

After waking up and following the same schedule Hana get ready for her day after reaching at uni day went as usual untill break  where someone uproach to talk with her to her surprise it was him , the one she was thinking bout all this time , shock was clear on her face like se have met a ghost  until he called again and said "excuse me mis youare actuallysitting on my table , i dont mind-" got cut off by hana "i am s..sorry ... i. .i.. i. w.. will leave " when he saw all the tension on her face he immediately understood she is an introvert and nervous right now so he decided to leave her alone after he left a girl approached her saying  "he is mine , dont go near him " by this time Hana has finished her food she stood up and left without saying anything and the girl was dumbfounded left by herself this whole scenario was witnessed by the guy he try to hold his laugh and left ...

Today was some extra class so Hana went to her class with few other students who were I terested , they all settle down the teacher came in but Hana was too busy with her work to notice him the teacher went there to see what the girl was busy doing while he was standing behind her she was facing some issue solving a problem he bent down to tell her she was shocked but he said I am you senior who got your class to take care of today to practice management . Okk was all she said before turning towards him , it is him she thought not noticing how close they were , he explained the answer and went to the front of the class and started teaching ...when it was almost time to go home Hana had this feeling that Someone was looking at her so she turned around to find who was it but to her surprise it was no one from the class but when she turned her head forward it was the new teacher She was in shock and couldn't figure out why was he looking at her and thought she had made some mistake and going to get punished by the new teacher as soon as he realised that she is a mess he turned around and walk  the way so she could be calm as he already knew that she realised he was staring her , the time was over and everyone walked back home including Hana.... days went by and the boy and Hana became really good friens  ... Time skip to few days latter

Aura - " hana here you are i was looking for you ....ya know " "Aura you were looking for me b..but why?" "You were not feeling well today morning so I thought I might help you but you seems to be fine but HANA ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING " Hana - "dont shout ya know a.. and I m okk dont worry "

Aura - "hey I m not shouting and you were just zoning out so don't say that you are OK.... wanna talk "

Hana -  " I guess I trust you enough "