions, left marks on the ground around the 4 combatants and increased the pressure on Uzziel who, while instinctively sensing the danger of the situation, kept a tight grip on the blacksmith by his scalp and mustache so as not to fall, with his eyes fixed on the confrontation.

-Good to see you boys well," said the old swordsman mockingly.

The 3 attackers backed away.

-You have kept well old- said the tallest of the crimson warriors, assuming a new posture that denoted great strength imprinted on the tip of his spear that shone in the sun.

-Here...- said one of the two swordsmen with a tiger engraving on his armor.

-... we come!" said the other one with a dragon engraving on his armor.

-Uzziel, don't close your eyes," ordered the master.

The great blacksmith laughed with his eyes fixed on the battle.

The three resumed the initiative.

The samurai with the spear advanced through the middle, making swift thrusts with his weapon. The dragon and the tiger advanced crossing between the flank attacks attacking in a finely crafted serpentine pattern. 

Even in the face of the relentless barrage of attacks, Musashi held his ground, deflecting each one with supreme speed, both with his katana and his wakizashi at an insane pace and with divine fluidity.

Musashi grinned fiercely at the rain of sharp metal that rushed at him with the intention of mortally wounding him, one after another.

The metal resounded like rain.

The blacksmith and the boy did not sleep a wink trying to watch every clash carried out by the participants of the furious joust. A few seconds later they increased the pace even more, Musashi barely moved from his place because of the powerful and tireless blows of his rivals which he could not only deflect but also had to dodge.

From a distance it seemed as if he was not moving but slowly his displacement could be seen.

Uzziel was no longer able to see most of the blows that were brewing, the pressure rose, the impact resounded, the thirst for blood increased and screams, violent screams were produced among the 4 warriors.

Already the balance seemed to break! But... they stopped suddenly.

The 4 looked at each other between agitated breaths, bowed briefly and sheathed their weapons.

-It is good to see that you have not lost your sharpness Shinmen-dono," said the tall spear warrior, giving a bow to which the tiger and dragon warriors followed suit.

-Simply a divine...- began one of the other two.

-... technique- finished the other.

-The three of you have improved, Takeda, Uesugi...- said Musashi to the duo. 

Tiger and dragon warriors smiled and returned to show their respects to the human promoted to God.

-...especially you Honda, in a couple of eons you might become unbeatable in the skies.

-Saying that even when i could not show my technique with the sword, Musashi-dono" said the tall spearman pitifully, scratching the back of his neck.

-The hands do not lie and technique does not betray when you are persistent," said the old swordsman with a smile.

Volundr took off Uzziel who was still firmly holding his hair and mustache to leave him on the ground at his side.

-The Servants of Hachiman pay their respects to the Great Nordic Forge Lord!" shouted in unison the 3 warriors in front of the door, behind them countless warriors briefly stopped their training to continue their salute.

-Who is your little companion?" asked the one called Honda.

-My first and only disciple, Uzziel.- Musashi introduced. Immediately the boy came forward with his master and bowed to the three warriors which was answered in the same way.

-So you are the Uzzy that Mona-chan was talking about," said Honda with a smile.

-Do you know Mona?

-I destroyed her in our last confrontation. Even with the grace of her Patron, to think that with her level she could defeat me was laughable, but, she gave quite a lot of trouble- the tall samurai recalled with anger and confidence with a terrified look on his face.

Uzziel thought of the strong and simple maid beaten and weak before the villainous warrior.

-After that we had a coffee and chatted about how to improve, she's quite a nice girl," he finished with a kind and sweet expression unbecoming of a warrior.

-Don't take it the wrong way...- said Takeda, the one with the tiger.

-This guy follows the Bushido to the letter..." complemented Uesugi, the one with the dragon.

-But he's a good guy," they said in unison, patting their senpai on the back, who smiled.

-You fellas came at a bad time if seeing Hachiman-kami is what you want, although it is you Musashi, I don't think he would mind interrupting his leisure," said Honda.

-Please Honda- Musashi requested solemnly.

-Keep in mind that he will be as gentle as we are," replied the tall spearman. 

The three samurai gave a sinister laugh to the group.

Uzziel swallowed spit.


After a march through the quiet rice fields that stretched around the domain, they arrived before a man no more than six feet tall, he himself wore a simple yukata with wooden sandals and a simple bamboo kasa as he asserted a staff facing away from the newcomers.

The 3 escorts in crimson armor took up the position of dogeza solemnly paying their respects to their patron. Uzziel, overcome by a sudden impulse, also followed them.

The Blacksmith God bowed to his equal.

-It is a pleasure to greet you, Hachi," the red-haired man said with a happy countenance.

"Musashi... Won't this bastard show even a little respect!" thought Hachiman with his eyes fixed on the rice field as he felt what was happening behind him. He further tightened his grip on the knob of the wooden staff he held in front of him.

-Eh, what's up, rōjin?" Musashi said.

At the swordsman's disrespect, the old man stood up, his clothes transformed into a portentous war armor of white and red colors with golden details and his hat into a jingasa stupendously decorated to match, his staff in gold shakujo with beautiful engravings.

The 4 on the floor immediately stood up and lined up to the side.

Uzziel broke out in a cold sweat.

Quickly Hachiman spun around and advanced in a flash, placing his staff just inches away from Musashi.

-Oe, have some respect for the patron of your House, kuso kenshi- he said with a menacing expression and a yakuza voice.

-That shitty temper is just as I remembered, kuso ojichan," he replied with his hands firmly on his sword, which was pointed at the belly of the old Nippon God. 

-Tch! Be thankful that the Regulas forbid us open conflict but you'll see Dōraku- the old God said with a frown as he pushed the staff away.

Uzziel breathed again, as did Hachiman's servants.

Volundr laughed briefly behind his right hand.

-In the meantime, I dislike this hermit in front of me.

Hachiman snapped his fingers. 

Musashi felt a strange sense of change.

The long-haired old man regained the bearing and form of his peak. His long beard disappeared, leaving a few days old beard, his previously loose hair was now in a bun, behind the bandage that was covering his forehead appeared a characteristic scar, his muscles regained the power of yesteryears.

The now mature swordsman grumbled briefly, resting one arm on his sword and the other inside his worn yukata.

Uzziel admired the new form of his Patron God, a part of him reminded him of the illustration in an incomplete manga he read scores of times.

-It is indeed useful to have devotees," Musashi affirmed as he appreciated his change.

-It is not only because of my devotees, stupid, it is because of my authority as Master of your House. Replied the great God.

-While we're at it, why not wear something more comfortable," interrupted the blacksmith, snapping his fingers.

Hachiman affirmed and replied to the gesture.

Immediately everyone present saw their clothes changed into expensive Valent*n* costumes. Volundr dressed Arman*...

Uzziel approached his master and murmured a question that tormented him.

-Sensei, why didn't you use your authority to make things easier for us?

-I spent eons in that forest, I didn't know I could do some complex magics and... my situation is different from the Natural Gods," muttered back.

Uzziel sighed in resignation.

-I am no longer in the mood to plow the field, let's go back," ordered the God.

At the order Honda whistled with great force.

In a few seconds a large horse-drawn carriage arrived at their location, they all climbed in and started to return to the traditional farm. It sped forward to an inner courtyard before the roofed area where several warriors were engaged in group and individual fights with a variety of weapons. When they got off, all those present stopped, observing their Master, Hachiman made a gesture, then they resume their training.

The black-haired man observed the surroundings and noticed that everything was arranged in a way that was harmonious as far as he could see, a strange sense of peace spread over him.

-The God and his escorts led Musashi's group to a traditional nobleman's hall with a large and stunning golden Buddha in a symmetrical arrangement to all the decorations and furniture.

"mmh, my house could use a lick of paint." Musashi thought as he admired the room.

Uzziel who in a short span of days had already appreciated several structures - some more amazing than others - tried not to show his surprise too much.

They sat at a large table with Hachiman at the head, seated on an imposing red armchair with golden engravings. Behind him was a large canvas in the middle of eight banners with a vertical kanji that read: "Hakki-gumi".

Each of the attendees sat in comfortable black leather executive chairs.

A part of Uzziel remembered a glimpse pictures of a famous game in his mind.

Honda positioned himself to the right of his Patron with a notebook and reading glasses. From a box arranged in front of his master he took out two cigars, one he tossed to Volundr who received it happily and the other he ceremoniously lit and carefully handed to his leader.

Hachiman smoked for a few minutes, at which time the room waited in uncomfortable silence, except for Volundr who was relaxedly lying down with his feet resting on the table, also smoking the cigar that he lit with his fingers.

-Don Hachi, I need to make use of your friendship... soon I will be involved in a problem with the Council for my behavior and I will need the support of some of the Great Ones, unfortunately Volundr does not have enough authority and although I trust that Aphrodite will support me, I do not think it will have that much effect in view of what has recently happened," interrupted Musashi nervously.

The God gave him an analytical look before leaving the cigar in an ashtray to speak.

-You didn't need my friendship. But, now you come to me and tell me..... Don Hachi, grant me justice. But you don't ask for it with respect, you don't offer me friendship, you don't even call me Kami.

-I... just...-

-No. You come to my house to interrupt my leisure and ask me to support you... With nothing in return?

-I only ask fo-r justice, to the boy...

-That's not justice. The boy lives ....

-Well then, let them suffer... as he suffers How much should I pay you?

-Musashi, Musashi... Why do you treat me so disrespectfully? If you came to me as a friend... the villains who mistreated your boy would pay today!

Uzziel didn't quite understand the situation although he still refrained from the situation. A part of him remembered a mobster movie he had seen.

-You know that is impossible, even with the intervention of the Council, it is Regula Fundamentalis, even i know.

-Indeed, I just wanted to follow a dialogue I remembered. But as I said, this will not be free. A long time ago I supported you to ascend, I gave you power and you despised it, you escaped to the depths of that Forest, you lay down to die. And well, I didn't look for you either.

-As I ascended I learned, no matter how much I expand the sword, temper it and give it a thousand forms, this tool has only one purpose, to kill. My karma should have taken me to hell, however, you and Destiny wanted to bring me here for your whims," the swordsman recalled painfully.

-You renounced the sword that gave you power, fame and fortune, that consecrated you under and above the heavens and just now you take it up again, as if nothing had happened?

-I don't deny Fate's interference, let alone that it's extremely whimsical since I've only seen the boy for a short time. But there is a part of him that moves me, one that needs to live and know the world, one that needs to experience more than defeat, one that needs to experience the sweetness of revenge, an existence that wants to be fulfilled despite the vagaries of Fate. And why not? Also, like many of us, I think it will be extremely interesting to see her development. Also, I think several of us here share an apprehension for certain bastards.

The servants of Hachiman and Volundr backed up Musashi's last words with an affirmative gesture.

-Musashi, only in life, and rarely have I seen you so interested in anything. It is also true that I desire some revenge for the losses that have been inflicted not only on me but on The House. Chaos expects it and it is more than certain that they are preparing, many strings will have to be pulled but... we need a sacrifice.

-If I can see it through to the end I don't mind being one, after all I have nothing more to offer the boy at the moment.

-Very well, first issue settled. So well you will have to swear alliance to my house and service to my person, in case you require your chosen ones will have to fight or do certain things for me, even if they may be dangerous.

-I have faith in this young man, where do I sign?

Honda quickly took out a large document from his sack and showed Musashi where to sign with his blood.

After a few minutes, a pale and anemic, and again aging Musashi, had finished signing.

-Better safe than sorry with this elusive bastard," Hachi said as he received the newly signed contract while continuing to smoke.

-I'm fine Uzziel-seito. Said the God swordsman leaning on the table motioning with his left hand.

Fingers snapped and the worn God inflate like a glove and regained his form and vigor.

-As a gesture of good faith I will teach you to use your divine authority and you boy, I grant you the mark of our House- Hachiman took his staff and tapped its base against the floor.

A burning sensation was marked on Uzziel's wrists and ankles, two thick black lines materialized on 4 of the boy's limbs.

-The Eight Standards are very versatile, learn to use them propperly and eventually you will be able to fuck with Demigods.

Uzziel was thrilled with his new gift.

[Soul Integrity: 96%]

[21:00 of the 6th day. Time until the Draw of Worlds: 1 days, 3 hours, 0 minutes].

Time passed and Hachiman's servants took the opportunity to instruct Uzziel in the use of the new ability, while the Gods spoke with their allies in private.