
First Awakening

'Doc. The training regimen will produce slow results for you because you will require the life potion to recover quickly. We can only do basic training because the Life Potions were already consumed due to your body's premature state and the strange case of your viruses. As a result, instead of days with the potion, it would take months for you to achieve ideal fitness. Don't worry though, your parents left a huge amount of money within my virtual world, so you should be able to train further properly when we go out.'

'I see. If that is the case, let's start then.', Cane energetically replied.

He had contemplated what to do with this new life he was given, and he had a clear goal. First, he wanted to live a life full of adventures. Second, he would do his best to find traces of his parents if time and circumstances allowed it. Third, he had to get access to information and technology that could understand his condition as soon as possible. He was afraid that he might die any second because of it.

Of course, he wanted to accomplish every one of those goals without striding out of his moral compass—to plant and harvest positive karma.

Superpowers, monsters, gods, and other new stuff were just some of the few reasons he was excited to experience the New Earth. Unlike his past life, he wanted it to be full of color and excitement. With clear goals, he knew that his new life would be worthwhile.

Seconds later, Liz started flashing basic exercises on the monitor, and Cane performed everything that was shown. As a doctor, he was very knowledgeable about the status of his body, except for the viruses. Cane decided to do more research on the viruses once he went out. Though there was a lot of information in the notebook, it seemed like his father used codenames and encryption on the most important elements of the viruses they made. He needed some time to know what those were.

Time passed by like clouds, and it was then the second month of Cane's reincarnation.

Oddly, he felt that there was something wrong with his memories. He was starting to feel that his attachment to his old world was slowly fading. But he thought it was natural. He was just regretful of not knowing what happened to the beautiful woman that he had helped before he died.

'Doc. Based on your current progress, you should be at one hundred percent fitness after another 2 months.', Liz announced, waking him up from his stupor.

As Liz predicted, Cane got used to making any movements using his body after 2 months.

'Doc. Before going outside, since you are now 20 years old, it would be best to wait for the opening of the recruitment of the Four Great Academies. With the two unknown viruses inside you, the best time to have a viral awakening would be at age 21. I could stimulate your viral genes if you want to level up to the first evolution right now, but since I don't have the data of the viruses inside you, I think it is dangerous to do something without prior data. If you choose to do it by then, you will know if you have the normal or supreme viral gene mutation.', Liz informed Cane.

Cane pondered his options for a while. He agreed with Liz that doing an unknown process has a high chance of danger. But he was a bit inclined to do it right away because his parents told him to not let others examine his body.

'Does my body truly have secrets? Are the two viruses somewhat connected to the Gods? Where are these Gods? Can't they give me a sign or something?', he asked himself.

'Liz. Based on the data on my father's research and the outside world, what are the chances of an awakened person turning into a Failure?'

'On the later stages of your father's study, the percentage of humans turning into Failures was 60 percent. As for the current percentage, it was lowered to 10 percent.'

'10 percent is still quite high considering the populace of billions. I can now understand why the Genetic Tower was founded, as ten percent of cold-blooded beings lurking around will surely cause chaos. So, if I choose to have the awakening right now, what are my chances of success?'

'Ninety percent. I have grasped the latest technique in the outside world. However, due to a lack of information about your viral genes, it is currently reduced to 60%.'

'Let me think about it for now.', Cane replied, as he took out the notebook his parents left.

After an hour of consideration, he finally informed Liz about his decision.

'I trust that my parents won't harm me. They specifically instructed me that I should not have my body examined by others and not to trust the Green God Company. My father was the pioneer of this research, and my mother was a genius in her own right, so I must put my faith in them. I am not sure what happened, but they must have put this virus inside me with the high chances of my awakening being a success.

'I am also excited about this world being ruled by powerful superhumans.' Cane reflected, "I have lived a monotonous life in the past; this reincarnation should be a call for me to live an adventurous one."

'Liz. Would you believe me if I said that I came from another world? It might be a parallel world since I am still the same person.', he tried to see if Liz could answer.

'Yes, Doc. This world is overseen by 14 Gods and an Ultimate Deity. They are omnipotent, so there is an accepted theory that some form of time travel and parallel world transmigration is possible. In fact, the Green God Company of 270 years ago had a division that researched time and space travel. I don't know what happened to that division, but it was likely to have been destroyed during the God's Capture aftermath.'

'Thanks, Liz. I can't wait to see the outside world. My parents warned me of important things that caused the impossibility of being awakened outside. Failures, as you stated, account for approximately 10% of the total population. It would be better to be awakened before venturing outside this bunker for a higher chance of survival.'

'I understand. The awakening might be a painful process, but I would set the pain tolerance setting of the capsule to the maximum. Just lay down there and I will stimulate your viral gene mutations. The approximate time of completion would be dependent on the viruses in your body. The least recorded awakening time is 2 hours and the longest duration is 72 hours.'

Cane inhaled deeply and laid his body down on the capsule. As the glass cover slowly closed, his heart hammered heavily. Even after months of convincing himself that he was actually in a new world, he was still shocked. However, he could sense that the guarded impulses of his previous existence were gradually being replaced with an eager excitement. He suddenly thought he had spent his life incorrectly in the past—devoid of adventures.

Liz's voice suddenly announced-

'I can see that you have an abnormal heartbeat rate. Are you okay, Doc? Don't worry, you can talk to me during the process.'

'No. I am just excited. I did not lie to you when I said that I came from another world. I guess that I am just saying goodbye to my old self.'

'I understand. I will start your awakening now.'

Liz, can you awaken her heart to open up for me? ^_^

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