
The value of a hero

This is a story about Doryoku Suzuki, a kid whose powerful and uncontrollable quirk gave him many problems throughout his life, and who unlike everyone else, his only dream and goal is to help his mother instead of being a hero. —The story mostly takes place at the same time as when Aizawa was studying at the U.A. —Bnha and the image on the cover don't belong to me obviously. —Any advice to improve the writing is welcome.

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62 Chs

It was to be expected

[One week later] [Tuesday—10:00am]

At UA, the group ate leisurely like every day, with Oboro choking on his food from eating too fast like usual, Aizawa almost falling asleep at times, etc. In short, something common.

Today especially was a day when spring was at its peak, in fact seeing petals not only from Sakura, but even from various flowers, was very easy to appreciate.

Everything normal, except for one small detail...

"Hey grey-haired, where's the red-haired emo?" Mirai said with a bit of curiosity not seeing Doryoku anywhere after a few minutes of eating.

"Oddly, I was going to ask the same thing, I didn't see him in class today" Yoshino said with a bit of curiosity too and even a bit of concern.

"We all fall asleep at some point... At least that's what I suppose" Aizawa said with a thoughtful and somewhat tired tone.

"Well... Let's just say that Doryoku doesn't get along very well with spring" Oboro said with a slight nervous smile increasing the group's curiosity a little.

"He doesn't get along in what sense" Azami said with some confusion at the vagueness of that answer.

"He's allergic to something... Although none of us is sure what specifically, but at least one spring day he catches an allergy" Oboro said with an explanatory tone while the rest understood perfectly, especially Mirai.

"That doesn't surprise me that much, I'm more surprised that he was absent due to a simple allergy" Aizawa said giving another good question to the strange topic of conversation.

"Oh no, when I went he sneezed about 20 times in the five minutes I spent there, and yet he was practically leaving his house" said Oboro narrating the story that happened to him when he arrived at Doryoku's home.

"The reason why he stayed at home is much simpler, and it is that his mother forbade him to come, in addition to the fact that she took the day off to take care of him, and with that it is impossible for him to come" said Oboro with a slight smile at the remember Doryoku feeling nervous about skipping classes despite everything.

"This looks very familiar, doesn't it Mira?" Yoshino said with a slight smirk as she looked at Mirai and she looked away denying any coincidence.

"Anyway, I recommend that you prepare yourself, today will surely be a complex and exciting day at least once" Oboro said with what seemed to be a lot of expectation leaving the rest confused.

"Uhhhh, what will happen? Tell me!" Hizashi said getting too quickly carried away with excitement and intrigue.

"I don't know, probably something big! After all the days when Doryoku skips school are always full of events" said Oboro getting carried away with anticipation too and quite excited.

"Pfff, it sounds like something a child or a zodiac believer would say, surely you're exaggerating" Yoshino said with a rather noticeable mocking tone and disbelief just like the rest.



"I received new information students, so I will get to the point, today you will choose your internships for a few months, this is because in recent years the employment rate of new heroes has skyrocketed more and more, so much so that many agencies are not big enough" Last laser said in an explanatory tone while going through some documents.

"You see, maybe you are from the UA, but that does not give you the right to take away or secure a place in agencies, not because all heroes are fair, don't be innocent, it is because after all the reputation matters much more than the whim in a company" said Last laser looking up from his documents and with a serious tone, then letting his students draw their own conclusions.

Yoshino quickly understood Last Laser's words, but that wasn't the important thing, the important thing was her blank expression since the gray-haired demon was right.

"Oh yes, I can already see the world burn" Oboro said without being surprised at all and with a wide smile of superiority.

Everyone in the class quickly chose their place to do their internships even under all that pressure, except for Oboro and Aizawa, who didn't exactly know what to do now.

"Apparently it's worse than I thought, not even Dead Bandage has openings" Aizawa said with a slight tired and indecisive grimace and quickly noticing the lack of that 'special treatment' that the first year students got when they were chosen before.

His quirk was very simple, that's why he himself always went with Dead Bandage, maybe it sucks because he doesn't learn variety, but it's not like he can suddenly shoot lightning from his eyes when going with someone different.

"I... I have no idea, I don't have anything else to learn I think" said Oboro also with a thoughtful tone without even knowing who to choose.

He already learned the basics, stealth, teamwork and even area attacks, but after practicing martial arts all his life there wasn't much he could really learn.

Or actually there was, that was the paperwork and general rules of being a hero, plus all the legal and police procedures, it's just that Oboro avoided that at all costs.

"I recommend that you think about it, preferably that you have your decision ready today or tomorrow" Last laser said without looking up from his documents and with a warning tone.

"By the way, where is Suzuki Shirakumo? For a moment I thought that for once he had fallen asleep" said Last laser after noticing the absence of a student for so long with ease, since it made him strange not only that but neither see him when he arrived.

"He's sick Laser-sensei! You see-" Oboro said out loud and prepared an excuse in case he needed it until he was cut by Last laser.

"No explanation is needed, I imagine he must have a good reason, after all he has good judgment" Last laser said with a calm tone and looking back at his documents.

'Of course... A very logical reason' everyone who knew the story thought at the same time with the same nervous expression.

"I would tell you to tell him as soon as possible about the internships, but it is somewhat predictable what he will do and where he will go" Last laser said ending the topic as Oboro also knew the answer.

After this, many other things happened, each one more crazy and less likely than the last, to the point that the hero classes were based on games of chance, why? Well, apparently you needed to know how to play poker to go unnoticed better in any bar.

And finally the day ended, with a Last laser class that didn't include getting stabbed or anything nasty, that was the craziest part of the day.

"I don't want a word about this gray-haired, I'll break your face if you do" Yoshino said with enough anger to which Oboro remained silent, but his superior smile was much more annoying.

"I think I'll finally be able to sleep today, I didn't take a trauma today!" Hizashi said with a wide smile of triumph at not being traumatized by Last laser today.

"It's not a big deal, that never stopped me after all" Aizawa said shrugging his shoulders since when sleeping, traumas weren't worth much.

The group of would-be heroes continued to walk through the halls of the UA on their way to the exit, thus passing through several heroic classrooms, including the one in class 3-A.

"Hey guys, what's suppppp!!" Nerumi said leaving her classroom abruptly and scaring the group, this time it was lucky that Doryoku wasn't present.

"Ohhh, Yoshino! Nice to see you again!" Nerumi said with a wide smile and leaning closer to Yoshino especially.

She just smiled kindly as usual although she didn't feel completely uncomfort yet… The problem was the 'yet'.

"Nerumi-chan, you look so beautiful today!" said one of the would-be heroes from class 3-B with a rather pathetic attitude.

"Ohh, thank you very much little one, it's such a delight your gesture" Nerumi said with his typical flirtatious attitude and causing Yoshino to twitch her eye out of her control completely.

Oboro moved away and traded places with Aizawa strategically and with great caution, so much so that only Aizawa noticed.

"Sorry Nerumi, I have to get home early, we'll talk another day!" Yoshino said still smiling kindly and then quickly left the place before everything ends badly.

"Oh see ya Yoshin-" Nerumi said not being able to say goodbye completely due to Yoshino's speed.

"Hey Kayama-san, nice to see you again!" Oboro said being the first to greet her and being the most sociable, at least when Hizashi has no idea what is happening.

"Right, I always end up getting off topic! I wanted to ask how your second year internships went" Nerumi said clearing her mind and getting back to the point of her greeting.

"How did you know so quickly?" Aizawa said getting a bit suspicious of the information speed.

"It's something quite normal actually and you see it almost every year, in fact I lived it, and that's why I met purple highness" Nerumi said with an explanatory tone and also something nostalgic when remembering her second year.

"You see, in the first year they give you priority to be able to measure your potential, in the third year it is VERY easy to get an internship since basically you will be a worker in that agency in a few months, but in the second year the lack of experience and the greater demand for the last two mentioned makes it much more complex" Nerumi said in an explanatory tone, making the rest quickly understand the point.

"I'm surprised you can explain yourself so well" Aizawa said with visible surprise at Nerumi's explaining ability.

"Huhu, I'm a great event organizer, that's why I'm the president of my class" Nerumi said with great pride at her skills.

"Of course, it's probably because of that and not because of the brainless followe-" Aizawa said sarcastically until Oboro covered his mouth so he wouldn't say anything potentially harmful.

"W-well it turns out that we have no idea where to go, maybe you could advise us hehe" Oboro said with a little nervousness and tried to change the subject.

"Of course, indeed purple highness needs staff, but since he is very selective they left the job to me, so I can choose you!" Nerumi said with a wide smile as Aizawa and Oboro thought about it for a bit.

"The bad thing is that there are only two vacancies left, there is no room for the redhead, by the way why is he blonde now?" Nerumi said a little embarrassed and looking more carefully at Hizashi who hadn't said anything.

"Hello babe!! We haven't introduced ourselves properly yet I'm Hizashi Yamada!!" Hizashi said greeting Nerumi quite energetically as it was obvious that he felt somewhat left out of the conversation.

"Ohh, I remember you! It's true we didn't introduce ourselves well I'm Nerumi Kayama!!" Nerumi said remembering Hizashi with great emotion hearing how strong and animated his voice was.

"It's not necessary, Doryoku will go somewhere else so the two of us is enough" said Oboro still smiling slightly and accepting the proposal.

"Hey, I haven't accepted the proposal yet" Aizawa said with a blank expression not wanting to be involved in such a mess.

"Would you rather that or a hero in tights with no company?" Oboro said throwing a question quite difficult to refute.

"I'll think about it" Aizawa said trying to find another option at all costs.

"Great then I'll see you there, it's still a few months away so get ready!" Nerumi said with a lot of expectation before leaving the place after talking some more.

And after this the day ended, a day full of strange events, although with Doryoku's absence it was to be expected.

Sorry the delay of a week buds, but I have have many things to do lately, anyways here is a new chapter.

Grim_Jestercreators' thoughts