
The academy

*Yami Pov*

I wake up at 6:00 am and start to get ready. I get a black shirt with the Uzumaki logo at where my heart is, I get gray shorts with pockets on them, and I get a jacket, the same as Boruto's but Aqua instead of purple. Before I head downstairs, I went into my inner world and started to talk with the clones that were doing the God tree project.

[Hey guys, have you finished yet?] I questioned as I walked into the room

[Yes, we have finished, but.. what is with that body?] questioned clone 3

[Oh, you see, I had a nap for 10 years, but for you it was 6 days. So now I'm going to the academy with Boruto.] I said as I grab a seed that was passed to me.

[Lets test it out!] I said as I teleport everyone there to an isolated part of my inner world and I plant the seed with telekinesis. After a few seconds, the seed turns into an average sized tree, then a big tree, and finally its final form. After a few more minutes, it made a fruit at the top. It was red in colour. Another few minutes passed and some spots on the fruit turned white. After a whole 10 minutes, the fruit turned pure white with a big glow, signifying that it was at full power. I grab the fruit with telekinesis and start to eat it. First bite, nothing, second bite, nothing, third bite, nothing and the final bite, nothing. I was confused until tons of information came into my mind as my power grew tremendously and Subete started to grow bigger.

After a few hours, the effect stopped, and I looked around to find the terrified clones looking at me.

[Whats wrong?] I questioned

[G-get a mirror..] says a clone as he makes a mirror and gives it to me. I look at myself and see a strange words in my eyes. The words kept going through, and after a few seconds of looking at them, they go away and what replaces it is my Origin eye. It was the same, but the golden colour was much bigger.

[Wait, Alfred. This golden colour matches the golden colour of that successful 'me' in that dream. How come I already have this?] I questioned

[This makes things different. Maybe, instead of the berserk 'you' never eating the fruit, he could of have possibly weakened the eye. So you can say that the berserker weakened the eye while the one that succeeded managed to maintain it at the same level.] says Alfred

[What about you, Subete? Any difference?] I said as I summon Subete

[In fact, there is a lot. My 25 tails and 50 wings have turned into 10 wings and 10 tails. My tails are covered in scales, and the same is for the wings. I have less tails and wings, but I feel stronger. Maybe this is what happened with the Juubi. It compressed its strength.] says Subete as he starts to shrink into a 25 meter dragon.

[I like this change. It seems, more comfortable to be with.] I said as I nod and start to get out of my inner world, only to find Boruto still asleep. When I was about to ask Alfred, he already started to talk.

[I set the inner world to a different time lag, so that you wouldn't be late for anything. In the real world, a minute has passed.] says Alfred as I nod internaly and dispel the clones in the inner world. All of them.

'Alfred, get the Angel staff from the DBS store.' I thought as I head downstairs to see Hinata already up.

'I guess I can help with chores now and then..' I thought as I started to cook with her. An hour later, breakfast (A feast) is ready and I get the job of waking everyone up. I go to Himawari's room first.

[Himawari, wake up. Breakfast is ready.] I said as I start to wake her up

[Ok..ok..] she says as she Yawns and I head to Boruto's room.

[Boruto, wake up.] I said as I punch him lightly, making a crack appear in the wall next to him

'... Oh yeah, I just got a major power up.. of course this would happen..' I thought as I quickly healed any and all damage on Boruto and healed the wall.

[Wake up before I send you to space and you die from lack of oxygen. Wait, is there even no oxygen in space?] I questioned myself as I punched Boruto again, but this time with much more controlled strength.

[Im up.. now..] says Boruto while rubbing his eye

[Hey, want to 'wake up' your dad? With a bang?] I questioned as I whispered to Boruto

[HELL YEAH!! I mean, yes.] he said as I covered his mouth to stop him from screaming

[What kind of surprise do you want to do?] I questioned

[Something that could 'shock' him.] Says Boruto with a small smile

[Ok, then how about kirin? Ill show you it.] I said as I put Boruto under a genjutsu as I show him the completed form of Kirin, the lightning and fire mixing together.

[NO! I mean, no, that would kill the old man!] he says with a pale face

[Then how about this?] I said as I make a chidori and add Amaterasu to it.

[This is the 2nd hottest flame in the universe, along with purple lightning, which is a really strong lightning, I don't know how strong though.] I said

[Hmm, make the flame about a quarter of what it is now, and make the lightning normal. Then we can say that some guy came to the village and tried to attack dad.] says Boruto as I nod and listen to what he says. I then duplicate the technique and transfer the new move to Boruto's hand, making him able to use the move once. I then make another appear on my hand, and then we start to put on all black cloths. We appear in Naruto's room and both burn and electrocute him, waking him up.

[Wake up, old man! Kaguya has been revived!!] says Boruto with an a**-licking smile as he says what I told him to say.

[What!? Kaguya!! Where is she!?] says Naruto as he immediately goes into his Sage of six paths Kurama mode along with sage mode.

[Just kidding. Good job wasting his chakra!!] I said as I high five Boruto

[You damn kids..!] says Naruto as he deactivates everything

[Hold up, wait a minute, that's not right. I'm not a kid. I'm over 1,000,000 years old. You are the kid!!] I said pointing at Naruto, making him go flying out of the house.

[...Oops, I forgot to regulate my strength..] I said as Boruto looks at me in surprise

[You are over 1,000,000 years old? Isn't that kinda boring?] he questioned with a sad face

[Not at all, since the 'over 1,000,000 years old' is with clones. Without the clones, I'm just over 1000 years old. Still, not that big of a deal. Hey, wanna ride a dragon to school?] I questioned, changing the subject

[Dragon? You have one?] he questioned with stars in his eyes.

[Yep, come out!!] I said as a small dragon comes out from nowhere.

[What can I do for you, master?] questioned the Origin Dragon

[Take us to school when we have finished breakfast.] I said as I look at Boruto that has a disappointed face

[Don't worry, he is only this size because the house is too small for him. He is about 30 meters long, so no worries.] I said, reading his mind

[Ohhh, that makes more sense! Do you think we should get dad?] he questioned, regaining the stars in his eyes.

[Nah, I bet he will be fine!] I said as I use clairvoyance and see Naruto stuck in a garbage can

[He is stuck in a garbage can, he can get out though. I wonder how..] I said as both me and Boruto go downstairs and start to eat. After about half way through our meal, Naruto comes back with a banana peal on his head and dirt all over his pajama's

[hehe, I mean, hahaha, what a funny joke, ya' know?] I said with a really annoying smile

[What stops me from punching you in the face right now, YA' KNOW?!] screams Naruto as he starts to chase me and Boruto around the house.

[You stink. Go wash up, old man!] says Boruto as I nod at him and send Naruto flying with telekinesis to the bathroom.

[Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, since you are skipping breakfast, ill eat it.] I said while bringing all of Naruto's food towards myself and start to eat them.

[H..How can you eat that much?] questioned Boruto

[Oh, well, I have many bloodlines. One of them is too powerful and uses too much energy, so to compensate, I have to eat a lot of food. If I were to say how much, it would be about 1000x times what I had just eaten this morning. The reason why I'm not always hungry is because of this.] I said as I pull out a small, green bean.

[This is called a senzu bean. When you are injured, it will fix all of your injuries, not energy. It also gives you enough food to not eat for a week. I just crush it and put the senzu bean dust in my meals.] I said as I make a another meal for Naruto and start to clean the dishes. After that, I get my bag and both me and Boruto start to get on the dragon

[So, what are you going to do at the academy?] questioned Boruto

[Hmm.. beat kids senseless, beat everyone in knowledge, and become the perfect student, I guess. I haven't really had people think of me like I'm some sort of good person, so this will be a first, I guess.] I said as I start to tidy up my cloths, hair and bag.

[Hmm..? Interesting goal, but why would you want to be the center of attention? Are you a lollicon?] questioned Boruto

[No, I'm not, and you have a good point. Why should I care at all?] I said as I made my hair the way it was, carefree, made my cloths loose, and made my bag the way I wanted it to be, and dispelled the dragon, making both Boruto and me start to walk.

[..You really are indecisive..] says Boruto with a plain face

[Ohh? Did the little baby learn a big word?] I said with a teasing tone, making a vein appear on his head while I start running and he starts chasing.

[Yeah?! Little baby?! Ill show you what this 'little baby' can do!!] says Boruto as a demon appears behind him

-- 10 minutes later --

[Finally, we are at the academy..] I said while trying to catch my breath.

[Where do we go now?] I questioned to Boruto

[I don't know, we will just follow the other guys.] says Boruto

'Alfred, I got a few questions. 1, Although I didn't watch that much Boruto, I definitely knew what kind of person he is. How come he is acting different? Also, isn't he supposed to say 'Ya'know' more? 2, isn't there supposed to be that possessed guy on that train?' I questioned as I started to follow the other students along with Boruto.

[For your first question, we are in an alternate timeline where he acts differently, but the way everything goes will end up like in the original time line. This is also the reason why he says 'Ya'know' a less amount of times. For the second question, yes, but I can solve that problem for you if you give me 100k gold.] says Alfred

'Ok, but before I give it to you, what use does this gold have for me?' I questioned as I started to line up.

[It can be exchanged for points. 1000 points for every gold.] says Alfred

'Then here.' I said as I make 100k gold

[..Done. The problem is solved. What I did was change the Origin of this timeline to suit the original, so I changed the timeline so that you left early and Boruto did what he did in the Original. Though, this wont be happening again that often. Think of it like the angel time powers, you cant use it that often. Speaking of the angels, the staff you got has a few perks that the original doesn't. Would you like to know?] questioned Alfred

'Yeah, go.' I thought as I see Boruto start to disappear.

[First, it has all the abilities of the angels, like usual. Second, all of the angel staff abilities are tripled in power. Now, on to the new powers. First, you can focus energy into the staff, either temporally upgrading it majorly, or slowly upgrading it. Second, it can merge, so if you wanted it to not be a staff, and want to merge with Saiko, then your divine gear would gain all abilities in this staff. Third, it can shape shift. That's all the major ones. And if you want, you can change souls, meaning you can move your divine gear to the staff from the sword.] says Alfred

'Then do that. Actually, don't..... ok, can you get the clone that I just made to use divine sword birth, or whatever that ability was called on Saiko. I want that sword, except the divine gear in it.' I said as names started to be called out.

[...Done. It should be in your inventory. Would you like to put it somewhere on your body, where it is hidden from everyone?] says Alfred

'Yeah, either put it on my waist, or on my back. Same difference.' I thought as my name was called out.

[Yami Uzumaki.] says a teacher

[Present.] I said with a bland voice and expression.

[Boruto Uzumaki.] says the same teacher.

[Sensei, he is up there.] I said as I pointed to Naruto's face, which was about to be rammed by a train in about 20 seconds.

[Would you like me to stop it?] I said

[... If you can, do it.] says the teacher with a small nod as I nod back and hold out my hand, making the train speed up until arriving right in front of everyone present there.

[Boruto Uzumaki, here, Ya'know!] says Boruto as he starts to dodge and attack konohamaru's attacks.

[Can we get this over with? It's hot out today.] I stated while sitting on a chair with a fan facing me.

[...] everyone's mouths were opened and their expressions were priceless.

[O-ok then..] said the teacher, regaining his sense's after a minute

[.... and that is all for today. The 7th Hokage, Naruto, has an announcement for everyone.] says the teacher going through 10 different names.

[Yes, hello everyone, like you probably know, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, the 7th Hokage, and I would like to say...] ranted on the Hokage, following what he was told to say.

[How boring..] I said out loud without realising it.

[.. How is this boring, Yami?] questioned Naruto with a vein bulging on his head

[You sound like old man Hiruzen. Ranting on about the will of fire and all of that. I 10 billion % know that you are just reading this through memory that Shikamaru or someone else gave you. Also, I just accidentally said that out loud, and I never do that, so you can believe it when I say this is boring. "Ya'know".] I said as I destroyed the fan and chair as I start to walk out of the academy while apologising to Senku in the Dr. Stone universe for 'borrowing' his line.

[Boruto, hurry up.] I said as I pointed to Boruto, causing him to get pulled to me and start to walk with me. After exciting the academy, we started to talk.

[So, what food is there that is good to eat here?] I questioned while putting my hands on the back of my head.

[Well, there's burgers, Ramen, and a few others, but I don't know your tastes.] said Boruto

[Did you happen to eat a burger yesterday?] I questioned

[Yeah, how did you know?] he questioned back

[What time?] I said

[Hmm, about 5 minutes ago on yesterdays time. So, 24 hours plus 5 minutes from that time.] he said

[Ok, hold still.] I said as I placed my hand on Boruto and rewind his body 1 day, meaning the burger was still in his system. Getting the burger out of his system, I rewind time 2 hours on the burger, and it gets back to the perfect condition. Then I duplicate it and erase the memory of Boruto experiencing that. I tap him on the shoulder and give him a burger.

[Here. Is this the burger you like?] I questioned while speaking to Alfred

'Alfred, for 10 gold, get rid of any kinds of dirty things on the burger, yet still enjoying the taste of the original.' I said as he said "Ok" and the burgers glowed. After a few seconds, they stopped glowing and Boruto started to question me.

[What was that?] he questioned

[Ohh, I just copied your expierence you had yesterday with that burger, then I applied it to this burger. Think of it as this normal burger has transformed into the one you ate yesterday.] I said as I duplicate the burger and trash the others and start to eat.

[This isn't spicy at all..] I Said as the burger glowed again, then I took a bite and my face instantly became red.

[Th- *puff* Now that's spicy!!] I said with extra dried lips.

[Now what? Mom is going to get mad..] says Boruto while eating his burger

[Well, what do you usally do in your free time?] I questioned him

[I hang out with Shikadai or go somewhere to eat. Why?] he questioned

[Well, instead of going home, why not go somewhere else? Actually, lets train. Follow me.] I said as he nods while finishing the last bite of his burger and starts to follow me to the shinobi store. When we arrive there, I buy 1 chakra affinity testing paper and start to head to the forest with Boruto.

[Ok then, inject some chakra into this paper.] I said as I gave him the paper. The paper split into 4 parts. The first was that is was wrinkled, the second seemed to stop in that place, the third moved instantaneously to a different area, and the last was cut in half.

'Alfred, what's going on? How come he has time, space and wind?' I questioned

[The time and space was from that modification you did earlier, as it targeted Boruto. The wind is because of the power-up you gave Naruto. If you looked really closely, each 4 abilities had the other abilities. The wind part had earth, but only a tiny bit. Lightning had fire mixed in it, but still very small. Time had a bit of water in it, and space is the very best, as it has Yin-Yang, not Yin or Yang by themselves.] says Alfred

[Wow!! You are very talented!! Would you like to know your affinities?] I questioned in disbelief.

[You have 8 affinities in total, though 4 of them were the only shown. The one's that you have the biggest affinities with is Space, time, lightning and wind. The other 4 that are really hard to see and you barely have an affinity with them is earth, water, fire and Yin-Yang.] I whispered as I didn't want the Anbu to know.

[Ehhhh!! But that's kinda lame.. I have pretty much all basic affinities, but 4 of them are too weak..] said Boruto, shifting from happy to upset.

[*sigh*, fine, ill strengthen your other affinities to the same level as the others. Come here.] I said as I touched his shoulder and we teleported to my inner world.

[You see that tree with that big white fruit? That is called a chaos fruit. You wouldn't be able to handle it, so ill give you a chakra fruit. What these 'fruits' do, they give you any and all Dojutsu's, maximize your affinities, and make you really powerful. If you took it, you would be about the 5 strongest in all of this Omniverse. But I'm not going to just give it to you, no.

You will have to do a few things before you can get it. If you are able to do these things, which would take years, then you can get the fruit. I don't know how many there are going to be, so I'm just going to make them up along the way. Before I tell you the first thing, I need to warn you that you cannot tell anyone about anything in this area.

Anyways, the first thing you need to do is get the 100 seals from Sakura. You can use your dad's chakra, your own or anyone else's, just form the 100 seals. After that, ill tell you what you need to do. Understood?] I explain, causing steam to rise from Boruto's head.

[And why did you give me this opportunity?] says Boruto in amazement.

[Well, there are a few reasons, the main ones being, you are being a brat, I owe you one, and it is for the future. That's about it, but if you don't want to be that strong, then I can weaken the fruit. I could make it so that it only gives you the Byakugan or maybe only 1% of a quarter of its power, which would, suffice to say, still be very strong.] I said

[Ok then, but I got 3 questions. When was I being a 'brat', what do you owe me, and what do you mean it is for the future?] he questioned

[You were upset that you didn't get the best affinities in everything, but your really are a brat. Ninja's at most only have 3 affinities. And here you are, nagging about having 8 affinities, yet still upset that half of them aren't even that strong. Even if they aren't that strong, they easily do 10x the training speed, with the stronger affinities around 10,000x since you are special.

I owe you since I did many things to you. Ill return your memories. Tell me if you want me to take them back.... There, anyways, other than that, I changed Time and Space to save someone, and since I interfered, I nearly let that person die. As for the future, that's a surprise.] I said as I return his memories.

[Yeah.. can you remove them again? Also, was that burger really filled with my insides?] said Boruto

[Yes, but remember that golden light? That got rid of everything bad in the burger, while keeping the taste. That burger you ate would add no weight, and would even make you feel full and more energetic.] I said as I tap his forehead, removing a part of his memories again.

[Well, lets go to Sakura's place now.] I said as I go into my adult form and teleport to Sakura's house with Boruto. I press the doorbell and this time, Sakura answers.

[Hello? Yami!? What are you doing here again?! How come you have not aged?! I'm married!!] screams Sakura

[Yes, that's me, why cant I be here, I'm immortal, and I'm not married, and I'm definitely not looking for a marriage with both a flat devil and a weak woman. The reason why I came here is for you to teach Boruto the 100 seals thing. Do it or ill make sure Sasuke never comes back.] I said as I pushed Boruto inside and turn invisible while teleporting inside the house.

'This house is average at best, below average at worst. Wait, is this even a house?' I questioned myself as I went back into my kid form and started to watch over Sakura and Boruto.

[Well, I don't really know why you want to know this seal, but since it is Yami, ill lend you a hand. This could take a few years, if you are lucky. Anyways, the first method is to compress your chakra as much as you can without refilling it. Once it is compressed as much as you can, you need to send that compressed energy towards your forehead. You need to do this until you have about 200x your current chakra capacity, that is compressed, and sent to your forehead. It will take more if you want more. That is the gist of it. Any questions before we continue?] Said Sakura

[Yeah, how do I compress my energy?] Said Boruto

[Try to keep the same amount of energy, but in a smaller size. The method I told you is the hard way. The easy way is just to send non-compressed energy towards your forehead. It will fill your seal up the over the span of a few years. This is easier since you just send the energy in, but it both takes longer and is inefficient as you will have to find the right amount of energy to send and regenerate at a time. There is, however an exception. I have researched and studied the seal for Sarada and have found a better way to get the seal faster, but this can only work for blood relatives.

If Naruto were to give you a lot of chakra, then you can use that chakra to fill up your seal. For anyone else's chakra that is not blood related to you, it will not work. I recommend you do it this way since Naruto has a lot of chakra, plus Kurama, so just get him to fill up your seal. Any other questions?] explained Sakura

[None.] said Boruto as he bows and starts to leave.

'Now I'm bored.. I guess ill just go home..' I thought as I teleport into the house while dispelling my invisibility.

[Im home.] I said, taking off my shoes and went to the kitchen to start to help Hinata and Himawari in cooking.

[Is there a reason why you help in cooking?] questioned Hinata as she puts the food on a table.

[Yeah, in my meal, I have to add something, or I would eat everything available in the village. Plus it can help in my cooking skills in the future if I ever need them.] I said as I finished setting the food up and started to use clairvoyance to find Boruto and Naruto.

[Boruto is about 5 minutes away, and Naruto doesn't seem to be coming back today. Would you like me to get him?] I questioned to Hinata

[Yeah, if you can.] She said as I nod and disappear. I re-appear in the Hokage office to see Tsunade, kakashi and Naruto talking.

[Hey guys, its been a while!] I said while going back to my adult form.

[What are you doing here, Yami? I thought that what I said is boring, so that applies to everything else, right?] said Naruto

[Yes, you are right. I am just here because of a few reasons. 1st, you don't need to know, 2nd, you don't need to know and 3rd, you don't need to know. Now hurry up with your little chat and then we will go back to the house.] I said as Tsunade tried to land a punch on me. I dodge by tilting my head to the right and then punched her in the gut, sending her outside the village.

[W-was that really needed?] said Kakashi

[10 billion % needed.] I said, apologising to Senku once again mentally.

'As repayment of using his '10 billion' line, ill just go to his Universe later on.' I thought as I grabbed Naruto's shoulder and teleported to the house. When I was at the table, I saw Boruto, Himawari and Hinata just about to eat. I sigh while tapping Naruto's memories then made a few dozen clones. I then erased their memory and replaced it with all the information about what to do at work. I then sent them off as both Me and Naruto sat down. I sent another clone to tell the Anbu something and started eating.

[So, what did you just do with the clones?] questioned Naruto

[I made them, then erased their memory, then gave them the memory of how to do their work, which I got from you, then I sent another clone to tell the Anbu that they are working now. Think of it as repayment for the fart and burp chair.] I said, moving the finished dishes to the kitchen while cleaning them with telekinesis. When I was about to go to my room, a dark, purple thing came into the house and tried to enter Naruto's body.

[Dad!! Watch out!!] screamed Boruto with his right eye being the Jougan.

[Wha-] before Naruto could finish, he was struck by the shadow like creature and after a few minutes, he got up.

[Yami!! You saw that, right? Can you do something?] questioned Boruto in panic

[Ok, but you owe me one.] I said as I walk to Naruto and knock him out. After that, I used my chakra to forcefully kick the shadow like creature out of his body. After that, a light came out of Boruto's right eye as it was sent to the creature and killed it.

[D-did I do that??] questioned Boruto while holding the part around his right eye.

[Thats the Jougan. Ill give you more details later. Actually, scrap that, you'll get information later. Now, I believe you need to ask Naruto something, right?] I questioned while putting Naruto in his room with telekinesis while walking upstairs to my bedroom.

'So weird.. I want to skip everything, but I want to stay in some parts.. Alfred, I'm too lazy today, so just put me to sleep and wake me up at 6 am.' I thought as I checked my status.

-- Status --

Name - Yami

Life span - ♾

Skill points - 100,000

&@v%n@#y - ??% M

Body strength - ??? (???)

Bloodlines - ??? (???)

Magic - Origin magic

Cultivation - Legend

Veins - Chaotic God Veins

Commands - All = 80%

Over all strength - 850

Energy - Primordial Origin Chaos

Race Powers - Mastered True Chaotic DL form, Origin Dōjutsu, Half-step Platnium

Soul Weapons - Saiko, Chastiefol, Angel staff.

Grimoire's - All Grimiore

Points - Unquantifiable.

'Hey, what's the 'All Grimiore' and what is up with both my bloodline and body strength? Also, what is that thing that is covered?' I questioned as I started to get drowsy.

[I-I'm not sure.. Something or someone is blocking access from letting me scan it..] said Alfred in slight fear.

Before I could say anything else, I fell asleep.