

Two inseparable siblings ,born without asking to be, but the universe is really harsh on the both of them. Although the universe and the Deities have turned their backs on them , they refuse to leave each other and promise each other to have each other's back always An unexpected revelation is brought on their feet , a drastic one .Will this finally separate the inseparables or will it relieve them of all the pains and the hardships the universe had laid on their paths…...? ""Run Adrianna Run!! ",a voice was heard not so far away ."No Adrian I cannot leave you here alone remember rule number 12",**sniffs*." I won't be the damn first one to break it"Adrianna concluded ."Just go I will be fine go!!",shouted Adrian as he heard the footsteps of their back stabbers near .He groaned in pain trying to stand up .They had hurt him a lot  ,a pack of strong able werewolves against two teenagers was totally unfair . There was shuffling behind him when he looked , he saw his lovely sister in all her wolf glory ,He couldn't help but gulp and soon thoughts were forced into his head, telepathy, okay he knew this was coming .'I thought I freaking made it clear that I ain't leaving you  stated as she stepped towards her brother. She clutched what was left of his tattered T-shirt and helped him to his feet and unto her back 'Now hold tight , won't u now big bro', Adrian groaned and then smiled as he could feel his sister's smirk and just like that there were on the run ,he didn't call her FLASH for nothing......

Britney_Bushe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs




Hi there ,am Josh to be precise Josh Sinclair , am the third richest bachelor in America and yeah am the first and last born of my family. I own a lot of companies and am super rich , I guess I just told you what you know but well for the sake of charity and justice let me go further .I lost my parents in a car accident , i was there with them but I survived ,sad right? Anyway am cold , nobody crosses my path , am still investigating on what caused the accident although it has been years since it happened .

I have never been with a woman ever in my life ,in short I am not interested at all in dating and that shit. Every woman I have met in my life besides Margret emitted one and the same vibe, that of a gold digger,so I say NO TO WOMEN.

I guess its now clear that I don't treat and will never take Margret as a spouse , I genuinely treat her like a sister ,I never had . To be honest with you guys , I really don't know what bounds me with her , there is something , something strong , something beyond my control .Anyway am ready for anything ,if she back stabs me then termites are just gonna be served with an extra meal. Also I feel like there is more to Margret' s story than she is actually telling me and I won't force her to do anything or tell me anything she doesn't like.

Am helping Margret because I somehow feel connected to her and her babies and when she told me she needed a new identity, I didn't even think twice before I offered her my name so, I guess I needed a sister that bad and I feel like she is harmless ,maybe to me .Back to the introduction am seven feet tall , quite handsome , am light skinned and very muscular for an average human being .My mom was very like very light skinned and my dad was light chocolate skinned, so it would make sense when I introduce Margret as my sister you see.

 I love my business , am a CEO to nine companies and I manage them well , that's why I still hold the title 'third richest bachelor".You must be wondering about the other two , unfortunately we don't get along , I have never really seen them in life except in pictures,why?,easy because we hate each other and we are serious rivals ,am very sure we can't stand each other's presence and some may ask why we are still alive .The thing is the world knows we are enemies so we can't really kill each other unless you want the world to eat you alive with questions and anyway its not easy to kill the big three ,trust me they have tried but eyy they have always failed.

Enough about me you will get to know me more as the story continues . So after I dropped the bomb on Margret , she gaped at me like I had grown an extra eye or something, "dear Mar close your mouth because flies will get in", I smirked .She blinked and gulped , I stifled a chuckle ,trust me the look on her face was worth everything." What", she managed to close her

mouth ," won't they be any problems like how are you going to do it, is that even possible I mean are you for reals?" ,she stressed ."Common Margret by now you should know that am capable of doing anything , all you have to do is blend in okay Mar? You gonna meet the press as we land and you just gotta blend in and don't worry I will do most of the talking okay?" but there was no response ,so I decided to try again.

"So Margret are you in?" ,she looked down this time ,playing with her fingers ,I mean why was she nervous ,yeah we are practically strangers to each other but didn't she feel the pull ,didn't she feel what am feeling ,the connection ."Its okay Margret ,I know this is a huge thing , I get it ,you don't trust me but Margret I won't hurt you, I promise ", I said , i just felt like saying that, you know like it was a right thing to do and I guess it was because she finally looked up , squared her shoulders but she seemed a bit lost like she wasn't with me anymore ,it felt like she was having an argument or maybe a discussion with something or maybe better, herself ." Margret!" ,I called , she jerked her head and suddenly," am in" , she said with so much confidence that left me bewildered and a bit too much excited.

"That's great ,okay before, you were Margret who?" ,I asked as I started working on her identity using my system ."Uhmm ,Margret Wilson" ,she answered ,"great we just gonna change Wilson to Sinclair and the rest is going to be sorted okay just feel at home ,to be honest with you I was very lonely , I only had my annoying best friend", I said and she smiled ,"oh really but do me a favour , change everything, even my first name , how about Dawn Sinclair? ",she answered with so much adamancy and a smirk plastered on her face ."Wipe that smirk away dear sister, I will do as you say but you won't force me to call you Dawn, you will be Dawn Sinclair to the world but you still remain Margret Sinclair to me",I said and she chuckled and nodded ,her chuckle was music to whoever who listened like me.

"Passengers buckle up your seatbelts, we are about to land" ,the pilot announced. We did the same and in five minutes , we were down . I carried Adrianna and she carried Adrian. As we were descending the stairs we were suddenly blinded by camera flushes , the press .I knew these guys would be here and I had prepared myself . I told them about how I found my dear sister Dawn and where she was all this while ,I told them I found her in Asia ,surprised? ,yeah actually Margret had told me to also lie about her origin I guess this is big ,I mean very big .Anyway the story was so unreal , I was tagged the happiest man in America for like a week because I had finally found my beloved sister ,yeah easy right?,and since the world knew my dad , everything just fell into place .


Its now been a month living with Josh ,I have to admit he is a very good guy .When we got to his house a month ago , l almost fainted with surprise , I almost dropped Adrian for the second time that day. No words could actually explain the beauty of the house ,the vastness , I mean it was huge ,it was more like a castle and I can swear that the pack house back there in Raven hills ,the place I once called home , could fit twice in Josh's mansion or should I say our home . Yeah my babies they are now a month old ,am not going to work I have to take care of my babies ,Josh's orders but look at the brighter side ,I am a CEO in one of his companies , I insisted on buying the company although he wanted to give me for free ,I just couldn't just take it for free so i bought it with every penny I had or should I say every penny Alice got me . So anyway am working from home and everything is going well.

The thing is, today was different ,I was so tense so stressed out and all that .I had to do some serious acquaintance with Josh ,I knew most about him but he didn't know anything about me apart from my name and you know , that am from Africa that's all .So today I had decided to tell him everything , if he turns out to be dangerous then am bringing him down , I can't let him kill me, my babies need me so , here I am pacing around in the lounge , am waiting for him to come back from his office .Am just praying to the e deities that I won't have tho kill Josh because he has been very good to me and my babies.

"Am home", I jolt at that voice , I would recognise it even if am unconscious , my heart thudded and I knew this was it ." Hey sis",he came and hugged me , I returned his hug before I could say anything he rushed to the kids' room . I sighed , I know what he is going to do ,peck them on their cheeks ,summarise everything that happened in his company , sing them 'his' favourite lullaby ,even if there are already asleep and then come back to his sister.

When he was descending stairs , I looked at him and he was all smiles ,I wonder what that smile would be like after five minutes, "you know Josh its not fair ,you always choose them over me like they are some treasure or something", I pouted,he laughed knowingly " of course,dear sis ,its my niece and nephew we are talking about here ,they are more precious than you and of course treasure",he said with this smirk slicked on his face."Ouch ,that hurts",I clutched my chest like someone pierced it with a knife and he laughed . I regained my composure and joined him.

After some time,"Josh ,we have to talk",the smile on his face disappeared and it was replaced by a concerned look .I ignored him and patted the place next to me for him to sit , he did so ."Josh am ready ",I said and he got more confused ," for!",he asked and I took a deep breath and let it out ."Am ready to tell you everything about me but you have to keep an open mind okay?",I said and he nodded.

"Josh my name was Margret Wilson ,I am the only child in my family ,am from Raven hills ,its hidden not everyone know about it and I was married to this guy called Zacheeus Taylor but he is not the father of my babies ,I don't even know their father ,it was just a one night stand , I was drunk , Zach had beat me up that night for nothing so I just let alcohol control me ,what you have to know is that my marriage with Zach was not out of love but arranged so hatred was the definition of our relationship", I stopped looked for a reaction from Josh but there was non so I continued, " the thing is Josh, am not human",I dropped the bomb."What!",Josh half screamed ,that's what I expected ,that's a normal reaction ,you get from a person who is beyond shocked


"What do you mean by 'am not human',you look human" ,I chuckled and looked at him , the guy was truly shocked and a bit scared,"No Josh listen am not human ,am a werewolf okay ,my ex husband was an Alpha and I was the Luna of my pack the reason you found me at the highway that night was that I and my babies were sentenced to death okay" ,I tried explaining but he got up ,"Dawn ,I think you have gone crazy ,if its a joke cut it off its not funny", he said as he was now heading to his room . I was now the surprised one ,'Dawn' ,he has never called me that before, ever.

"Josh !,can I at least show you , do you promise to believe me , after I show you this?", I called out and he paused turned to face me then looked at me from my head to my toes." Yeah, I guess am now Timothy right show me then and let's see if what you telling me makes sense "he said and folded his arms on his chest ,I conned him back with my fingers ,made him sit back on the sofa and then stood in front of him.

" This is going to be awkward okay so..." ,I said as I attempted to remove my tee , it was one of my favourite so I didn't want to destroy it but ,"Wait!,what are you doing stop just don't!" ,I was stopped by Josh's scream, "just do whatever you want to do, just don't strip okay", he said ." Common Josh , this is my favourite Tee ,it's going to be ruined and I wasn't going to strip okay" ,he nodded, so I removed my tee and summoned Micah and in a flick I turned into my wolf glory and Josh was dumbstruck ,he couldn't move and his mouth was on the floor .

I tried talking to him via telepath although I knew it wouldn't work but something just pushed me to do so and I got the biggest shock of my life ,it actually worked, we were connected somehow .'Breath Josh ,Breath' ,I calmed him via telepathy ,'How are you doing that',he asked me via telepathy and I answered ,'I should be the one asking you that , meet my wolf Micah', I said ,'What' ,that's all I got from him before he passed out .'well what do you think Micah?'I asked my wolf and she just chuckled . I rolled my eyes and looked at Josh ,the real question is 'how did telepathy work on him whilst he is human ,strange.