
flooded memories

Hana wakes up to her alarm with the same old expression on her face accepting nothing , following her usual routine she got ready and started walking towards her destination where after 86meters of distance she thought about if she really loved the door or not after having a debate with herself she finally decided to take a look and marched back towards the place she call her home and she was not surprise to see locked door after getting more disappointed with herself she went to class where she realise every student has already arrived , the emberssed girl walked to her seat feeling all the eyes on her .... the teacher entered the class and took attendance which was a big mission for someone like her after that the class started

Time skip to the break time

Hana was sitting ready to eat her sandwich with some juice when she realise she forgot it at the counter she went back to take it back where she saw him the memories started flooding her mind barely able to hold back her tears she went back with the juice and ate her sandwich after that there was still some time left when she went to one of the washrooms and relised her tears it was shocking how is that even possible "ho...ww cou....could s..ome....one looks so a...li..ke" her voice cracked as tiny droplets started rolling her eyes soon her face was stained with all the crying she did silently in the corner after some time she went back to class

After class way back home her mind was filled with all thoughts about that guy "how can he looks just like him .....I can't believe my own eyes " with that in mind she totally forgot bout other people on the street and bumped into someone or maybe something it was a pole she reaches home and changed her clothes and she also cooked some food for herself and ate after doing all the chores she went to sleep with tear tainted face thinking about all the stuff that has happened.

I know chapter is short and not quite good but eng is not my first language