
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantasi
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98 Chs

Turn The Other Cheek

A man sat at a desk and Standing in a straight line infront of him was a group of 6 people. They all looked as if they stood out from the crowd when they walked around. But together they all looked average.

" Ok. now you are all done cleaning. I would like to introduce you all too Riya. She will be joining our squadron"

They all turned to the girl next to them. Some had mixed emotions others were neutral and some looked on curiously.

" Ok now in no particular orderrr.. the smart one is Archimedes the Rich one is Miranda , Hot head is Mason and the sly one is Amy and the one tht took you here is Jack."

Planchett looked at them all and smiled politely before returning her attention to the person infront of her. She caught onto the fact that she would be joining this group wether or not she wanted to. She just couldn't figure out a motive from this strange man infront of her. She tried her best to remain calm but she was definitely angry.

" Well as a bonding task i have your first mission-"

Archimedes spoke out

" Wait mission? We've never been on one of those before. We don't even have any level of teamwork?"

Luci rested his face between his crossed arms and seemed to be in deep contemplation. After a while he spoke:

" Why did YOU specifically have to be the voice of reason? "

" huh?" Archimedes replied.

Everyone looked at him dumbfounded. They thought he was going to call off the mission. The Archbishop is usually easygoing and most of all easily persuaded.

" Mmmmm anyway. You have to start somewhere and that sometime is now!"

He slammed a parchment paper on the desk and said its contents out loud.

" You must go to this address and investigate. There had been some sightings of the Blind winged eye around the area. If you find anything do not investigate. Report back to me and I'll deal with it. This is purely reconnaissance. "

The all looked relatively unfazed because they did not know who or what that was. However Planchett had a frown. Those people who she stole from talked about working for something like this. Their boss also had a tattoo of an eye on his back. Her thoughts began to wander.

After a few seconds she was snapped out of it by another loud slapping sound.

" This is a gold coin. Snap it and it'll tell me that something is wrong and you need help. But it only can be used in emergencies. Understood?"

They all nodded.

" Good. Now your leader on this mission Will beee Her-" He pointed to Planchett lazily and then continued his sentence.

" -she has actually ran into them or who we suspected to be them before. Reports say that they're on a lookout from a 'plum haired ghost girl'"

Mason snickered before pausing realizing that nobody else was laughing. Luci shifted his attention back to the entire group and they did the same.

" Ok you have 7 hours. Go!"

They all lazily walked out the room with Planchett in the lead.

In the streets of Rima a group of teens walked around. Their " leader " looked a few years younger than them but they walked complacently behind her in silence . After a few minutes they stopped and their plum haired leader spoke.

" Were heading into gang territory now. I know you are all witches and such but you are not strong yet. Real fights are nothing like what you've been trained for. I dont care what you do while investigating. Rule 1 is stay out my way. 2 is never leave the group and 3 is keep an eye on the person next to you."

She didn't repeat herself and didnt even give them a chance to retaliate. After speaking she became even more calm and zoned out any noises that didn't seem important.

While they walked the 5 were having their own conversation.

{ Hey! Z here, to make this easy for me and for your reading experience not to be dampened . Some sections of chapters will just consist of conversation. As they speak I'll use their name otherwise it will be abbreviated. This only be for chapters with alot of people or dialogue. Thank you for reading!}

Jack: Shes not very friendly is she?

Arch: Well...she was kind enough to help us clean up Archbishop Luci's office. So tht must count for something?

Miranda : Talk's cheap. U like her or something? Mr Inventor?

Amy : Don't patronize him Miranda.

Mason: Don't defend him then. * whistle *

Amy : What did you say? You little-

Jack : He's right Amy. Archie will never stand up for himself if you keep coming to his rescue.

Arch : Hey! Im still here...

All : We know.

Arch : Oh-

Jack : So what do you think her deal is? Do you think she's a witch like us? What Realm number would she be in? Think she's one of 'them'?

Miranda : If she was even close to the Archbishop's strength we would feel it just by her residual aura.

Arch : Yeah. She must be around our Realm numbers. I doubt shes that strong. I mean the Archbishop showed us his true form and it almost caused all of us to be corrupted and die. We even had sufficient time to prepare our minds beforehand

Mason : I cant wait to make fire like that *mischievous smile*

Amy : Your realm isnt even mainly about fire....

Arch : I mean no realm of witchcraft encompasses one thing. They all have general abilities related to their original names. Like the sun realm it deals with heat light and anything flame related.

Jack : Hmm your right. Its weird. But isnt there other sources of power other than witchcraft?

Miranda : We got taught this in the first few lessons he gave as . 'Even though witchcraft is the main practice of this Land. There are people who are born with special abilities or train to reach a higher level'

Mason : Your Archbishop Luci impression's getting better.

Miranda : HaHa very funny.

Amy : You didnt finish his statement Jewelry for brains. He said ' That means dont take your high nobility in this medium sized kingdom as law because anywhere else your just another person and there are regular humans who could kill you with a single fist"

Before anyone could respond A hand was put out. Stopping them in their tracks. Archie was just about to ask what was wrong but before he could reach out to say anything to her. An bullet flew into his cheek and coming out the other end.

"Take cover!"