''In a world where people's powers are measured by their level, I just want to be the strongest. After all, that's the only thing that really matters'' Yukirin is the illegitimate child of a forbidden love, between a human and a demon lord. His mother died right after giving birth, so he was on his own now, being part human and part demon. However, he's very eccentric and egoist as well, caring only about himself. After becoming a knight, he decided to gather as much power as he could, and also, to increase his EXP. Now, it was about time this world got to fear this demon child.
The Sun was rising through the window, and its shine awakened Yukirin. Fortunately, he had some time for breakfast, before he went to school. As he left the room, the house was still silent, which signed that Arthur was still sleeping. He would get late if he attempted to make breakfast on his own, so he decided to go to school right away. His backpack was waiting for him in the same table he left it on the past night, so he casually took it and got out of the library.
On his way towards the school, he noticed some royal guards walking nearby. The royal guards are the strongest in the kingdom, and they are respected by the citizens, due to their immense force. This world has a 'Level Up' system, which gives upgrades to the warriors who get enough Experience Points, or EXP for short. The boy was amazed to see these guards, since they have a lot of Level. One way or another, he just continued on his way to the school.
That school had a huge garden, which the children could use to play during their break, and when Yukirin got inside the gates, there were four boys waiting for him, with anger in their faces. Lots of children were watching that situation. It was clear to Yukirin that they were waiting for his arrival.
''Are you going to stand in my way?'', he asked that as he crossed his arms
''Shut up!'', one of the boys yelled at him, ''It's about time we make you pay for all the times you've beaten us!''
The children were around the boys and Yukirin, watching carefully what was going to happen. He dropped his backpack on the ground, and started warming up for the fight.
''So, you all want to try and beat me?'', he finished warming up, and he put his hands in his pockets, with a menacing smile, ''Well, fair enough. Come at me!''
Yukirin was standing there, looking straight into the boy's eyes. His cold and calm behavior was suspicious, since he was on a disadvantage. There was no way for him to beat them now, or at least that's what they thought. But still, they were just looking at him, without moving, with combat stances.
''What's the matter? Are you coming or not?'', he said that with a provocative tone, as he slightly moved towards them, ''If so, I'll do it for you''
Yukirin moved towards them, with slow, slow steps. He was acting cold and unpredictable, probably due to his demon nature. The boys decided to run towards him, and they wanted to make sure not to let him win once again. When the first one tried to punch him, Yukirin bent down, and then, he kicked him in the stomach. The second one attempted to kick him, since he was already down, but he managed to block it.
The four of them were still standing, even after that kick. Yukirin would need to take them down as soon as possible, otherwise, they could help each other to get up. Now, more boys got into the fight, and it wouldn't be as easy as before. Now, there were ten of them.
''Calling for more backup?'', he said that while seeing that they were cornering him, ''For that's a shame, actually. Cowards like you will never win''
Five boys ran towards him, and they were about to punch him, until he slid in the ground, and kicked the right leg of one of them. As that boy fell on the ground, Yukirin jumped over his body, and made a combat stance as well. It was about time he fought more aggressively, so he was the one running towards them. After approaching, he jumped in the air, and he did a double aerial kick into two of them, and they fell in the ground. While he was falling into one of them, he managed to grab onto his aggressor's hand, when he tried to punch him.
Grabbing his hand gave him an advantage, since he twisted his arm to the side, and delivered five punches, fast and hard, to his chest.
''Wide open!'', one of the boys exclaimed as he went into Yukirin's direction to deliver him a punch on his face
Unfortunately, the aggressor managed to land his blow, and Yukirin fell on the ground. But that attack wasn't strong enough, so he casually got up. The boys were shocked with that reaction, because he didn't show any pain. Although weak, that blow was enough to annoy him, and he would make anything necessary to finish them right there.
''I suppose I should stop holding back...'', he said that while he made a combat stance, ''Now, best of luck to you!''
He ran towards them, dodging their attacks with ease, and punching them as well. One of the boys tried to do multiple punches into Yukirin's face, but the demon child casually dodged, with his hands on his pockets, as if those punches were fast enough. On the last punch, he grabbed his aggressor's wrist with only one hand.
''Is that your maximum speed?'', as he said that, he did a karate chop, attacking his enemy's neck by its side knocking him down with ease, ''You're not fast enough''
The others were screaming out loudly, as another boy came in Yukirin's direction. He was tall if compared to the others, and he was also stronger as well. Finally, a worthy opponent showed up, and Yukirin could have some fun.
''So, you're their triumph card, huh?'', he said that with a sarcastic expression, ''Well, maybe you'll put up a fight, unlike your friends here''
Without answering, that tall boy rushed towards Yukirin. His punches were faster and harder, which gave him some fun while dodging. Holding his punches wouldn't be an option, but still, he could punch him, since he left his guard down after each punch. But now, he made a punch from his sides, forcing Yukirin to retreat a little, and right after, the attacker tried to punch him in the head, in order to knock him down to the ground. The boy safely dodged it, after rolling back a little.
Now that was an entertaining fight! While the attacker retreated his arm after the attack, Yukirin did a kick barrage on his chest, finishing it with a hard kick, which knocked him away a little. Fighting for longer was not a good idea. Now, he was about to end this fight with his next move, but it had to be a perfect one.
''You're stronger than I thought you would be'', the tall boy said that with a smile on his face, happy to fight such a challenging boy, ''How do you know how to fight so well?''
''I've been training with a dummy in the backyard'', Yukirin replied with a smile of his own, ready to take that tall guy down
Was that just an excuse? He was so talented for someone who trained with a dummy. Nevertheless, it was about time they ended this. They ran towards each other, and the tall boy tried to do the same punch as before, but Yukirin managed to strike him first, with a punch on his stomach, which was a strong punch, which made the tall boy spit out saliva upon impact.
''It's over!'', he yelled that as he performed another kick barrage, but now, aiming for the tall boy's head
When he ended the kick barrage, he delivered a strong kick, which knocked that boy to the ground, a little far away. That fight was over now, and Yukirin could go into the school safely now. Just to make sure, though, he got close to the boy who started the fight, and looked into his eyes, with a cold expression.
''Don't waste my time again, or you'll suffer for it'', his cold tone was making that boy shiver a lot, while he was terrified, ''Do you understand?''
The boy nodded his head rapidly, afraid of what would be the consequences if he didn't obey. After warning him, Yukirin just went inside the school. He would probably be expelled anyway, so he was glad he had a good fight. It was only after the fight that he noticed his talent... Perhaps that could be put to use in the future? He was unsure. All that was on his mind was the pleasure of such a good combat. He assured that after that, they would never bother him again.