

What is the matter with me? Why did I even entertain the thought that his words could be genuine...ugh. Despite the annoyance, I carry on reading my book as a foolish nobleman sets his sights on my cousin. What an asshole.I sense that Azriel is already plotting to kill the nobleman, but surprisingly, he appears remarkably composed. It's as if he doesn't have any concern whatsoever.

But honestly, it's none of my business.I got up and walked to the kitchen, with Duke Azriel following closely behind. I seriously need a break. I took a glass of water, how should I overthrow Audrey….she doesn't deserve to be the Queen.

Later that day, I walked down the busy streets of the city. The sun is shining bright, and people are bustling around me. It feels good to be out in the world, to feel the warm sun on my skin. I feel happy that he isn't following me around.

I decide to head to a little café that I've been wanting to try, and I'm surprised to see that it's relatively empty. I take a seat at a small table by the window and order a coffee and a pastry.

As I wait for my order, I notice a woman sitting alone at another table. She's reading a book and looks completely engrossed in it. I can't help but watch her for a few moments, and I'm struck by how peaceful she looks.

When my coffee and pastry arrive, I begin to enjoy my much-needed break. I savour the first sip of my coffee, and the taste is rich and strong. The pastry is flaky and buttery, with just the right amount of sweetness.

As I'm finishing my snack, the woman at the other table gets up to leave. She notices me watching her and smiles, "Enjoy your coffee." she says.

I smile back at her, "Thank you. Enjoy your book."

As she walks away, I realise that this is one of those moments that make life worth living. A simple interaction with a stranger can bring joy and a connection that reminds us of the beauty of the world.

Feeling grateful for the small pleasures in life, I finish my coffee, pay for my snack, and go back out into the world, ready to continue my day with a lighter heart.

"I had explicitly warned you, princess, not to venture out without my accompaniment." I came to an abrupt halt, yet another day spoiled. Surveying my surroundings, it became evident that Duke Azriel was the cause of this disturbance.

A bitter smile formed on my lips as I mustered a response, "Well, well, Duke Azriel, fancy running into you here." His gaze narrowed, and a sense of gratification washed over me as a scowl adorned his face.

"Don't pretend to be innocent, Princess Lucile," Duke Azriel growled, his teeth clenched. "I believe I have the right to go wherever I please." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "No, you cannot," he replied,glaring at me.

"You should go back to Audrey instead of bothering me," I replied coldly. I couldn't fully understand why, but a pang of jealousy surged within me.

"I will, but you'll need to come with me," he stated, giving me a serious glance. "I've already told you that I don't want to go now. Let's not cause a scene, Duke Azriel."

"It is dangerous for you, Lucile Raleigh," he stated. I blinked twice in astonishment. Did he just call me by my real name? "It is Princess Lucile for you, Duke Azriel."I avert my gaze, consumed with anger. How can he be so audacious? "Are you feeling angered, princess? That mirrors precisely how I feel when I'm around you. You are simply insufferable, Lucile. It's no wonder your father despises you.

Truly, you are undeserving of having the queen as your mother. Indeed, you deserve nothing more than being confined to your room for the entirety of your existence."I was taken aback. He glanced at me, clearly surprised by his own words. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realised he was right - I really don't deserve my mother. I nodded, feeling a sense of coldness emanating from him.

"You're going back, whether you like it or not," he stated firmly as I approached the car. The driver promptly opened the door and I slid into the seat. Keeping my emotions in check, I leaned my head against the window. Duke Azriel occupied the adjacent seat, but he purposefully avoided making eye contact with me. Fine by me; I had no desire to see him anyway. "In the future, remember to inform me or bring someone with you when you go out."

"Okay," I responded, gazing out the window.

Once we arrived at the palace, I entered ahead without exchanging greetings. Fatigue had already consumed me, suppressing the tears that threatened to escape. In solitude, I made my way to my room, successfully avoiding a breakdown in front of others. Collapsing onto the bed, I tightly embraced my pillow and finally let the tears flow.