
The Untouchable Hunter — Solo Leveling x Jujutsu Kaisen (Discontinued)

An experienced D-rank hunter by the name of Kim Bora has a near death experience in a dungeon raid with his guildmates. He has double-awakening that grants him a system and not just any system. It's the Satrou Gojo template system.

Lway20 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Back to work

I don't own solo leveling or Jujutsu Kaisen


"I feel like this won't be the last time I'll see him."


A loud knocking could be heard throughout the confines of Kim Bora's humble apartment. Kim heard the knocking and got up from bed very irritated at having his sleep interrupted.

He was wearing a light blue shirt with black sweatpants and matching black slippers to move across the apartment room.

"Who the hell is knocking on my door so early?" he yawned whilst walking to the door to greet the annoying visitor.

"I see you still can't knock on doors properly, Kil Mi young," the crystal blue eyed hunter commented on his oddly dressed landlord. "What are you doing here so early anyway?" he continued.

She was wearing her favorite sunshine yellow dress, that went up to her thighs, with a pink sweater and red laced up flat pumps.

"Early? Dude, it's 12 o'clock," Mi young said, but Kim just rose a brow and said, "It's still too early," he looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"Whatever! I'm just here to say that you're dad was here yesterday. He wanted to check on you after you were discharged from the hospital," she explained with a wave of her hand as she made her way into the apartment.

"Did you give him my letter?" Kim asked as he closed the door and walked to the kitchen.

"Yeah I did and he was pretty shocked. I wonder what was in that letter?" she asked Kim with a hand on her chin. Kim just chuckled internally, he wasn't looking forward to the confrontation with his father after what he wrote in the letter.

Mi young paused for a moment and rose a brow while looking Kim up and down with her hazelnut eyes.

"What?" he asked with an annoyed look on his face.

"Have you been working out?" she questioned him on his very visible physical changes, because she didn't remember him being that tall or being that toned.

"Yep," he answered.

"What happened to your eyes? They were black yesterday weren't they?" she questioned him on his vibrant blue eyes.

"Oh! Uh... I got contacts yesterday, because my eyesight got really bad. Probably from all the magic in the gates," he lied smoothly with a small laugh under his breath.

"Those are some really flashy contacts. Do men your age even still grow taller, I swear you were shorter a few weeks ago," she continued to question him with a raised brow.

"What do you want, Mi young?" he deflected the conversation away from his physical changes by approaching the very colorfully dressed woman. He stood right in front of her and tilted his head down a bit due to the height difference.

"Hey! Back up you're too close, Bora," she blushed a bit at the close proximity of the well-toned hunter. She cleared her thoart and said, "I'm here to tell you that you're two months behind on your rent. If you can't pay right now I can delay it for another month," she explained to Kim.

"Nah! I'll get it to you by the end of the day," he said nonchalantly, yawning and scratching the back of his head. "If that's all you came to say then you can make you're way out," he said, basically shoving his landlord out of his apartment room.





[Quest Instructions:

Daily Quest - The path to the strongest

(Incomplete) Running — 10/10km

(Complete) Meditation — 0/40 minutes

(Complete) Push-ups — 100/100

(Complete) Squats — 100/100

(Complete) Sit-ups — 100/100

Warning: Failure to complete daily quest in the allocated time will result in a penalty.]





'Meditation took a while for me to understand, but I think it correlates to my Focus Stat and the six eyes. The six eyes allows me to perceive one second in reality into well over a minute's worth of time. This works well with my enhanced perception allowing me to analyze and calculate the position of everything within my line of sight instantly. But the downside of that is the extreme mental fatigue it leaves me with. Meditation helps me mould the mana in my body better, working well with the precise control that using Limitless requires. And the higher my Focus Stat is, the less chance there is of me frying my brain from all the information the six eyes processes in a short amount of time. Focus is important, because I have to distinguish the threats coming to my infinity and alter the properties manually to stop incoming attacks,' Kim thought as he was looking through his daily quest to find out what he still needed to do. "I guess I can meditate later," he concluded after looking at the daily quest screen.


"I'm a guild bound hunter which means I have a salary instead of making huge amounts of money from one raid. My paid is dependent on the number of raids I participate within a month. I was hospitalized for majority of this month which means I'll only get the minimum salary cap that the guild is allowed to give," Kim theorized to himself as he sat down on the couch with his phone in his hand.

He needed to find a way to make fast cash, because the minimum salary that the guild was allowed to give him wasn't enough to cover his two months late rent. He may have been a hunter, but he wasn't a high ranked one which meant that the guild didn't invest in his talent as much as they would if he was a B or A-rank hunter. 'But now I'm reawakened and I can get stronger every fight. There are unsavory characters out there that might feel threatened by my ability to grow so quickly and have me killed...' Kim thought to himself as he closed his crystal blue eyes.

"I'll just have to get more powerful then," he smirked

He went back to his phone and continued to scrolling through. "There must be an attack force out there that's desperate enough to accept someone like me," Kim said scrolling through his phone.

"What's this?" he stopped scrolling as he read through something that interested him greatly.


Kim was wearing a purple, high collar, sleeveless shirt with matching gray pants and sneakers. He had arrived at the location of the attack force that accepted him last minute.

"I hope I'm not too late," Kim said. He was scanning his soon to be teammates with his crystal blue eyes. He would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed. '6 C-ranks and 3 D-ranks, not a bad attack force for a C-rank Gate,' Kim thought.

"Ah! You made it just on time. You're Kim Bora right?" asked Lee Min Su. He had a clean shaved face with high cheekbones that complimented his face very well. He was of average height and had slim figure with little to no muscle definition. Despite that he carried a big mace on his back and wore silver, metallic arm and shin guards with black steel tipped combat boots.

Kim nodded his head at the question. "Good, I'm Lee Min Su, the leader of this attack force. You're a pretty experienced D-rank hunter, but this will be your second C-rank raid correct?" Kim nodded his head again at the question. His white hair hanging loosely over his eyes.

"You won't be required to fight just like we agreed upon over the phone, but you'll still get 2 million won. Pretty good deal, right? Here's your contract," Min Su explained handing over a piece of paper to Kim. Kim accepted the paper and scanned it briefly before nodding his head and pocketed it away.

"If I won't be fighting, what will I be doing then?" Kim asked. Min Su just smiled and pointed at the heavy bags to the right of him. He explained to Kim that he would be carrying the attack force's equipment.

'So I'm basically a porter...' Kim thought to himself. He went to go pick up the bags and walked over to the rest of the group.

There's a rule that when entering a C-rank Gate, there must be at least be 10 or more people and at least half of them must be C-ranks. This attack force barely had the bare minimum number without Kim joining at the last second, but despite that they all seemed pretty confident.

"Do you have a healer?" Kim asked.

"Nah! It's too difficult to get those guys to join a personal attack force. It's fine, we always did it this way," Min Su explained with a charming smile on his face. Kim frowned a little at that tidbit of information. An attack force of only tanks and damage dealers is not uncommon, but highly inefficient.

"It's time to go!"


"Woah! The entrance looks big."

"That's unusual. Is this really a C-rank Gate?"

"Are you doubting the association's measurements?" Min Su rose a brow at the comments of his team. The size of a gate didn't matter, what mattered was the magical energy flowing within. The Association determined the amount and quality of the energy and assigned a rank to it. Large Guilds like the Hunters Guild dealt with B-rank and higher ranked gates whereas lower ranks weren't that dangerous.

'That's usually the case....' Kim frowned as he thought back to the unfortunate experience on his first C-rank Gate.

"You guys better be ready, because I'm heading in," Min Su said loudly. He entered the gate with no hesitation and then, after a few moments, was followed by his attack force.

"Let's do this." Kim took a shaky breath as he was the last one to enter.




[Name: Kim Bora Level: 18

Title: Lynx Predator Fatigue: 7

Job: None

HP: 2100

MP: 310


Strength: 41

Agility: 43

Focus: 30

Sense: 29

Valor: 18


Remaining Stat points: 0]


