
The Uchiha's in MHA (AU)

WARNING:  This will not be an OP mc fanfic.  They will be strong but also not unbeatable.  Please remember that these are kids!  While they are averagely smart they are not geniuses and will occasionally make stupid mistakes.  (They won't be idiots either.) DO NOT expect them to act like Madara would or ect.  They are still just your average 15 yo kids.  While they might show some resemblance's to their characters and receive some their personality traits, they are still their own person. As for how the dynamic of having 3 MC's will work.  It won't be 3 MC's.  Madara will be the MC with Obito and Itachi being major side characters.  Like Saskue and Sakura from the original Naruto. With that out of the way, I hope you all enjoy. --Synopsis-- When Ace Dies at the age of 15 along with his two best friends in a car accident, all three of them are given the chance to reincarnate into MHA. With three wishes of course. How will this change the future? Will it be for the good? WARNING: IF YOU LEAVE A NEGATIVE REVIEW THAT HAS ITS MAIN POINT AS NERFED MC’S, YOUR REVIEW WILL BE DELETED BECAUSE I HAVE GIVEN YOU PLENTY OF WARNINGS ABOUT NON OP MC’S. (Characters from other anime’s will make their appearance in this MHA Fanfic.)

DaoistShinobi · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
53 Chs

USJ Part 6

(Author- Hey, I hope you all enjoy! If you do then please don;t forget to add it to your library and support me with power stones!

If you want more chapters then please remember to comment as that helps me a lot with motivations. Thank you! Also please reread the last chapter as i made some updates.)

Madara wastes no more time before he pushes his way to the front of the crowd until he reaches the front.

Obito and Itachi both nod at him as he walks in front of them. Then the three of them take a few steps forewords and they take offensive stances.

'Alright bois. Let's do this.'

Obito and Itachi nod as they raise their weapons.

Tomura then snarls, "Cocky brats! Nomu! Go all out! I want them dead!"

At the exact same moment that Nomu starts moving, the three brothers blitz forewords and clash with their opponent.

The three brothers now clash all out against the Nomu. Madara takes the lead as he whips his bo staff from his back and quickly strikes nomu three times with it before it can counter.

Nomu blitzes forewords raising it's right arm and launching a powerful strike directly towards Madara. Obito, then appears right beside Madara and pulls him backwards just out of range of the punch.

The moment he does so, Itachi slashes at the right leg of the Nomu and laserates directly through causing it for it to be completely removed and forcing Nomu to it's knee.

Madara takes this opportunity to blitz in again. He leaps into the air and clicks the button on his staff to have it transform into his battle scythe.

He then twits his torso and swings the scythe directly towards the Nomu's neck in an attempt to finish it. However, within a second, the Nomu's leg nearly instantly regenerates.

'Shit! Not good!' Without wasting even a millisecond, Nomu launches a vicious uppercut directly toward the descending madara.

He barely manages to move his scythe in front of the fist, however it's much too late to avoid the attack as the strike lands.

The Scythes' handle bends before snapping in half causing Madara to be hit by the punch and be sent flying.

Obito grits his teeth seeing this but quickly teleports behind him and catches Madara preventing him from being thrown too far. The two then quickly launch themselves back into the fight against the Nomu.

The three brothers fight in near perfect synergy making it look as if they could read each other's minds.

'This isn't working!' Obito shouts through telepathy.

Itachi groans as he takes a glancing blow from the Nomu as Obito barely manages to pull him out of the way in time, 'I know! But what else can we do? I'm out of ideas!'

Madara grunts as he narrowly avoids a strike from the Nomu before replying, 'I've got an idea, but, I'm not sure if it will work, and I'll be out of commission afterwards.'

However, before either of the brothers can respond, the tides turn drastically in Nomu's favor. Itachi swipes at the Nomu's leg once again, however, this time however, Nomu quickly leaps backwards evading the attack.

During this fight, Itachi had been limiting Nomu's movement, Madara keeping it's main attention, and Obito keeping the both of them just out of it's range. However, now that it's movement is no longer limited...

'Shit look out!' Itachi shouts through the link, however it's too late. Nomu, now without it's movement being limited, blitzes forward ignoring both Itachi and Madara, and with a quick hook, it slams into Obito who was unable to react in time.

Obito lurches forewords for a millisecond as he pukes up blood as his mask falls off due to the impact. He then blasts backwards for nearly ten feet before he slams into a tree. The impact can be heard like a gunshot. That is quickly followed by a loud crash as the tree snaps in half and temples over onto Obito who is now groaning on the ground.

"Obito!" Madara shouts as he clenches his fists. He then whips is head around to attempt to find the Nomu.

Nomu however has not wasted any time. Madara suddenly hears a crunching impact followed by a groan from his right.

As if the world had gone into slow motion, Madara turns his head despite feeling an incredible amount of dread, and he watches as Itachi is sent flying like a crumpled rag doll from a powerful front kick used by the Nomu.

Madara grits his teeth as he snarls at the Nomu. His rage at this monster is something unlike he had ever felt before. This.... Thing! Dares to touch his little brothers? His best friends?

"You motherfucker. Do you want to die?" Madara asks with his voice unusually low and his eyes looking even more fearsome than normal.

The Nomu however, simply ignores this statement as he rockets forewords towards Madara with its arm raised in position for an overhand hook.

Within a second the hook connects slamming into the top of Madara's head. The force and impact easily drives Madara's head directly into the ground.

The moment Madara hits the ground, a large explosion roars out as the ground crumples under the force and and causes a massive dust cloud to erupt completely covering the area.

"No way. It actually killed Madara...." Kirishima whispers in shock and fear.

"No. I can't believe it..." Izuku gasps.

"MADARA!!!!" Itachi screams despite his damaged throat. Momo seeing this rushes over to him as Ochaco does the same to Obito, who is currently barely conscious.

Momo quickly grabs Itachi and helps hold him up as he tries to stand but fails. "No way. I can't feel his presence. He can't be dead. He can't be!" Itachi shouts in a panic.

Tear stream down his eyes as he looks at the dust cloud. 'There is no way he could survive something like that. Not without his defense being up!'

Tears stream down his eyes as he feels completely lost. Itachi can't believe it.

He watches, eyes empty and hollow as the massive figure of the Nomu slowly exits the the dust cloud and begins walking towards them

Tomura, then breaks out in laughter, "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Your brothers dead! How does that feel you pathetic useless Hero! You couldn't even save your own brother! So how will you save yourself?

The Nomu, however then freezes in its tracks and slowly turns around as everyone goes silent.

From inside the dust cloud a figure can be seen slowly rising to its feet. It's long spiky hairs seems to almost be floating as a blue energy begins to swirl around him within the dust cloud, his blood red eyes are now piercing through the dust cloud staring directly at the Nomu.

His back is hunched as his arms hang in front of him, blood is now streaming from both his eyes as his sharingan is clearly being used to its absolute limit. His face shows an almost demonic smile as an almost visible wave of hatred rolls off of him aimed towards the Nomu.

However, Itachi notices a huge difference. This time, both has eyes have three Tomoe. itachi chuckles in relief, "This bastard...."

Tomura however screams in anger, "How are you still alive? How the hell! Kill him Nomu Kill him!"

Momo then whispers, "How the hell is he still conscious?"

Itachi then chuckles before replying with what's left of his energy, "He's not. That bastard is doing this while unconcious...."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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