
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
98 Chs

On The Run

Boom! The sound of rolling thunder echoed on the water in succession. Davie looked to the port-side and a docked pirate vessel began firing at them.

The captain of the vessel was standing on the edge of the vessel waving his gun around. He was firing shots randomly in the air as if to scare anyone off from claiming his prize.

It seemed to work well as any normal individual who thought themselves to be more than capable of fighting some little kids with weapons immediately shirked back and hissed their teeth at this missed opportunity.

Davie watched on and decided it was high time they left.

He immediately shot the first rope that were holding the vessel with pinpoint precision. His eyes dully glowed with a blue hue that was not present before.

Davie POV :

Damn...Im getting good at this. That tricorne I found was the item I needed to advance to the next realm. Apathy had prepared that smelly ass bath for me and this time that I wasn't as shocked as I was the first time round. Or so id like to say..

A few days ago...

I slowly stood infront of a cauldron filled witha mixture of salt and vinegar. In my hands was a small average tricore pirate hat but I could feel that there was something special about it as if it was calling to me as if it was my ticket to become stronger and travel farther and faster. To sail the wide blue expanse...

I threw the hat into the cauldron and it bubbled away until if formed a blue fluid. As it swirled around it was as if I was staring at the depths of the ocean where the deep unknown lurks and creatures of myth roam hiding away from mortal eyes.

I steeled myself and stepped in. This time something strange happened. As I bathed in the solution. I could feel my entire skeleton structure being broken down and mended multiple times and my muscles growing thicker and denser. I tried to scream out in pain but it was as if my throat was clogged with seawater. I scraped at the edges of the cauldron peeling of a small layer of iron with my bulging muscles.

All while this happened I could feel my senses becoming sharper and in tune with the wind and the sea. Even laying tensed up in the cauldron I could feel the waves rocking my ship gently and as if it was guiding me back to sanity my mind awoke and I hopped out of the cauldron to feel myself lighter and stronger.

Apathy who was waiting patiently outside came in while I was staring at myself in the mirror.

She was still out of it but she came and threw me a towel. Oddly enough I didn't feel as nervous as I would around her. I was more focused on myself and as my feet were bare on the wooden ground of the ship. As it rocked I could feel myself moving instinctively with it. As I stepped my balance was off the charts because even at the steepest angle the ship could reach my feel barely shifted off of the floor.

I was amazed at my abilities and the abundance of my own strength. I immediately put in my clothes tuck my pistol into the side of my belt and walk back up to the deck. It was night time and a big sliver moon hung high in the sky. I walked over too a sun chair and stared up for a while before closing my eyes. The cool ocean breeze brought me waves of comfort.

I felt like a true Buccaneer of the seas.

Present time...

I open my eyes my heart was pumping. I ran around the shoulders of the vessel and shot at all the ropes before running into the Captain's cabin. Even with the massive shaking from the near impacts of the cannons. I still maintained my balance perfectly.

I slammed into the cabin and pulled a lever that released the sails. The ship began to pull off.

I finally put my focus on the deck. Apathy was standing by waiting for anything unexpected to happen and Belle was using her abilities to cause the cannonballs to fall short of just miss their target.

We were now heading out of the docking area but that pirate didn't seem to take a hint very well and continued to chase us.

And he was not the only one...Other ships started to pull out and chase after us aswell. It seemed that Belle was quite the prize to these guys. The princess of a country like Rima was worth her weight in gold. I doubt they were even thinking about the abnormally high first bounty that was placed on her head by the International Peacekeepers.

Sigh. I shouted to Belle who seemed as if she was itching to blow some steam out.

" Belle hold onto something. I think it's time we made a quick getaway. Im going to use your friend's machine."


Belle reluctantly nodded came into the cabin and took a seat. A red button and a throttle was placed infront of me. I pressed the button and immediately below deck the mysterious device whirred to life. Lumps of black rocks which stood dormant in the cats mouth began to glow red. The sounds of boiling water and steam pushing through pipes was heard other than that it was impossible to tell what was going on inside this complex structure of machinery.

If anyone was standing on the floor above it they would feel that the wooden flooring just increased in temperature by half a degree.

Seeing that the light faded from the button Davie looked towards the lever.

" Slowly pull it towards you and watch the magic happen. Meow "

Belle felt a shiver down her spine as she said that.

'Did he really have to add the meow?'

As Davie pulled the lever forward below the water a large circular spoke with three blade began to whir to life.