
The Twelve Sectors: Mind of An Animal

With a world once conquered by humanity, a new form of life raised from the ashes of their failures and took their place. With a world suffering from global warming 20% of all oceans has receded and dried up into vast deserts, just how will they live? Follow the story in the eyes of a misunderstood predator in this harsh world.

Fran_Goes_Boo · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Prologue: New World Order

Humanity is a term now is seen as a historic reminder of once false deities that fell into their own selfishness. Humanity, the creatures that uses black powder to poison the very air they breathe, the same black powder who has been used to slaughter our ancestors, has long since lost to the sands of the Pacific Zone.

Now all that remains of them now are their reminders through artifacts that are sought for by the higher-ups and scholars. These can be classified in different ranks, the higher the rank, the more valuable the source material is. One such valuable artifact they are sought for, documents, literature of the past. After their downfall most of such literature was burned or scattered by their own creations.

Now the new creatures governing the world is far and wide, in the forms of animals or mythological creatures that were once instinct due to human activity, but the most of importance of these beings are within the twelve sectors, the twelve cities that govern the Pacific Zone's desert. Each with its own importance and their own resources they keep the balance through their leaders. With each member giving an importance role to control resources, some may find it more difficult then others to keep the order of things. Drug abuse, being the top current issue that has risen over the years in numbers of cases. The new discovery of a chemical nicknamed known as 'Wild Side' has been making its rounds in a few cities now in the black markets causing an uproar of feral cases. Where the once instincts that were locked away due to evolution would have a trigger, causing people to act erratic and attack.

In order to control the flow there's now guards making their lines to keep watch of behaviors that suggest the consumption, when they were found these people would be taken for quarantine, along with any relatives for questioning.

Near the coast side of the Pacific Zone in the small port city, where fishermen are seen taking fish from the waters a pair of eyes would watch one of these cases take place while on their job recovering artifacts from the waters when they drift ashore. It didn't occurred to him that this event would forever change the course of his life, either for better, or worse.