

Two inseparable siblings ,born without asking to be, but the universe is really harsh on the both of them. Although the universe and the Deities have turned their backs on them , they refuse to leave each other and promise each other to have each other's back always An unexpected revelation is brought on their feet , a drastic one .Will this finally separate the inseparables or will it relieve them of all the pains and the hardships the universe had laid on their paths…...? ""Run Adrianna Run!! ",a voice was heard not so far away ."No Adrian I cannot leave you here alone remember rule number 12",**sniffs*." I won't be the damn first one to break it"Adrianna concluded ."Just go I will be fine go!!",shouted Adrian as he heard the footsteps of their back stabbers near .He groaned in pain trying to stand up .They had hurt him a lot  ,a pack of strong able werewolves against two teenagers was totally unfair . There was shuffling behind him when he looked , he saw his lovely sister in all her wolf glory ,He couldn't help but gulp and soon thoughts were forced into his head, telepathy, okay he knew this was coming .'I thought I freaking made it clear that I ain't leaving you  stated as she stepped towards her brother. She clutched what was left of his tattered T-shirt and helped him to his feet and unto her back 'Now hold tight , won't u now big bro', Adrian groaned and then smiled as he could feel his sister's smirk and just like that there were on the run ,he didn't call her FLASH for nothing......

Britney_Bushe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs



Unknown POV

I was in my old warehouse far from my coterie in that kingdom , taking a nap ,being the king of such beings like vampires was far much from exhausting so I was trying to relax both my mind and soul ,when suddenly my sensitive ears picked up a piercing howl that held so much emotion that felt like there were all directed to me because from there my heart contracted and clenched simultaneously. My throat dried up and my eyes dilated and I could feel blood pumping through the many veins protruding all over my face. This was different ,it had so much tension .I knew today was a full moon and the same thing was going to happen ,pain all over my body ,usually it would cripple me and I wouldn't walk for like twenty four hours but this time around it wasn't going to cripple me only for sure but I was going to die too.

My throat was perched like I hadn't had blood ever for my whole five hundred years of living .I knew that vampires didn't die unless they were drained of all blood , their heart ripped out of their chest and probable pierced by a wooden thing on their chest but that's a lie am sure of it ,wooden thingie ,like for reals .However back to my situation , my heart is not plunged out of my chest yet but my body is being drained of blood ,one ,only one revelation can come out of this , am dying or should I say my link is dying and am following her .

I can say these nine to ten months have been hell on earth for me , I looked for her everywhere , I can say I searched the whole of Africa but I couldn't find her , its not like I knew what I was looking for anyway , I didn't get a name or anything ,I only remember her face , her body and the feeling that came along with holding one's link or mate according to their kind .I just woke up next to nothing , she had gone that night and it felt like she had taken a part of my 'not' beating heart with her. From there all I ever felt is emptiness and pain especially in the days of full moons like this today ,but today it was extreme. It felt like she had come to take the other part of my heart she left me with, no kiss no what but only with misery and pain I die.

I screamed and yelled my poor lungs out like every time I wasn't able to stand up ,this pain had left me to accept my fate. But that howl , why did it sound like , I could reach out to her,like she was near but yet far from me .Was she hear in New York but how ?.I only know five powerful packs here in NY , the Snowflake, the Blue moon ,the Red moon ,the Dark Crescent moon and the Devils eyes pack ,the last three are my very very huge enemies especially the Red moon pack because they lure lone wolves with their fake good deeds and claw their backs at the end of the day, our paths don't cross, we kill at sight and unfortunately our kingdoms are not that far away from each other ,they are only divided by boundaries that are only known by the three parties. So I was hoping she didn't join those three ,the other two ,I can have some of my best men looking for her that's if, she doesn't die today along with me .'Or maybe she is not part of the pack ,maybe she is a rogue now' ,my subconscious argued. Damn that would be hard for me to look for her and very dangerous for her to live.

I screamed and the door budged open ,revealing my best friend, Michael ,"hey buddy wassup!",he said disquieted but I couldn't answer him ,all I did was to grunt my pain away 'as if that was possible' .I guess ,he suddenly connected the dots ,"is it her ,buddy do you feel her?",he asked and I managed to nod ,he sighed and muttered 'this time its worse Xavier',I just rolled my eyes because it was pretty obvious that today was different .Michael was the only one who knew I had found my link and I had begged him not to tell anybody about this because it would cause a fuss in the kingdom and that wouldn't be cool at all at the moment.

I still had to find my little bro ,I don't care if he is human or not ,he is my blood ,I won't make the same mistake my parents did thirty years ago .I have to find him ,too bad my search can only get better when its a red moon and it only appears after every four yearsls ,yeah like a leap year , so I haven't had any luck for the past seven years and to top it all off ,I have a werewolf link and I can't find her at all ,I have to find her no matter our differences and enmity because if she forever lives without me giving her my blood and her without giving me her bite ,her wolf will eventually give up and she will die and as for me, I will plunge my own heart out because of misery.

Suddenly everything stopped ,pain ,everything ,silence took over and I blinked thrice , was I finally dead,was I finally going to meet my link now that we where in the world of the dead .I waited but nothing happened , no link of mine appeared ."Hey Xavier ,you okay buddy , is it over?", I was pulled out of my own fantasy by Michael's question .I got myself out of the king bed , I was lying on and walked to the nearest window and saw that the sun was coming up."Yeah ,I guess so ,am not dead right?,and am not about to plunge my own heart right?",I asked and Michael nodded ,"then she is still out there."I said wryly.

Margret POV

I was buried in Micah's consciousness and it seemed the pain wasn't getting any better but worse instead .Micah's whines and whimpers were what was killing me the most and I couldn't hate myself more and the deities because the moon Goddess,Selene was about to free my soul from the clutches of misery but my kids, why then did she allow them to come into this world ,only to become orphans , I mean why? ,they are just one month ,only one freakin month old ,common moon Goddess why such cruelty.

The pain seemed like a knot tied so tight that it was very hard to untie it , I was loosing myself in the pain , my vision was blurry, clouded by only darkness and I felt like my other half was being torn from me,'no!!!Micah',it was my wolf being torn from me , she was giving up and now dying along with me and only one thing , one thought hovered in my mind ,my twins.

Suddenly my eyes got blinded by immense light , I blinked trying to adjust to the light but it just seemed impossible,"Margret ,Margret,open your eyes dear",the most velvety and graceful voice I have ever heard echoed in my heard and i melted like butter put in a hot pan .Finally my eyes adjusted to the light and boom ,I saw Micah , my wolf separate from me and lying lifeless on the ground ,I stifled a cry but this didn't help the immense pain that cut through my poor heart .I was finally dead but whose voice was that?.I looked around and I saw a lady adored in white ,yep I was really dead because even angels were now paying me visits ,at least I wasn't in hell ,I chuckled at my own insanity and continued to adore the lady besides Micah. Her skin was so flawless ,so white ,so beautiful and her step was so graceful ,wait was she walking towards me but I expected her to fly like an angel she is.

"Thank you dear ,for all those compliments but am not an angel ,am the Moon Goddess ,Selene and you are one of my beloved children , your heart so pure that I wanted you to immediately come and live with me before it gets corrupted", I was starstruck ,the Goddess was in front of me like for reals ,I think am going to die ,oh yeah but am already dead," yes my dear ,you are dead but Margret I can sense the pain you are going through ,the pain of leaving those little children behind ,so am going to let you go back to them , my dear ,am going to give you a blessing ,a miracle only for you and the children because they have such a future ,so great that it's going to bring out change and bring together species that for so long have hated each other",Selene said ,more like she sang.

"But Goddess with all due respect , my wolf is dead ,and am here ,how am I going to go back to my children ?", I asked because it was still an enigma for me, this whole situation but I heard her chuckle and it was pure music to my ears ." My dear ,they don't call me 'The moon Goddess' for nothing ,just listen am going to give you life Margret but it won't be long , you have to find your mate if you want to live longer , I have given you a direction my child ,you only have to open your eyes .Anyway,for those kids am only giving you eighteen years to be in their lives Margret , if you don't find your mate by then you will have to come and join me okay dear?"

I was a mess of mixed emotions, eighteen damn years , this was a lot for a person who was not going to see the sunrise tomorrow , I looked at Selene with grateful eyes , she had given a miracle,eighteen years with my children, this was a pure blessing ,even though I wasn't going to be there for the rest of their lives but this was going to be enough .I said a silent thank you to the Goddess and she winked at me .At that moment ,she started chanting Latin words and I saw my wolf getting up ,I wanted to scream with joy but I just smiled .In her wolf form , she headed to me and our bodies merged and I felt complete once again. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling and when I opened my eyes ,I was in the forest , naked like the day I came in this world , the sun was rising and I smiled ,happy that I had made it.

In no time I heard Josh's voice calling out to me ,I called back to him and him and some of his men came from nowhere,"Hold your horses!!" ,he instructed his men ,I guess seeing the awkward moment I was in ,he just had to help me ,I was naked and those men's gawking eyes weren't helping the situation at all..Like my knight in shining armor ,Josh gave me his jacket ,that was obviously too big for me and fortunately, it covered a lot of things. He hugged me with just one arm and I felt safe so safe that I just bursted in tears, tears of joy indeed.

"Eyy sis ,you made it and am so proud of you ,what do you say?,let's go home right?", he asked and I nodded with a smile plastered on my face.
