
The Unconventional Love

This novel is named 'the unconventional love' for the reason because everything in this novel goes contrary to what happens in a normal love story. Through twist and turns, ups and downs the bad boy of the school makes an adventurous journey towards the love of his life. Adrian Rains, son of the muti-millionaire Mr. Rains is a cold and hostile person with no friends. Though multiple girls drool over him, he has never shown interest in any girl.... until the right one comes by. The girl, unlike every other feels nothing for him more than a friend. She already has a boyfriend, Winston and a best friend Abby. Jennifer also belongs to a very rich family and she is kind hearted, soft and polite to everyone. Through their high school years, they both go through a lot making their bond stronger every second and finally let's see what they achieve on this love road.

Aayushi_Sharma_2878 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
113 Chs

Chapter 100 - Important decision

"Because this dumb person here was lying about cheating on you!" James said. Jennifer laughed. "But how did you get so much information exactly? Most of it is private police records that are not available for public." Adrian asked Jennifer. This question was bubbling inside him as soon as he had seen the first report. "Did you forget that besides being your girlfriend, I am the daughter of the most famous businessman in the entire United States of America?" Jennifer said sarcastically.

"Ohhh!" James was now passed the impressive stage. It was more like 'get on your knees and worship the greatest goddess of all times. Now.' Stage. "Well somebody here was not really okay with my 'not so good ways' hmm?" Adrian also replied with sarcasm. Two can play this game, baby. Jennifer playfully punched his shoulder and said, "For you, I can bend every rule of this world." Adrian fell in love with Jennifer all over again when she said this line.

"Cringe! Stop it now! Romeo and Juliet." James screamed in between as all of them joined laughing together. It was late night when they finished their discussion so Jennifer offered Adrian and James to stay at her house for that night. Adrian and James accepted it gladly and she told the servants to prepare a room for them. As soon as the servants were done, Jennifer saw Adrian and James leave for their respective rooms as she grabbed a night suit and headed for the washroom. She did her routine and settled on her bed.

On the other hand, Adrian and James were both settled in Adrian's room to discuss the matter further. "So what are you going to do now that we have all the data?" James asked Adrian who was staring at the sheet on which the profile of the potential mafia members was written. "What do you think?" Adrian smirked. "I sense a killing spree." James joined his dark aura. "No." Adrian's answer shocked James. He thought that Adrian would kill them to get them out of his way.

"What do you mean no?" James questioned him in surprise. "No means that we are going on a mission. That is a definite but first I have some more important things to do." Adrian explained. "Like what?" James racked his brain to think what important work Adrian had to do. "Like taking an important decision. Let's sneak away, I want to hold an emergency meeting at the den. Call all the members. No one should be missing. We'll be doing a vote." Adrian said in his dark demeanor.

"Don't tell me you're about to do what I'm thinking you're about to do!" James gasped as he took the liberty to make the wildest guess possible as to why Adrian would like to hold a meeting this late and call all members for voting. "If you're thinking about letting Jennifer join the den as a permanent member, then yes! What you are thinking is exactly what I'm thinking." Adrian replied. He was so impressed with Jennifer's work in this case and it would be a crime to not give her enough credit for her hard work.

Moreover apart from Jennifer joining the den, Adrian had something more in mind. He wanted James to open Abby's locker. Before this Adrian and James searched every nook and cranny of Abby's house but they couldn't find Abby's locker. At first, they didn't even understand what the word locker meant here. As a secret member of a mafia, they thought it would have a darker meaning but it turns out that Abby was just a teenager like them who met a tragic end because of Adrian's rash decisions.

But you can't get anywhere if you keep digging old graves, so instead one can try and apologize for their mistakes and this was exactly what Adrian wanted to do. He wanted to open Abby's locker for James, show him the contents it had. And he wanted to do it in front of Jennifer. She was her best friend. Even though she thinks Abby cheated on her but she was her best friend and Jennifer also has the right to know about her death. One should never be ripped off their right to grieve one's near and dear. And that was only possible of Jennifer was a part of the den. As per the policies, incidents such like murder and torture would be known to members of the den only and Jennifer was not one of them. Yet!

James whipped out his phone with shaking fingers and dialed a number. "Call for an emergency meeting. Master Adrian and I will be there in a jiffy." James said and hung up. He looked at Adrian in disbelief. "Don't you want to take some time to think? Like I saw how affected you were when she has to go through pictures of blood and weapons just to gather this statistical information. I mean after joining, she would probably see them in real life one day." James was really undecided at this moment. After a long, long time Adrian was going to admit somebody in the den. And Jennifer?

He didn't even ask her if she wanted to join. What if she refused? What if she thinks that she is better off without this mess of a double life? "No." Adrian shook his head. James then voiced his concern. "Don't you think that you are taking Jennifer's decision for her? Like you should probably ask her." He said in a calm tone. "You really think I would be that stupid? The day I told Jennifer that the den existed, she came to me in my room and asked me if she could join. That time I told her no because I thought that she was just asking for it because of me or because you all had been nice to her. But today, did you see how she presented? Things like these come to her naturally. It's her nature. Like she was born to be a mafia." Adrian explained the reason behind his decision.