

Was I too harsh? No. I shouldn't let it bother me. She doesn't deserve my concern. But she seemed really sad... Ugh. Azriel, move on. I let out a sigh and resumed working on the paperwork. I experience a peculiar and unsettling sensation of guilt that resides within me. Despite the knowledge that my actions may cause harm to her, I find myself lacking concern or empathy towards her emotional well-being. It seems rational to detach myself, to rid my mind of any unnecessary burden of caring. She may carry the title of princess, yet my profound disapproval towards her was undeniable. Her very essence paled in comparison to the radiant brilliance that emanated from Audrey. Even now, a warm smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I reminisce about Audrey's enchanting presence.

On that fateful day, my unwavering determination propelled me forward, and with resolute steps, I confidently approached Princess Lucile. However, to my dismay, before a single word could escape my lips, she abruptly rose from her regal seat and swiftly retreated into the distance, almost as if my presence had become a mere inconvenience to her. Amidst this unexpected rejection, I find solace in knowing that her actions hold no significance in the depths of my heart.

Such trivial matters shall not hinder my pursuit of happiness and fulfilment.

in this lifetime.

I walk to princess Audrey,She greets me warmly and I can see her eyes light up with joy. I feel a strange sense of warmth in my chest as I gaze upon her. She is truly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

She smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners, as she turned to me and began to recount the events of her day. However, in that very moment, my attention was unexpectedly drawn to a figure across the room: Princess Lucille. She appeared deeply engrossed in a phone call, her laughter ringing out melodiously. Curiosity gripped me as her conversation piqued my interest.

Who could she be talking to? As if sensing my distraction, Princess Audrey called out my name, bringing me back to the present. Startled, I quickly apologised, lowering my head in a respectful bow. Princess Audrey's understanding smile washed away my embarrassment, allowing me to regain my composure.

As I entered my room, I couldn't help but smile and replay the day's events in my head. I sat on my bed and let out a deep sigh of contentment. The thought of spending more time with Princess Audrey made me feel warm inside.

As I lay on my bed, I could hear the night birds outside. I closed my eyes and let the serene sounds lull me to sleep. The day had been long and tiring, but it had also been one of the best days of my life.

As I drifted deeper into a peaceful slumber, I couldn't help but think about Princess Lucile. I wondered who she was talking to and what secrets she might be sharing. Perhaps she was confiding in a trusted advisor or speaking with a mysterious stranger. The possibilities intrigued me, sparking my curiosity even further.

I imagined her elegant figure, adorned in regal attire, engaged in a captivating conversation that held the power to shape destinies. Who could have captured her attention so completely? As my thoughts wandered, I found myself longing to uncover the answers and delve deeper into the enigma that surrounded Princess Lucile.

How beautiful she was. Her flowing brown hair, her bright blue eyes, and her delicate features all left me captivated. How pretty she would look with her hair wrapped around my hand as I fuck her in to ectasy…

and how breathtaking she was. She had an air of elegance and sophistication that left me entranced. And yet, I couldn't stop thinking about her in a way that made me feel guilty.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind, but the image of her kept coming back. It was like she had taken over my thoughts and I couldn't escape. I knew I had to focus on something else, something to distract me from these inappropriate thoughts.

I found myself unable to concentrate. Every time I tried to focus, my mind would wander back to Lucile.

I sighed in frustration, knowing that I needed to sort out my feelings and yet, here I was, feeling deeply about a princess.

But before I could sort it out, exhaustion took over, and I drifted off into a fitful sleep.

As I woke up in the morning… As I woke up in the morning, the golden rays of sunlight streamed through the window, gently enveloping the room in a warm embrace. The chirping melodies of birds tickled my ears, creating a symphony of nature's orchestra. I stretched my body, feeling the sleep gradually fade away, and took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp scent of a new day.

The world outside seemed alive and vibrant, as if it was eagerly awaiting my presence. With a sense of anticipation and excitement, I stepped out of bed. I experienced a profound sense of rejuvenation upon awakening. For the first time in years, my mornings were no longer tainted by a scowling expression.

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, I look perfect as usual, Of course. I get a shower

I leisurely made my way to the balcony, where I settled myself comfortably into a chair. Elias walked into my room and put my morning tea on the table in front of me along with the daily newspaper Elias walked into my room, his footsteps barely making a sound on the carpeted floor.

With a gentle smile, he placed my morning tea on the table in front of me, its fragrant steam rising up and enveloping the room. Alongside the tea, he carefully arranged the daily newspaper, neatly folded and ready to be perused. A true gesture of thoughtfulness, he knew just how to start my day off right..I picked up the newspaper and began to read while sipping my tea on this peaceful day.

Suddenly, I heard Catherine's voice coming from the gardens. I glanced over and wondered what she was up to. To my surprise, the princess was engaged in a fencing match with one of the guards. How Interesting. I kept looking at them, But her beauty wasn't just in her physical appearance. It was also in the way she carried herself, with confidence and poise. She had a kind and gentle demeanour, which made everyone around her feel at ease.

It was no wonder that she had so many friends, and even her enemies couldn't help but admire her. Her beauty was more than skin deep, and that was what made her truly captivating. I felt frustrated by the way she Intrigued me. I hate that I was Intrigued by her. The only person I am supposed to have eyes for is Audrey, Nobody else.

I sigh and look away. I let out a heavy sigh, feeling a wave of frustration wash over me. I can't help but avert my gaze, my frustration evident in my eyes.

I walked to the bathroom to take a shower, I had a lot on my mind as I took off my nightwear and turned on the shower. As the steam fills the bathroom, I feel unexpectedly nice.

I walked to the bathroom to take a shower, I had a lot on my mind as I took off my nightwear and turned on the shower. As the steam filled the bathroom, I felt unexpectedly nice. The warm water cascades down my body, soothing away the tension that has been weighing on me all day. With each droplet that touches my skin, I feel a sense of calm washing over me, as if the worries of the world have been temporarily suspended. The steam in the air wraps around me like a gentle embrace, creating a sanctuary of tranquillity within the confines of this small space.

As the water pounds against my shoulders, it's as though the weight of the world is being lifted, drop by drop. Standing there, enveloped in the comforting steam and the rhythmic pattern of water, I find solace in this simple act of self-care. In this moment, the bathroom becomes more than just a place for hygiene, but a sanctuary for my weary soul.

After fifteen minutes of enjoying the refreshing water, I decided it was time to step out and embrace the warmth of the sun. Wrapping myself in a cosy towel, I gently patted away the droplets that clung to my skin. The soft fabric absorbed the moisture, leaving me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. As I walked away from the water's edge, I couldn't help but reflect on the tranquillity of the moment. I got out of the bathroom, my towel wrapped around my waist, my hair were still wet from the shower

I stood there in shock, Princess lucile. Sitting on my bed. "What are you doing here?!" I glare at her, her cheeks turned a faint colour of pink. "I-I wanted to talk…" She looked away blushing, I feel a smirk on my lips, leaning against the door

"What is it?" I spoke in a calm manner.

"Wear your damn clothes." She glared at me, her blush deepening.

"Why? Not enjoying the view?" I teased her and she went silent.

"Fine." I let out an exasperated sigh.

"Good." She kept her gaze at her hands.

"But-" before I could say anything she said again.

"Just wear your clothes, god damn it!" She glared at him.

"Alright" I shrugged. I started to unwrap my towel.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" She blushed more…She looked sweet.

"Well you told me to wear my clothes." I pause. Teasing her is fun

"I am still here." she glared at me.

"Well I did try to tell you to go out but you didn't want to listen." I smile sheepishly. Her cheeks turned bright red as she got up.

"Uhm, I'll be waiting outside then." She walked out of my room.

"Yes, your highness." I smirk. Well..that was fun.

I walk out, asking where Princess Lucile is. The maid pointed towards her room and I nodded at her and walked to princess Lucile's room. I knock before entering.

"Come in." A sweet voice came from the room as I entered. "Hello, Princess Lucile." I smirked, causing her to pause brushing her hair and face me. Her facial features were just as sweet as her voice.

Locking eyes with her, we both fell into a comfortable silence. Taking a seat on her bed, she continued to gaze at me with curiosity. "So, what is it?" I inquired, my gaze still fixed on her. "I need your help," she responded, never breaking eye contact.

"Oh?" I smirked, sceptical of her sudden need for assistance. "Weren't we supposed to be rivals?" I raised an eyebrow, maintaining a smug demeanour. She frowned, hesitating before continuing. "Well... I want you to help me overthrow Audrey." Her eyes locked onto mine. I was taken aback but quickly regained my composure.

"Excuse me?" I glared at her, feeling a surge of disbelief. "I know you are a lover boy for Audrey, but... I require your assistance, alright?" The audacity of this woman. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Lover boy?....seriously?" I roll my eyes at her complete lack of understanding. It's frustrating how she always jumps to conclusions about me and labels me with these ridiculous nicknames.

Just because I have a crush on princess Audrey doesn't mean I fit into that lover boy stereotype she's trying to put me into. It's time for her to see who I really am beyond these shallow judgments.

as I made my way towards her. The intensity of our connection was palpable, and time seemed to stand still in that moment. Every step I took was deliberate, and I could feel my heart racing in my chest.

Her eyes held a mixture of intrigue and anticipation, matching the rhythm of my approach. I could see a flicker of uncertainty in them, but it only fueled my curiosity. I wanted to see if she would stop me so I leaned down at her without uttering a word.

Finally, I stood before her, our faces mere inches apart. I could feel her warm breath against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"Princess…you know, how much you get on my nerves?" I whisper softly.

Her gaze drifted to my lips, then back to my eyes, she leaned back on the chair to put more distance between us.

"I am sorry, well do not help me if you don't want to…"I am torn between my commitment to Audrey and this indescribable feeling I have towards the person in front of me. As I lean closer, I can see the anticipation in her eyes, and it only deepens the internal conflict within me.

Princess Lucile , with her captivating presence and charm, has somehow managed to awaken a side of me I didn't know existed. It's as if a magnetic force is pulling me towards them, making it harder and harder to resist.

Yet, the guilt gnaws at me, eating away at my conscience. I know that my actions will result in Princess Audrey rejecting me. I am well aware of the consequences of my choices and the repercussions…

But in this moment, princess lucile and I, as we share an intimate connection, rationality seems to fade away. The allure and chemistry between us are undeniable. It feels like an irresistible force dictating my actions, clouding my judgement.

As I lean closer, fully aware of the potential consequences, I rest my hand on her cheek,I am overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. Guilty for betraying Audrey, but captivated by this new and undeniable attraction, I am left grappling with a decision that could alter the course of my life forever.

"Oh my god…" I jerked my head towards the door, Prince Adrian. When did he return?!

Princess Lucile pushed me as she covered her face, blushing, Adrian smirked….

Asshole. I look at him.

Seriously my sister? He glared at me. I shrugged.

"W-well….what brings you here, Adrian?" She smiled nervously as I stood up, there was no need to push me, Jeez.

"It seems my little sister and The Duke have something to tell me?" He smirked and leaned against the doorframe.

Smug bastard. The princess sighed.

"Well…we were just talking." She smiled.

"Sure. It does not seem like talking." Prince Adrian raised an eyebrow.

The princess blushed, I looked at Adrian, could this get worse?

"Well something got in my eye and he was helping me get it out" that was a pretty lame excuse.

"Oh. well I see, I assume you have talked enough, Azriel, Maybe you should go back and do the paperwork." He smirked.

"Yes your Highness." I murmured, I got out of the room and walked to the office, Embarrassed

Could this day get any worse? I went over to my chair and sat down, feeling the weight of disappointment pressing on my shoulders.

The gloomy aura surrounding me seemed to mirror my inner tumult, as I sought solace in the familiar comfort of my worn-out chair. With a heavy sigh, I sank into its cushions, allowing the weariness to consume my body and mind. Each passing moment felt like another blow to my already battered spirit, intensifying the dark cloud that hovered above me.

I can't help but wonder why I feel this lingering sense of sadness deep within me. It's a strange feeling that tugs at my heart, reminding me of the missed opportunity to kiss Lucile. It's not as if I am head over heels in love with her, but there is a certain longing that I can't deny.

Perhaps it's the simple act of affection that I crave, the tenderness of a stolen kiss that remains just out of reach. It's a bittersweet realisation that leaves me wondering what could have been, and questioning the true nature of my emotions.I start doing the paperwork, trying to distract my mind from Lucile. The sound of pencil scratching against paper fills the room, creating a rhythmic melody that echoes in my ears. Thoughts of her invade my every attempt at concentration, but I can't let them consume me. I force myself to focus on the task at hand, to drown out the longing that threatens to consume my thoughts. As my pen moves across the page, I find solace in the repetitive motion. Each stroke takes me further away from the memories, from the deep connection that once held us together. But try as I might, I can't escape the lingering traces of her presence. It's as if she's engraved her essence into every line and curve on this damn paperwork. The weight of her absence presses heavily upon me, like an invisible burden that I can't shake off. I miss the way her laughter filled the air, how her smile could light up even the darkest corners of my world. But now, all I have are these papers in front of me, my only companions in this moment of solitude. Time drags on, its relentless march echoing the void she left behind. Yet, I must soldier on, burying my emotions deep within the confines of my weary heart. This paperwork is my sanctuary, my refuge from the storm that rages within.

I refocus on my work once more... Damn it. I unintentionally sketched her face onto the official document. Without hesitation, I swiftly reach for an eraser and promptly remove it.

However, my heart pounds with anxiety, fearing that the accident may have irreversibly tarnished the form's sanctity.

This is getting too stressful…

In the evening, I went to visit the late queen's garden… In the evening, I went to visit the late queen's garden. As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, I was captivated by the ethereal beauty that surrounded me. The air was scented with the fragrance of blooming flowers, filling my senses with a delicate symphony of perfumes. The soft breeze whispered through the trees, rustling the leaves and creating a soothing melody.

I strolled along the winding paths, marvelling at the meticulously trimmed hedges and vibrant flower beds. It felt as if time had frozen, allowing me to immerse myself in nature's embrace and escape the worries of the world. The tranquillity of the garden enveloped me, providing solace and a much-needed respite from the bustling city life.

As I admired the grandeur of the late queen's garden, I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the legacy she left behind. It was a place of serenity and enchantment, where the beauty of nature intersected with the dreams of a visionary ruler. As I sat there I found a book near the bench, I picked it up..

"Mafia's love?" I smirk, wondering who is the owner of this book, As i opened the book, unaware of the tantalising surprises that awaited me within its pages. To my surprise, I discovered that it was filled with a collection of sensual and erotic tales, each one promising to ignite the flames of passion within its readers.

I look around before getting up and walking back to my chambers ... .suddenly, I notice princess Lucile…looking for something, I look at the book, then at her, wait ... .this all makes so much sense now! She looked at me then at the book in my hands, She walked to me, shocked.

"Where did you find this?" She glared at me.

"In the gardens" I smirk.

'Well, give it back." She tried to take the book, so I lifted it up. suddenly, I notice Princess Lucile…looking for something, I look at the book, then at her, wait ... .this all makes so much sense now! She looked at me then at the book in my hands, She walked to me, shocked. "Where did you find this?" She glared at me. "In the gardens" I smirked, enjoying this little game of cat and mouse. My eyes locked with hers as she furrowed her brows in frustration. "Well, give it back," she demanded, trying to assert her authority. But I couldn't resist the chance to tease her a bit longer. With a mischievous smile, I raised the book out of her reach, taunting her playfully. Her eyes narrowed and her face flushed with anger.

The princess was not used to being challenged, and I could see that she was determined to regain control. However, I had no intention of making it easy for her. As she reached for the book again, I quickly deflected her hand and took a step back, just out of her reach.

"Excuse me?" she blushed, so sweet…so cute… "Well what about no?" I smirk. "Please, I'll do anything," she pleaded. 'Hmm? Anything?" I smile, a mischievous glint in my eyes. I can't help but steal a quick glance at her lips. "Anything," she replied, frustration evident in her voice.

She let out an exasperated sigh

"Kiss me." I don't know why I said that...but at that moment, it felt like the least I could ask for.

"Excuse me?" she blushed, her cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink. Oh, she was so sweet...so cute…..

"You heard me, princess," I said, the words dripping with sarcasm. I could feel a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of my lips, taunting her. "Go ahead and tell them," she challenged, knowing full well that it wouldn't make a difference.

"Not like people will believe you anyway," she retorted, rolling her eyes in dismissal. But deep down, we both knew the truth - her words held no power here.

I shrugged and started to walk away with the book, a moment later she caught up with me. "Please give it back…." she pleaded as I raised an eyebrow and smirked. The mischievous glint in my eyes reflected my amusement at her desperation. I held the book tantalisingly out of her reach, teasing her with the prospect of reclaiming it.

With each step I took, she matched my pace, her determination unswayed. Her plea grew more desperate, her tone tinged with a mix of frustration and longing. I couldn't help but revel in the game we were playing, enjoying the chase just as much as the prize.

Then suddenly she kissed me, her lips on mine...In that unexpected moment, her soft lips gently met mine, igniting a rush of emotions within me. Time seemed to stand still as the sweetness of her kiss enveloped every fibre of my being. Her bold act of affection left me exhilarated, unsure of what would come next. The tender touch of her lips against mine lingered in the air, creating an electrifying connection between us. With just one kiss, she unveiled a world of possibilities, setting my heart ablaze.

I gradually embrace her slender waist, allowing the tenderness of our kiss to envelop me completely. Our lips engage in a gentle, synchronised dance, as I witness a vibrant, crimson hue grace her flushed cheeks.

The intoxicating warmth fills the air, heightening our connection with each passing moment.

Five minutes later, her lips slowly separate from mine, leaving a lingering warmth that sends a shiver down my spine.she delicately takes hold of the book and swiftly moves away, her cheeks tinged with a soft shade of pink. The air seems charged with an unspoken connection as she disappears into the distance, leaving me longing.

What the hell did I just do….

hello everyone...

I apologise for the delay of the chapter as my computer has stopped working and it took ALOT of time to get it repaired.... I will try to upload atleast two chapters in a week

As for the thorns of rose and secrets of love, I will start updating It once I am done with my semesters's exam

thank you for your support, everyone<333

mesmerising day!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ManyaGulaticreators' thoughts