
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
101 Chs

It Follows You

I was looking at Liza and Miku in front of me. There's no way that's possible though. I rubbed my eyes, maybe I was tired. It has been a long day after all.

Even after rubbing and checking over and over again, they both just stood there smiling at me. "Are you done now silly?" Liza laughed at me. She was laughing exactly how I remembered.

Miku helped me up. She walked me over to the steps on the church. Liza came and sat next to us. I just stayed quiet. I didn't understand how they could be here.

"You're wondering why we're here right?" Miku broke the silence first. I see her and she still has the same loving gaze. She might not have been my real mom but I still considered her to be my mom.

"You are right though. We are gone. We've been dead for basically 30 years now." I look at her, waiting for her to continue. "Haha! You're so serious. You still haven't loosen up after all this time!" Liza laughed at me. Always carefree, nothing has changed.

"Liza, don't pick on him! What did I tell you back then? You're lucky a boy even liked you at all! Be nice!" Miku scolded Liza. Liza was just pouting. "I wasn't! I just want him to smile! He's also so stiff and serious! He's got a nice smile you know!"

The two girls were just talking to one another. Completely ignoring me. I clear my throat to get there attention.

"Can someone please explain why you two are here?" I was getting a little fed up. These two were acting like I wasn't here. Both of them straightened up and cleared their throats.

"Liza, let me tell him." Liza steps back and let's Miku handle it.

"Atlas. We are… a figment of your imagination. It looks like you have a lot of regrets from your past life. It seems like after Noel died, you slowly started to remember all your regrets in this life and the last one. You created us to help you cope with it all."

Atlas couldn't fully comprehend what she was saying. Regret? I had regret? But I've moved on though right? I have new friends now.

"You think I'm wrong right? Look at this." Miku tried grabbing Lily's dagger from me. Her hands went right through. "You see! Think about it Atlas. Have you truly moved on? Tell me about your friends."

"My friends? Well there's May. She's a guild master. Jennie and Lucy are A rank adventures. Princess Eva and Zen are also people I considered to be my friends."

"Right but tell me about that. You only gave me a summary of them you know."

Oh. She's right? Hm. Hm? Why can't I think of anything? What is wrong?

"Why can't I remember anything?"

Liza answered this time.

"It's because you stopped caring for them! After you received your memories, you ended up keeping people at a distance from you. Even if they talked to you, you were never truly present."

I tried thinking back on the past year. It seems so blurry and forgettable. Did I really not care?

Suddenly, the loving and caring aura from Liza and Miku changed. They both had an evil looking smile.

Liza nudged up against my left arm. I see that evil looking smile on her. "What's wrong silly? Did you realize it now? You never cared for these people. That's why they all died."

'No… that can't be.' Miku then nudged up to my right arm. She also had an evil smile.

"You know what kind of person you are now Atlas. You failed in this life. Just like in your past life!! You let these people die! Just like you let us die!"

I suddenly felt my heart beat quicken. 'Why can't I breath? I'm trying to breath!' I felt down on my knees, gasping for any air I could. I heard Liza and Miku in my ears again.

"Look at you. Are you mocking us?! This is how I died!" I looked at Liza, I wasn't trying to mock her. I tried telling her but nothing came out of my mouth. I saw Miku walk behind me and felt her kick. She sent me flying down the stairs.

I didn't stop until I hit the very bottom. I landed on my back, staring up at the night sky. I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

The two girls suddenly appeared above me and looked down on me. Both had a nasty grin on their face.

"What's wrong silly? Are you going to cry?"

"Atlas. Why are you crying now?"

When I heard their mocking tones, I couldn't help but cry. These two aren't the girls I remembered. They were caring and loving.

"Pathetic. You're crying because of those dead people right? The ones you thought you cared about?" Miku reminded me of it. I didn't want to believe it. Did I really not care?

"That's right! If you really cared for them, why don't you join them? Apologize to them!"

"Liza? What do you mean?"

"Oh boy you're dumb as fuck now huh? I mean what I said. Join them! Kill yourself and join them dumbass!"

I felt such an overwhelming sense of hopelessness and sadness when I heard what she said. Kill myself? Just to apologize?

"You understand it now!! Why don't you kill yourself? It's a good idea right?! You can see them again. Apologize to your dear sister for not caring about her enough!"

"Yes Yes! Miku's right! You can even find us too! You can apologize to us for failing to save us that day!"

I suddenly felt Lily's dagger in my hands. I could do it. I really could. Is there really anything else left for me in this world? I failed once again. I couldn't save anyone. Liza and Miku also made me realize that I didn't even know anything about them. Is that why I didn't care to move faster to save them? Was everything a lie???

"Yes! Do it Atlas! Take that dagger and end it all."

"Come on! You want to see me again right? Don't you have a lot of regrets? Isn't there a lot you still wanted to say to me??!"

Miku and Liza were both telling me to do it. It's better this way right?

I take the dagger and place it right over my jugular.

"That's right. Do it. Pay for the sins you committed."

"Pay for not saving us!"

"Pay for making us suffer a slow death."

"Pay for not being able to save the people you care about in this life as well!"

I heard both of their voices pushing me to do it. I felt a small droplet of blood. The dagger had lightly cut into my neck.



"ATLAS NO!!!!"




Lucy POV

I snuck out. Atlas hasn't return yet and it was nearly midnight. I got worried so I decided to look for him.

I checked the mercenary guild but I couldn't sense him there. I checked the royal castle but he wasn't there. I checked Mr. Mars's home and our house as well. He wasn't anywhere I looked.

"Are you looking for Sir Atlas?" I turned around when I heard the monotone voice. It was Zen, he was rocking a sleeping Katherine in his arms.

"Zen. Do you know where he is?" Zen seemed strong but he was a mystery. I don't know anything about him.

"Zen doesn't know. But Zen would guess that he returned to the church in the slums. That's where Atlas found Noel." I turn and ran towards the church. I don't want Atlas to be alone right now. He needs someone.

I move as fast as possible and reach the church in five minutes. I could see Atlas in the distances but he seemed to be talking to someone. I jump on the church wall and watch him.

He continues talking but I don't see anyone. It seems like he's talking to two different people?

He walks up the church stairs and sits up top. He continues talking. Did he hit his head? Does he think that he's talking to someone right now?

Atlas suddenly jumped from the top steps and rolled down the stairs. He hit the bottom and didn't move. I was so scared!

I wanted to call out to him but I see him still breathing and talking. It looks like he's okay for now.

But the next thing I knew he began crying. It was more sobbing than crying. He sounded distraught. He then quickly took out his dagger and placed it on his neck.





Atlas POV

Lucy suddenly appeared. She knocked the dagger from my hand and tackled me down.

"ATLAS WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" She looked down on me, she was crying while looking at me.

'Don't look at me like that. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve any form of care and love from anyone.'

"What does it look like? It's better this way if I'm gone!! Only bad things happen with me around!!"

"What are you saying!!" She ended up punching me. Hitting me over and over. "What will we do if we lose you too?!"

"It'll be fine!! If I'm gone no one will come for you right??!! Just please…. Let me go… I don't want to lose you… I don't want you dying in my arms… I don't want to helplessly watch that again." I couldn't help but cry out again. Liza and Miku said I didn't care for them… even if that was true I refuse to watch them die. I will go first.

Lucy stood up and smacked me across my face. "Do you think we want that?! Huh!?" Lucy stared right into my soul. I could feel the sincerity.

"Atlas! Please stay with me! Don't leave me alone again." She was crushing me with her hug. "I can't bare to be away from you. Noel is gone, I can't lose you too."

Why am I like this. I wanted to disappear but now I'm getting another chance at life since Lucy saved me…

Suddenly my memories came back. I remember spending alone time with Lucy. How we would sit outside May's home and watch Noel practice. I also remember spending time with the others as well. Listening to May complain about her duties as guild master. Jennie always bugged me to help her improve her fighting techniques. Olivia and Katherine always sat me down to eat with them at the guild. Mars, Kiah and Casper always invited me to join them on their days off. I even remember arguing with Princess Eva like she was my own sister.

'All of this happened within the last year?? The memories just keep flowing in? Why did I forget everything that happened after the Hero's festival incident?'

I look around for Liza and Miku but they were both gone. Where did they go?

Lucy helped me up. She kept the dagger away from me.

"Come on Atlas. Please let's just go." I hear the almost desperate cry for me to follow her.

"Did you see the two women I was talking to? Do you know where they went Lucy?"

She looked at me. She sighed and said, "Atlas. I was watching you the whole time. There was no one around here except for you and I."

What?? So they were really in my mind?

"Come on Atlas!!! Let's goooo!!!" She was dragging me now. I was forced to run along.

Honestly, this chapter would be better if I could add sound effects and visuals lol. I basically pictured the “mc going crazy” angle throughout this chapter.

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