

Two inseparable siblings ,born without asking to be, but the universe is really harsh on the both of them. Although the universe and the Deities have turned their backs on them , they refuse to leave each other and promise each other to have each other's back always An unexpected revelation is brought on their feet , a drastic one .Will this finally separate the inseparables or will it relieve them of all the pains and the hardships the universe had laid on their paths…...? ""Run Adrianna Run!! ",a voice was heard not so far away ."No Adrian I cannot leave you here alone remember rule number 12",**sniffs*." I won't be the damn first one to break it"Adrianna concluded ."Just go I will be fine go!!",shouted Adrian as he heard the footsteps of their back stabbers near .He groaned in pain trying to stand up .They had hurt him a lot  ,a pack of strong able werewolves against two teenagers was totally unfair . There was shuffling behind him when he looked , he saw his lovely sister in all her wolf glory ,He couldn't help but gulp and soon thoughts were forced into his head, telepathy, okay he knew this was coming .'I thought I freaking made it clear that I ain't leaving you  stated as she stepped towards her brother. She clutched what was left of his tattered T-shirt and helped him to his feet and unto her back 'Now hold tight , won't u now big bro', Adrian groaned and then smiled as he could feel his sister's smirk and just like that there were on the run ,he didn't call her FLASH for nothing......

Britney_Bushe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs




One year later

Josh can be seen sitting in his office, flipping some documents over and over. He decides to ring a call to his assistant ,Laura because this was becoming stressful more and more .Something wasn't adding up .The door of his office budged revealing Laura ,"yes boss you called me ,anything wrong?",she asked ,wearing her best seductive smile. She always had a crush on the boss ,who wouldn't be?,she gawked at his muscles and his perfect face and everything felt complete for her.

Feeling very annoyed and frustrated by her so called seductive smile ,he snapped "what are you looking at!" and rolled his eyes ,he knew Laura had a crush on him since her first day here and he tried by all means to avoid her but damn ,he had clearly told Dean that he needed a male assistant because he knew what these girls were capable of instead Dean brought him a female claiming that he wanted to make sure his best friend wasn't gay. Frustrating right.

"Am so sorry boss ,what can I do for you?", she apologized," Nada ,since you can't get anything right, so tell me ,where are the damn files Mr Chin ,our most trusted investor , said would transfer them to your computer huh?",he said angrily and Laura freaked out .Yes she had a crush on the boss but she knew that the boss wasn't a soft person ,he was only soft with his best friend and sister only .Laura knew the boss was one hell of a cold person , one who didn't tolerate shit ,one bloody mistake and he fires your ass and at that moment she knew that her ass wasn't safe .

"Common Laura ,you deaf and dumb hmm? I asked you a damn question", he asked with so much rage visible in his eyes , why was he this angry , today was supposed to be a happy day but Laura just had to come and pull this stunt on him ,all she did was gawk at him all day and because of her stupidity he was now going to loose this investor. The poor girl was literally shaking, for her the room had suddenly changed temperature from cool to cold." Look at me and answer Laura ,because am fucking loosing it",he yelled banged his fist on his office table and ruffled his hair angrily , 'this girl is going to be the downfall of me' he thought.

She looked in his eyes and,"I...I... Am..am so sor..sorry boss ,his assistant sent them to my email this morning bu...but I forgot to print them for yo..you",she managed to say ,Visible sweat could be seen on her forehead and she could swear she had peered on herself but a little ,she had really forgotten Josh Sinclair's rage and today she was facing it ,How could she forget ,this was Mr Chin there were talking about and how the hell could she forget those damn papers ,she really felt like crying but with the little self respect left in her ,she managed to hold them for a while."You .Forgot .Hmm?"Josh said through gritted teeth. She just nodded and looked down fixating her hands. Josh let out an irritated scoffed and moved close to her "now listen to me carefully Laura ,I want you to leave my office immediately before i completely loose my calm and go pack your stuff and leave...but before that connect Dean to me because I need a new assistant ,your fired!!", he said trying to keep his calm, he closed his eyes but when he opened them she was still standing there again drooling at him ,'didn't I just fire her ',he questioned himself and gave her a very cold glare that was throwing daggers at her and that finally sent her running to the exit.

Laura stumbled on Margret or should I say Dawn Sinclair ,holding her babies "whoa ,slow down ,Laura what happened? ",she asked. Laura sniffed," why don't you go and ask your sweet brother",she snapped and Dawn rolled her eyes ,'not today too' ,she muttered .The two never got along ,according to Dawn aka Margret ,Laura had this bitchy attitude but eyy Dawn could handle her very well and according to Laura ,Dawn was the lucky bastard because Josh never treated her like shit ,she was literally the only girl he respected ,yeah apart from the business partners and all that and for that Laura hated her and the fact that Dawn was his sister made it worse.

"I guess, my brother finally saw how irresponsible and bitchy you are so he fired you right?", Dawn said and Laura's face literally ballooned up. Dawn let out a mocking chuckle ," Save it dear ,your face says it all"she said and shoulder bumped her then opened Josh's office leaving Laura in a pool of her own tears .'You will all regret this ,Dawn and Josh Sinclair watch out ,Laura Watson ,won't just go scot free, Josh you will regret not noticing my love' she mumbled her words and huffed. Of course Dawn had heard it all and she just muttered the words 'bring it on'.

Dawn entered the office with a smile on her face , Josh jerked his head up .He had a scowl on his face but it completely disappeared when he saw his beloved sister."Hey bro!",she said putting the kids down and they started crawling around ."Wassup lil sis ,what's with the huge smile?",he said hugging her ,"uhmm the usual",she answered, shrugging her shoulders and disengaging herself from the hug .Josh chuckled,"yeah of course why did I even ask ,anyway I fired her , I was just tired of her gawking and being irresponsible all the time like can you imagine she messed up ,Mr Chin's presentation and It was supposed to be presented today ,thank God he was kind enough to hear me out and postponed the meeting you know", he said .Dawn nodded amusingly, "you know what bro, Laura wasn't bad just that she was blinded by her obsession that's all", she said .Josh smirked ," its not my fault that am hot and good looking so...",Dawn rolled her eyes ,"trust me you ain't hot at all, maybe your kind is ",she said. Josh kicked her knee playfully.

"Did that hurt lil sis", he asked sarcastically,"not even big bro,is that all you have cause that kick can't even bring Adrian down and anyway it already healed ,let's see if you can heal too", she said bringing out her claws ," whoa ,okay okay you win ,you are a cheater you know, when the going gets tough you bring out the claws huh wolf girl",he said very amused. Since that last dreaded full moon ,their relationship have gotten stronger , no secrets between them and it was just beautiful. Dawn laughed she was really starting to love her new nickname ,'wolf girl'."But Josh ,you know I have really been serious with my research lately ,you are connected to me somehow maybe you are ,with my mate ,are you sure you the only child in your family? ", She asked scooping Adrianna who was now heading for the fan and she was just going to pull the thing down for her to 'examine' it.

" Yeah sis ,beside of you am very sure, but I will look further you know",before Dawn could answer, the door opened and Dean came in .Dean was also handsome, tan skinned , very muscular but not like Josh though ,his jaw was hard and very sharp , he had chromatic eyes with a slight shade of light green color around the iris there, he also had jet black hair unlike Josh's ,his was blonde and Dawn's was black and very very long ,it reached her butt .

"Hey guys ,how are the birthday kids doing and..." ,he was cut short by Josh's dead glare ,"I mean the kids and the adult",he immediately corrected himself before being killed by the Devil's glare. Dawn sensing the tension between the friends ,she burst out in laughter and the two joined her .Dean went ahead and hugged Dawn ,he had a little crush on her then fist bumped Josh ,"Happy birthday buddy",he said "thanks buddy seems like you the only one who care", Josh sulked and Dawn rolled her eyes. Dean looked at Dawn with that look that says 'is he for real' and Dawn stifled a chuckle .Later on Dean headed to the kids and played with them a little while when jealous Josh took Adrianna away from Dean ,leaving him with only Adrian.

" Hey my princess ,you missed me",Josh said also making baby sounds that made Adrianna laugh .Dawn just looked at them and really thanked the Deities for saving her from the clutches of Zach and bringing her here "Josh", a cute and beautiful voice echoed and everyone just stopped what they where doing ,while they were still shocked," Dean",another cute and angelic voice echoed from Dean's side .Dawn looked at her babies with shock,the same could be read from Josh and Dean's faces .Tears flowed down Dawn's cheeks ,the babies had said their first words .Finally a reaction from the guys ,they both scoffed unbelievably ,'What was this?",they were just surprised.

"Am so happy right now ,I feel like screaming but at the same time ,I really can't believe my kids' archetypal words were your names ,why couldn't they say mommy, common Adrianna ,huh Adrian baby say 'mama' at least please", Dawn sulked and the guys just let out soft chuckles ,there were still starstruck ,no ,more like honoured. Few minutes just passed and in unison the kids said," mommy", and Dawn just felt like screaming and dancing the victory dance .Josh and Dean rolled their eyes and laughed at her behaviour."But eyy the favourites just come first right buddy ?",Dean said and Josh answered ,"right",accompanied with a wink and a fist bump.
