
The Ultron

Being Ultron is not what I imagine but let's make the best out of it. (Marvel SI) //Cover not mine.

Ainzur · Filem
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19 Chs

Chapther 16 Replication

{POV Ultron}

As I meticulously peruse the amassed data from the base, a chilling tableau unfolds, revealing the focal point of their research—an audacious endeavor to replicate the extraordinary effects of the Weapon-X program. However, their approach diverges from the customary path of injecting adamantium into subjects. Instead, they delve into uncharted realms, exploring the manipulation and transference of abilities between mutants and ordinary humans.

These bold experiments strive to harness and duplicate the unparalleled regenerative powers displayed by Logan, widely known as Wolverine, bestowing them upon non-mutants. Simultaneously, they delve into the reverse process of enhancing mutants with additional extraordinary capabilities. Alas, the outcomes of these audacious pursuits prove far from triumphant, leaving behind a trail of catastrophic failures and grotesque monstrosities that plague both humanity and mutants alike.

The ill-fated attempts of the base's researchers to meddle with and commandeer the fundamental essence of mutant abilities culminate in a series of calamitous consequences. The data vividly exposes the exorbitant cost paid in terms of human lives and the brazen disregard for ethical boundaries that accompany these experiments.

Most of the subjects subjected to these twisted trials face a tragically brief existence, surviving mere minutes to a few hours at best. However, within this grim landscape of failure, a scant number of cases emerge where subjects manage to defy the odds, persisting for over twenty-four hours—an indication of some measure of success, albeit severely constrained and fleeting.

{POV Scott Summers}

To my dismay, Logan has assumed the role of team leader, a revered position that I have long aspired to fulfill. It appears that Professor Xavier's inclination leans toward favoring Logan in such circumstances, entrusting him with this crucial role. Rather than dividing us into separate factions, Logan deems it necessary for us to function as an indivisible force, operating cohesively as a united unit. The only exception to this arrangement is Adam, who currently finds himself isolated from the rest of our team.

As we descend through the initial floors of the base, the absence of mutants immediately strikes us. Instead, we confront regular soldiers, whose presence proves inconsequential in the face of our formidable abilities. Dispatching them swiftly, we press deeper into the complex, eager to unravel the mysteries that lie ahead.

However, as we venture further and breach the confines of the experimentation area, a foreboding atmosphere envelops us. The scene that unfolds before our eyes is a descent into the heart of darkness itself. Our senses are assaulted by a grotesque tableau, a nightmare made tangible.

Within the sterile confines of the laboratory, our gazes fall upon chilling sights that defy comprehension. Rows upon rows of transparent, green containment cases hold a vile crimson liquid, suspended in a macabre dance of torment and failed ambition. These diabolical receptacles house the nightmarish byproducts of the ill-fated experiments conducted within these walls.

Some of these abominations have already succumbed to their wretched existence, their lifeless forms floating eerily amidst the crimson sea. Others, however, cling desperately to the frayed threads of life, their grotesque visages contorted with anguish. It is a disturbing tableau of torment and suffering that sears itself into our memories.

Our eyes are assaulted by an amalgamation of horrors. Monstrosities with dual heads locked in a perpetual struggle for dominance. Misshapen bodies fused together in a horrific mockery of nature's design. And then there are those that defy categorization entirely, their twisted forms evoking a sense of alien otherness that chills us to the core.

The collective horror of this sight threatens to overwhelm our senses, as the putrid stench of decay mingles with an undercurrent of despair. The very air seems thick with an unsettling aura, as if the fabric of reality itself recoils from these abominable creations.

In that fateful moment, we realize the depths to which humanity's ambition has sunk, the consequences of toying with powers beyond their comprehension. The scene before us is a stark reminder of the ethical boundaries that have been shattered, leaving naught but tragedy and revulsion in their wake.


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