
The Untouchable Hunter — (Solo Leveling x Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction)

An experienced D-rank hunter by the name of Kim Bora has a near death experience in a dungeon raid with his guildmates. He has double-awakening that grants him a system and not just any system. It's the Satrou Gojo template system.

Lway20 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"Why couldn't you have died sooner, you bastard."


"My clothes are ruined," Kim said to himself examining his shredded clothing as he stood up.

"My injuries are really bad. Dad's gonna have a heart attack if he sees me like this... Haha," he laughed to himself noticing the red lines running deep across his chest and the cuts on his forearms.



[Valor: 18]



"Valor increased a lot during the fight... It must have been what allowed me to power through the pain I was feeling from that bastard raming me into every wall of this room," Kim said thinking back to his recent fight with the giant red fox. He saw his wounds were healing slowly but surely. They stopped bleeding and the pain numbed during the fight allowing him to fight even better, it must mean that his Valor star is a passive healing boost.

"Six eyes? What's that?" he questioned as he stopped on the passive trait he had unlocked during the fight.





Six eyes -

A rare ocular ability that allows for the precise manipulation of mana to the atomic level. Grants the ability to see the world in great detail and the ability to distinguish and understand any technique the user sees.

Improves Sense Stat (+)

Improves Agility Stat (+)

- Consumes 1 stamina every hour it's active - ]



He widened his virbrant, crystalline blue eyes at the description of the passive skill he was granted by the system. 'These eyes really are something, huh. I can see so much, the sensory overload is honestly kinda overwhelming... Wait it's a passive skill does this mean I can't turn it off?' he mused looking around the dungeon with his enhanced perception spotting multiple mana signatures outside the boss room. "Limitless...?" he questioned reading further into the skills list.





Limitless -

Is a complex technique that brings the mathematical concept of infinity into reality. Anything that attempts to penatrate the infinity slows down and then stops before it can reach the user.

It also allows the user to interact with space-time on the atomic level, with the precise manipulation of mana.

- Consumes 5 HP every minute it's active -]




'A technique that requires my lifeforce to keep active! It seems that it should be used in tandem with the six eyes,' Kim thought.

The six eyes granted him the ability to manipulate his mana on the atomic level and the Limitless was a technique dependent on the manipulation of mana on the atomic level to interfere with space-time.

'One cannot be effective without the other... I'll have to use the technique sparingly when I enter a dungeon if I don't want to tire myself out,' Kim concluded after checking all of his new skills.

"I wonder if there is anyway to train this technique..."




[Instant Dungeon:

The boss has been slain.

The dungeon's interior will now revert back to normal.]




The system notified Kim as his surroundings changed completely leaving him standing in the middle of the Bus terminal building. He looked out a window ahead of him and noticed a crescent moon shinning in the night sky.

"It's nighttime. I must have been fighting the whole day," he commented absentmindedly as he picked up his torn up backpack and headed out of the building through the glass sliding doors.


The crystal blue eyed man was walking down the street heading to Hapjung Station when he heard a giant explosion a few city blocks away from him. He looked up, his eyes quickly honing in on the cause of the commotion in the distance.

'A Dungeon break... How curious,' he quirked his lips a bit as he made his way over to the 5m tall blue mana figure that the six eyes easily discerned for him.


Dungeon breaks are a rare occurance in the well established Hunter system, but they do occur. In such an event the military personnel nearby are despatched in order to buy time for hunters to arrive and deal with the threat since guns were in effective against monsters. The soldiers were just cannon fodder, but someone had to be sacrificed in order to facilitate the evacuation of citizens in area.

"What are you doing here sir! Didn't you hear the broadcast about the dungeon break!" a serious, camo wearing military soldier yelled at Kim. He paused, however, after noticing Kim's ripped up clothing, "Are you perhaps a hunter?" he asked Kim in a lower but still serious tone.

"Yeah, I am," Kim nodded. The soldier then did a salute and asked if he could guide Kim to the battlefield to help the other hunters with the dungeon break. Kim just nodded and quickly followed the soldier to the scene of multiple D-rank hunters fighting a E-rank Boss golem monster.

There were multiple barrier rails put up to keep citizens away from the battle between the hunters and monster in the middle of the street. Cars were wrecked and flipped over, monster corpses littered the street as well, and spider cracks ran along the walls of buildings in area.

"Please don't take photos!"

"Please leave quickly!"

"Please evacuate!"

Multiple soldiers yelled out at citizens trying to get them out of harms way.

"What are the hunters doing?"

"How long are they going to fight it?"

"I wish they beat it quickly."

"What a mess."

"That's a lot of damage, what if the land value drops?"

Were some of the comments of the massive crowd that built up to witness the action between the hunters and the giant rock golem.


"This just happened recently?" Kim asked the military soldier next to him. He saw the archer hunters launching multiple magic arrows at the golem only for them to not do any damage.

"No it's been like this for a couple of hours actually. They've managed to keep the damage to a minimum though," the soldier answered Kim.

'This is what must have happened when that high orc escaped the C-rank gate after killing my squad,' Kim thought to himself as he glared at the giant monster. He continued to watch the battle go on as the only D-rank hunter there couldn't do any significant damage because he was defending the others from the monsters devastating physical attacks.

"Healers! Please heal the tank!" a hunter with spiked black hair shouted out as he was watching their, sliver armored hunter, best chance getting overwhelmed by the golem's relentless attacks on his shield.

"We're trying our best!" one of the healers yelled back as he was struggling to heal one of his downed comrades. "What are the damage dealers doing? It's not budging!" he argued back, looking at the unhindered attacks of the golem in front of him.

"Its defence is too high! Unfortunately we don't have many magicians!" one of the archers yelled back as he saved by the D-rank tanker from a deadly swing by the boss golem.

'It seems this team was called together on short notice. They have no semblance of teamwork. 8 E-rank and 1 D-rank is the attack group. The healers are 2 D-ranks and 1 B-rank, but she doesn't seem to be in the game at all,' he thought analyzing the group from the back of the crowd.

"Hey! Miss, what are you doing!? I need healing!" one of the archers wearing a green rain coat yelled out to a young, pretty orange haired woman. She was wearing a long red scarf around her neck with a long brown coat.

"You said you were a B-rank healer! Why are you spacing out!?" the crossbow carrying archer yelled at the orange haired woman again. The pretty woman looked stunned at being called out for her lack of healing up until this point.

"S... Sorry!" she cried out, immediately setting up a powerful healing magic circle to heal the green coat wearing archer.

"What's up with her?" the archer muttered under breath as she looked at the trembling form of the orange haired woman.

Kim witnessed the whole exchange with blank face knowing exactly what was up with the orange haired woman. 'She's experiencing PTSD, it's the same thing I had when I entered the instant dungeon... She's handling it pretty well considering the circumstances," Kim commended the woman's bravery in his head watching her healing everyone very efficiently after hardening her resolve.


"Mmh..." Kim hummed as he noticed a considerable spike in mana from a long ways behind the crowd with his eyes. His six eyes ability didn't allow him to miss anything and he certainly noticed the chipped and blunted sword flying through the air with impossible speed straight for the golem's head.


"If this goes on we'll all die!" one of the D-rank healers yelled.

"If a high-rank hunter doesn't come...No! No! The tank might die at this rate!"

"What do you want us to do?! Our magic is running out!"

The hunters continued yelling at each other as they were slowly being beaten down by the giant golem. The golem began to collapse as it was struck in the head by a fast flying projectile. The hunters saw this and immediately unleashed all their remaining mana attacks on the monster to defeat it.


'That's really fast! I wonder who threw that?' he thought widening his vibrant blue eyes at the power, because he didn't expect anything like that from the hunters on show in front of him.

He turned his head to see a messy black haired man walking away from the scene very quickly. His black hoodie was cut up on the biceps and ripped on the lower back with his matching black sweatpants being scuffed up from the grime of a battle.

'Such force behind that throw. He's D-rank level and he took it out in one shot,' Kim thought astonished at the level of power the retreating black haired man displayed. "I feel like this won't be the last time I'll see him," he smirked to himself as he watched the hunters celebrate the defeat of the boss golem.

Valor is inspired by the GOW Ragnarok game mechanic. It's when Kratos can heal in small bursts with his rage whilst getting a boost in strength.

I also took inspiration from the gojo vs toji fight where gojo was somehow able to survive getting stabbed 58 times before his reverse curse technique kicked in and healed him.

I'm sorry if it's a little confusing to follow.

Lway20creators' thoughts