
The Vanoss Crew Journey to Another World

The Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT. They are consists of Seven individuals. Their Leader, Vanoss, or Evan Fong. Wildcat, or Tyler Wine. Nogla, or David Nagle. Basically, or Marcel Cunningham. Moo, or Brock Barrus. Terroriser, or Brian Michael Hanby. And lastly, the one and only mysterious of them all, Delirious. Due to unexpected circumstances, Vanoss and some of his friends found themselves in a world of fantasy alongside their Minecraft home and turned into their icon characters for mysterious reasons. How will they adapt in a world full of Monsters and Gods, where dangers that could destroy a nation in one single attack and could end the world was hidden in every corner while weapons like guns and nukes were not enough to kill them? How will they face the obstacles of the dangers ahead, while they were just mere YouTube Gamers that insults each other and making racist jokes for fun in a daily basis? Will they be able to keep the team together? Or will they split apart due to their differences? Personally I don't give a shit, but to those who do, tune in each update chapters to find out in this adventure as a full on series! . . . But... . . .  While they were having their time in this strange and virgin world. An evil has arisen in the New World, and it is up to them to defeat this evil and save the world..... Or just forget that bullshit and do whatever they want :3

Artemis099 · Derivasi dari game
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189 Chs

The Delirious' Army

In the end, the reason the creature managed to escape was that everybody underestimated it.

In fact, when the creature manipulated the A-Rank monsters to attack the group of black-dressed men the first time, its goal was never to escape. It knew that escaping under the watch of so many black-dressed men while it was at its infant state, it was nearly impossible.

No, its goal was to find the person holding the Magic Item that controls it. When it confirmed that the Magic Item was in the hands of the Captain, it achieved its goal.

Then its next plan was the most logical part of all in its plan.


Wait for an opportunity to kill him.

Captain Cost, the leader of the black-dressed men knew that the creature was cunning, but he never expected it to be this cunning. Since the start, it had managed to control a creature without injecting its flesh and blood on it.

It was the Forest Dragon, the one that killed the Captain.

That was the reason the Magic Item did not work on it.

That was the reason the Forest Dragon could burrow in the earth. It used magic to separate the earth and stones and move quickly.

In the end, the creature's plan was successful. Against all the odds, it managed to escape the black-dressed men's control.

Now, it was free.

Free to slaughter as much as it wanted.


The cry of the creature reverberated in the city and was answered by hundreds of thousands of monsters. The bloodthirsty monsters bowed to its master and welcomed its freedom.

Then, the feast of flesh and blood started.


Houses were destroyed, doors were knocked down, childrens were violently torn apart, and parents died defending their children. It was as though the monsters had turned berserk, killing even more savagely than before.

Screams of pain and fear filled the city streets. The adventurers and soldiers still defending the city watched how their comrades were slaughtered, falling under the jaws of ferocious beasts and dying with expressions of despair.

"Hey! You need to stop! We need to stop that creature first!" Marrow, the enemy demigod in dark clothing shouted to Samara, but Samara ignored him. She seemed to have blinded in anger and ignored the creature or the monsters killing the citizens.

From the moment she learned that the mysterious demigod belonged to this mysterious organization that her Church and many other parties in the entire continent hunted for hundreds of years and the very one who killed her late father centuries ago, it was as though nothing else mattered.

The black-dressed demigod clicked his tongue. 'Damn it, what is with this crazy bitch!' He then looked down at the city and his expression turned ugly.

In the current situation, his priority should be to recover the creature, however, doing so right now was the same as giving up his life to the Demigod fighting him.

Thus, he could only go for the next best option.

With a grunt, he coursed his mana through his body and released it with a blast towards Samara with a roar.


Samara received the attack with a snort. Then, she responded with a sword slash.

But suddenly, she realized that the black-dressed demigod was already two-kilometers away.

"Where do you think you are going!?!"

"Crazy bitch, I'm not fighting anymore! I need to report it to the Boss!"

After saying that, the demigod rushed out of the city. Behind him, Samara did not hesitate to chase after him.

At the same time, Brian, Marcel, Delirious, Skyler who is still unconscious and being carried by Xavier, including Count Liam were surrounded by monsters. Ten A-Rank monsters were followed by hordes of weaker monsters that bared their fangs to them.

Monsters of all ranks were attacking the Count. E-rank monsters, D-rank monsters, C-ranks monsters, and B-ranks monsters attacked him nonstop. They disregarded their own allies and attacked the Count crazily without caring about their lives.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!!" Count Liam bellowed and released sword slashes after sword slashes as he spams more of his attacks, each attack he unleash kills hundreds of monsters before he does a Unique Skill of his, killing thousands of monsters even more, but his situation quickly worsened. 

Under the besiegement of hundreds of monsters and ten A-rank monsters lying in wait, his death was just a matter of time.

Our three main idiots were in the same situation. Bloodthirsty monsters charged towards them without regard for their lives. From birds to wolves, they attacked the group wildly.

The group fought them while escaping the encirclement, but the number of monsters was crazy. Even when they were going all out, slaughtering and killing the monsters that charged towards them, the situation was not looking good.

The reason was the A-rank monsters watching the group and waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Fortunately, Xavier had acted and managed to beat the A-ranks back with its Netherite sword when they tried to attack, but even so, the situation was critical.

"Guys, we are so fucked right now if this continues!" Delirious looked at the monsters and shouted. 

"Shit, shit, shit!" Marcel's expression was grave too. Their current situation was similar to the one they faced in the forest of death a few days ago but much worse. Just the number of A-Rank monsters was countless times higher!

Moreover, there was still the strange creature watching them. They somehow could feel that this creature was a lot more dangerous than all of the monsters in present combine. Just the number of monsters it controlled was proof of its strength.

"Everyone! I said we need to hurry up or we will be fucked soon!"

Everyone beside Delirious furrowed their brows. Currently, they have two options.

The first one was to activate their elytras and fly away. With the speed of using the fireworks and the Minecraft logic of carrying Xavier, they could easily leave the city and escape.

However, it meant leaving countless innocent people to die.

The second option was to do something or kill monsters as much as possible. But killing thousands of monsters around them will drain their resources and stamina. Which in the end of the day they will not last long.

In the end, they seem to have any choice left.

Meanwhile, Delirious desperately tries to think of a plan or something for once, while his friends are fighting against a horde of monsters and they seem to struggle more and more.

If this continues, he might lose one of them.

While hope seems lost, Delirious got something in mind.

'I don't know how I got this, nor did I ever use this thing and tell others about it, but things is going to get fuck up so I should use it now.' Delirious thought, referring to the mysterious ability he had just unlocked since after the Night Attack incident. 

It was called [Shadow Extraction].

At first, he tries to use it but it's not working, he keeps trying again and again to no avail, saying it was [Sealed] or something.

But now he felt something just unlocked after he had his '1000 Kills', and yes, he counts his killings sometimes.

Then as he activates that new ability, at that moment, the eye on Delirious' eye glows brighter blue, and the pressure around him freezes the monsters, including his friends.

Even Marcel, who couldn't comprehend this feeling, a feeling of death was already near him, but didn't actually target him. 

But then, the next thing that happened made him unable to put into words what he had just witnessed next.

"What the fuck?" Terroriser cursed, feeling the same thing as Marcel when he looked around.

And then, something strange was happening before their eyes, among the horde of beasts, there was a strange black smoke rising from the corpses of the dead magical beast which seems to be the ones that Delirious killed.

After a brief moment, Delirious, who was behind the two, spoke out of instinct.


And with that-


With a heavy moan that came from somewhere, the shadows of the magical beasts, men, and anything that Delirious had slain started quivering as if they were alive. The three looked around them. Many of the dead beasts' shadows were moving. A black paw appeared from one of the shadows. Then it placed itself on the ground and seemingly pulled itself up from the shadows.

"Holy shit!" Marcel's eyes were wide open.

Covered from head to toe in pitch black furs, the dark beasts started appearing one by one from the shadows.

'Is this a skill? From who?' Basically thought as he questions. But when he turns to see Delirious, he now realizes who it was.


Before he could utter a word, several dozen shadow monsters had risen.

All of the magical beasts moved backwards in instinct, feeling incredibly wary or fearful towards their former comrades.

A dozen of Shadow Beasts then began to move forward, surrounding Delirious before turning to face the magical beast with bloodthirsty looks.

"God damn... that is cool." Delirious said, feeling excited about this.

But it's not over yet, out of nowhere, more shadow creatures came out around them, from the rooftops, alleyways, and inside the buildings.

In fact, all of them are the victims that Delirious had killed in the previous chaptees, such as the Tempest Fennec, and dozens of humanoid shadows.

These humanoid shadows were no doubt that they are humans.

More accurately, they are mostly Count Liam's men.

But now... they are Delirious' men now.

'What the hell is this...?' Count Liam, who was still slaughtering the monsters in the distance couldn't help but open his eyes widened with a feeling of slight fear as he had never seen it like this.

Although he had never seen this before, the pressure... and the aura..... is all very familiar to him.

'...They're the Undead.'

or Shadow Soldiers. 

They were a rare type of undead creatures created from a corpse's shadow.

The Count gulped.

But then, all of a sudden, a large flying creature flew above the gang, it then instantly landed on the ground, creating a gust of wind that cleared the blood and the dust as it stood near Delirious.

"Woah!" Delirious yelped at the sudden appearance of the creature, when he looked at it, he felt familiar with this creature.

Though its body is now completely in dark mist and its eyes were blue, its figure resembles a Griffin.

In fact, it is the dangerous creature Death Griffin that killed a hundred adventurers with its aura alone, the one Delirious had killed back then.

With its cry, its instant death aura extends, any weak monsters that near its range instantly dies. As for Marcel and Terroriser, they somehow weren't affected by it.

The reason is because the Death Griffin intentionally controls its aura not to affect friendlies as it sees those two were helping its master, it now knows the two were its master's allies or friends.

Looking at the Death Griffin in awe, Delirious stretched his hand to the right. The Death Griffin, even a hundred Shadow Monsters around them turned right. He slowly moved the hand to himself. The creatures followed his hand and faced forward. 

In the middle of their gazes stood Delirious. He calmed his already dead heart and lowered his hand.



All the shadow monsters, even Shadow humanoids kneeled before him. It was all moving according to his will.

"Holy Big Chins of Thanos, I have now already become King Delirious! Even my own Delirious Army!
