

Two inseparable siblings ,born without asking to be, but the universe is really harsh on the both of them. Although the universe and the Deities have turned their backs on them , they refuse to leave each other and promise each other to have each other's back always An unexpected revelation is brought on their feet , a drastic one .Will this finally separate the inseparables or will it relieve them of all the pains and the hardships the universe had laid on their paths…...? ""Run Adrianna Run!! ",a voice was heard not so far away ."No Adrian I cannot leave you here alone remember rule number 12",**sniffs*." I won't be the damn first one to break it"Adrianna concluded ."Just go I will be fine go!!",shouted Adrian as he heard the footsteps of their back stabbers near .He groaned in pain trying to stand up .They had hurt him a lot  ,a pack of strong able werewolves against two teenagers was totally unfair . There was shuffling behind him when he looked , he saw his lovely sister in all her wolf glory ,He couldn't help but gulp and soon thoughts were forced into his head, telepathy, okay he knew this was coming .'I thought I freaking made it clear that I ain't leaving you  stated as she stepped towards her brother. She clutched what was left of his tattered T-shirt and helped him to his feet and unto her back 'Now hold tight , won't u now big bro', Adrian groaned and then smiled as he could feel his sister's smirk and just like that there were on the run ,he didn't call her FLASH for nothing......

Britney_Bushe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs




It's been three hours and Josh is still unconscious , am getting worried but one thing is keeping me from crying my eyes out , his heartbeat . The fact that I can hear his heart beating very strongly , is a reassurance enough that he is alive . 'Do you think he will still let us live here ,Margret I mean ,I love living here , ,I... and it doesn't really suck like Raven Hills did ,because i like it here ,there is like everything ', I rolled my eyes to Micah's chipping ,but this time i didn't shut her out instead I answered her ,'common Micah could you please shut up for a sec and please you only like the fame that comes along with being josh's sister , otherwise you ain't cool with everything let's hope it won't get us in trouble. I mean the full moon is in three months and the last full moon was hell for us ,especially me Mic , i was freakin on labour and that was the worst ,I almost died MICAH!',I half yelled in my mind .I heard a whimper and it was Micah's.' But you didn't die Mar so stop yelling at me',she said and I just shut her out.

"AHHH'', grumps echoed ,'okay he is waking up, Micah said , i rolled my eyes , she always has ways to creep in my mind even though i have shut her out .Anyway i just ignored her and focused on Josh. His eyes fluttered open and his grey eyes met with my blue ones , for a moment he seemed frozen on the spot but after some time ,he jumped and screamed ,"hell no!! you get away from me " ,I sighed and looked at him straight in the eyes


"Listen , am the same Margret that you picked on the sideways of the highway Josh, i know you know that i was something 'more' , bro , you knew I wasn't telling you something and I knew i had to tell you someday but look when i finally told you, Josh you ain't taking it very well bro so please I..l..", I stammered , i couldn't get my mouth to just open and speak the correct things because one thing I was sure about was that i didnt't wanna loose my relationship with Josh .I looked down , biting my nails in the process of thinking what to exactly tell him.

He chuckled and sighed. He came closer to me and lifted my chin with his thumb and forefinger and I looked at him straight in the eyes and gulped ," Mar are u a stammer? " ,he asked and I smiled remembering the first time he asked me that ,I nodded negatively and he just looked up and muttered under his breath,'now she is a nodder!' . I smirked and decided to break it to him , "You know what Josh I just heard that", I said with the smirk still plastered on my lips .I watched his eyes bulging and I could swear that they would fall from their sockets.

He gulped," okay am trying to get used to this but eyy I can't stop wondering how much you 'heard 'from the past one month cause damn, am one hell of a loud thinker so right now am trying not to look like an idiot because some things I say to my self are just ....you know." I laughed very hard at him because I knew this was coming, one day and guess what this is the day ,I looked at him and tapped him on the shoulder,"don't worry bro ,your secret(s) are safe with me ", I emphasised the 's',letter and winked at him ," oh nooo am doomed",he said face palming himself.

"So big bro are you ready to talk this out now?", I asked all serious now and he looked at me and he answered," yeah let's fix this mess lil sis",I smiled and I led him to the sofa and I sat opposite to him."So we gonna do this my way Josh ,you ask any question and am gonna answer you honestly okay?",he nodded and I smiled wryly ," so shoot"I said .

"Okay what are you?" ,he started and I sighed ,"common Josh, I thought we were over with that anyway am a werewolf",i said and he nodded like he was trying to comprehend the situation. "Okay , you know what just tell me about everything , you know about your kind okay ", I smiled ," okay bro with pleasure" , he rested his cheek on his palm and I just shook my head .

"So Josh am a werewolf ,like half human and half wolf , I was born like that , so technically I come from a family of wolves .We wolves ,we are one of the dangerous species of the supernatural beings so....", i couldn't finish my statement because Josh cut me with his exclamation ," supernatural beings!!? " ,he exclaimed and I just nodded "so u mean vampires ,witches ,warlocks, banshees ,were jaguars foxes and all that are real?", I nodded , " I see someone was doing his research",he rolled his eyes and motioned me to continue.

"So I was saying we are very strong , we have amazing healing abilities, that is why I could actually walk just after I gave birth ,I have a very good eyesight, excellent and very sensitive nose ,I can sniff any smell like the dried bubblegum in your pockets", I said and immediately he checked his pockets and he found it .He just looked at me with that look that says 'you must be kidding me' ,I chuckled and I continued ,"so am fast but not like the vampires though ,those guys are like super fast , I can speak to my kind and my mate through telepathy", I looked at him and he had this weird look on his face.

"I remember you talking to me but it was via my mind so does that mean am your mate? Because clearly am not your kind", he asked with this 'Noway' look . I chuckled slightly and I felt him tense," relax bro u ain't my mate ,my mate is the father of those two upstairs there and I don't know how this is working maybe you are just something' more' , I said and chuckled soflty ," you mean to say Adrian and Adri.." I cut him short, "Yeah my babies , but the unfortunate part is that I don't know him ,I only know his scent only and that he is a vampire you know of which us, wolves and vampires are freakin huge enemies so you can see how messed up things are , i was drunk to the stoop and I was controlled by the mate's pull and I couldn't see and control anything ,so when the alcohol worn off , I quickly ran from there after realising my mistake that I had slept with my enemy and the worst part was that he was my mate so leaving him was the painful part and living with somebody who wasn't my mate but knowing very well that you could be offered better ,was a horror movie and anyway Me and Mr vampire there, we have some unfinished business ", I said walking to the mini bar to get a drink cause this was getting tense but not before spotting a relieved look from Josh . He really didn't want to be my mate that bad ,I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Unfinished business?,what do u mean?", he asked and I scoffed remembering the pain I have and still going through because of the void part in my heart that longs for the touch and the presence of my mate, these past ten months have been hell for me . My pregnancy was an enigma on its on , i didn't get to carry my children for like five months like normal wolves do dang even vampires dont take that long but as for me i had to experience it full time , nine months that is. I wipe a tear that had managed to escape from my left eye and turned to Josh and smiled sadly," we didn't mark each other Josh , I mean I didn't give him my bite cause I was so drunk and I don't remember him feeding me his blood so am just left with this longing feeling and it gets worse with each Full moon",I said sniffing. Josh came to me and hugged me , he was trying to take away the pain but eyy it will be forever stuck with me up until my and Mr Vampire paths meet again ."Its okay sis calm down okay but the full moon is like in three days so what have you planned and the babies what of them ?",he asked .

"Yeah I know bro and am just scared ,the pain is really a lot to bear ,I just don't want to leave my babies okay ,I want to watch them grow , yh am not sure if this time am going to survive the shift Josh , am confused because its either meeting him or its me eventually dying ,if I survive this one it would mean he is somewhere near and my wolf will hang on for sometime because at the end of the day it all comes to Micah ,if she is really strong enough to withstand the void and pain", I totally broke down but fortunately I had Josh to confide in ..

Three days later

I was sitting in my room looking through the window and I heard a knock , "Come in!", I called out and Josh came in ," hey sis,you good?",he said ,I sighed "yeah I will be ,if I don't die today of course , anyway if it goes south please take care of my bundles okay big bro and could you please bring your hands out forward", I sadly said but he did so then I held them and I shared all the knowledge I had about the supernatural world." This should be able to keep my babies safe " I said as I let go of his hand. "Don't say that Mar you will be fine okay ?" ,he said as he came to hug me ,I hugged him back after sometime he broke the hug ."Two minutes left lil sis for the full moon to come out, so are u ready?" ,he asked ,"I..I...",suddenly a piercing sound boomed through the room ,"Ahhhhh!!!!" ,I screamed ,it felt like my bones were literally breaking ,putting themselves back together and breaking again and again following that suit .

"Mar!", I heard Josh's panicked voice ," Josh it's time ",I said as I surrendered myself to my wolf ,it was all up to Micah now ,if she manages to pull this through then my babies will have their mother but if she doesn't then , am a gonna. Micah was now in control and I could feel the pain she was feeling , since we were one and it was heart piercing ,Micah let out a loud ,long howl that carried a lot of emotions and so much pain .After that she jumped through the window and off we went ,Where? ,to the forests,Why?because that's where the wolves belong ,and during the full moon its where werewolves feel more lively. Its jus nature.
