
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
98 Chs


'The wind. It feels like a warm blanket wrapping around your skin. The wind. It guides us to the places we want to see most. Its what pushes our steps forward and without it we could not move or live. It is the wind beneath my feet that pushes my sails forward and pushes me towards my dreams..'

" Davie! "

Clap! The sound of a book snapping shut echoed through the empty cabin. While standing up from the chair he pushed himself towards the sound of the voice spinning and twisting around the mess that surrounded him. It was a miracle on how he was able to maintain his balance like that. However his emotional state was anything but balanced at this moment.

" You pick up a new relaxing hobby and someone always has to ruin for you."

He said as he opened to the door to the cabin flicking a pieces of rotting food off of the steering wheel.

Apathy stood infront of him.

He looked down at her with a curious gaze.

" Uhm do you need anything? I was kind of in the middle of something."

Apathy looked up at him still choosing not to say a word before pointing at the sea behind her.

" Now that those assholes are gone what are we going to do?...Captain..." she strained her words bitterly.

Davie let out a small sigh.

" We cant go back for Will right now. And there are other people in need of help aswell. And its what Will would have wanted us to do."

Apathy was about to hiss her teeth and give a rebuttal but she felt as if there was yet to be any blatant lie in his words. Will would rather they saved someone else instead of him.

" He plays the hero all day. But he's the one that needs saving the most. Ughhhhh....Ok...Ok. I lets do your thing first. He'll show up eventually Right?"

Laying on a sun bed not too far away a tear fell from Belle's face before she quickly wiped it away.

Davie called out to Belle's and she stood up and came over. She was wearing a short purple dress with different embroidery of animals on it.

" Belle , Were going to Rima to see if we can find out whats going on. Something strange seems to be happening. Do you know how your sister might've killed Silos to take the throne?"

She shook her head. Her mind looked absent. Memories. The time she slipped out of her hands in that carriage. Would it all be different now?

In her head chaos began to ensue

Would it?

Do you really thing you could change anything?

Why do you jump? Jump! She wont miss you.

You got will killed. He's gone

Jump!Jump!Jump! Hello.

Hey!hey! Hello. Hello. Heheegghhee

Change anything?

Change anything?

Change anything ?



Apathy snaps out of her head and looks up at Davie. He gazed directly into her eyes as if seeing the turbulence behind them.

She couldn't help staring back. His blue eyes emitted a weird aura. It was as if her body was now a calm sandy shore and the ravings in her head began to subside.

They both stared at eachother for a long time before apathy broke the silence.

" Davie? " Davie broke their eye contact and looked towards apathy before looking into the distance.

A weird spout of water was heading towards them. As it got closed and closer it seemed to be picking up momentum and volume. At first it was just a small vortex now it seeme as if the manifestation of the eye of the storm was coming for them.

" Why can't anything be simple ever since I joined this group of misfits."

Davie swung back into the cabin while belle and Apathy fully unfurled the sails and putting everything that wasn't bolted down to the floor back downstairs.

They had learned their lesson from their old fishy friend.

Davie turned the steering wheel in hopes of avoiding collisions with the ever growing vortex of water but it seemed as if it was following them.

To be sure Davie turned on their emergency escape system and their speed doubled but it still felt like they were gaining no distance from the spiral that had already touched the clouds and began to form storm clouds around the area. Lighting flashed and dazzled causing the air to smell sweet for a brief second before the scent dissipated.

The seas around the vessel became more and more turbulent and the rain began to beat down on the deck of the ship.

Davie was in the cabin having a royal headache.

' Shit. It has its own current dragging us into the vortex. Is this natural? No? Wait if it wants us to go into it. And the stronger we resist the stronger it pulls. '

A light flashed beneath Davie's blue eyes.

"Okay Water spout. Ill follow you to Hell"

Davie let go of the steering wheel causing the rudder to realign itself at its origin. The ship immediately began to divert its course from struggling away from the cyclone to heading straight towards it.

Apathy and Belle who had walked back above deck to check the situation looked at eachother in confusion.

Belle although scared decided to ask first

" Is the cyclone supposed to be getting bigger?"


Apathy response was cut off by the rush of water that slammed against her body. When she first came too she was suspended in the water.

Her body moved as if it was weightless and colonies of fish passed her. Some from the deep sea others were little minnows.

Even as awe overcame her. She turned her head side to side to look for her vessel. It was a weird feeling but when she looked up she saw the ship upside down above her and Davie who was swimming towards someone.

Belle was panicking as a group of reefsharks swam around her. Davie shooed them away and brought her closer towards him.

He was holding his breath and he didn't seem to be struggling it was as if he was in his element.

Apathy POV:

By now I could feel the oxygen slowly leaving my brain. My heart rate was naturally slower than most so that's probably why i was able to hold my breath for this long without feeling anything.

I didn't know what i was feeling but it wasn't drowning it was just as if my body was reeling me into a deep sleep. Telling me to let go. Drawing me in....Ahhh...My pillow...Will...will...Will!!!

I snapped myself awake and took a deep breath. I started to claw at the water around me slowly rising to the top until I noticed.

Wait a second Im...breathing. I fought against my natural instincts not to take a deep breath in. And did it.

Oughhhhh....it was ok. I was okay. What is going on? I continued to fight against my instincts until I reached a balance where I could maintain a good amount of steady breaths.

I looked up and Davie had already noticed and Belle was still at the beginning stages of breathing. But she was getting along with his assistance.

Suddenly I felt a force pulling me. It wasn't just me. Belle and Davie were being pulled aswell. We could not show any resistance at all if was as if we were in the palm of a giant.

After a few seconds of racing through the water. We arrived at the center of the cyclone where an unfamiliar face was sitting on a coral throne.

It was a young woman her hair was brown and covered in gemstones and coral. Her skin was a lustrous bronze and she seemed to exude and aura of a different life form. She was beautiful and graceful in the way she sat. She looked up towards us at least thats what i felt. Her eyes were shielded by seashells but when she looked in my direction i could feel a my entire body subconsciously submitting to her whims. It was as if it naturally trusted her with its life. I tried to resist but the more i did the more relaxed I became it was as if i was being pulled by the currents on the shoreline. Feeling the waves push and pull all my worries and stresses away.

It wasn't until i felt myself falling into a deeper sleep than i ever felt before was i awoken by the sound of her voice. Or what i thought was her voice. It was inhuman but It was more than alluring. Every word seemed to hang around in my head as if causing a cyclone of thoughts in my mind. I could feel the corruption of my mind advancing. Yet it didn't hurt. Why was this death so hard to resist?

I used all my will to turn and look to my left. Both Davie and Apathy were experiencing the same thing. Then her voice came again.

" My apologies. I am not used to speaking to mortals so I may have let my aura wash over you a bit too much"

We finally regained our mobility after understanding her. Looking at the shells that covered her eyes I waited for her to tell us what she wanted.

She gazed at each of us and smiled.

" Okay. So ' WE ' have a problem. I shall not delve deeper into this matter. But just know that you 3 are apart of the solution."

The waited patiently for her to continue.

" The Goddess of the moon has found the puzzle piece missing to her life's picture. The other gods do not wish for this puzzle piece to fit into its place"

I was the first to speak.

" By puzzle piece do you mean Will?"

She nodded gently and gave a curious smile.

"All you need to know is that you must ensure that he does things things not out of luck but by his own merrit and skill. Else you will be swindled into her web and only aid her in this matter. "

"How do we beat a god in her own games?"

"You will be sent to train with various heroes of the ghetto era. You will advance as far as you can towards folklore within 2 years and return to sea with him as this is the same plan she has devised for him."

" Remember dont let him use his luck to advance he must earn every win from that point on. "

"And one last thing before you go.

That boy is much older than he seems"

We all looked at her in confusion and then i felt my body being dragged under to the heart of the cyclone. And suddenly I was in the air flying at tremendous speeds.