

Cane read the contents of the book as slowly as he could to make sure that he understood everything that was written in it. He was almost numb to the surprise and shock that his origins brought. He even thought that he would be the most controversial person on the planet if the information he got leaked in his past life.

'Now I am afraid to go out. Why did I have to reincarnate in such a problematic body and family? God, if you can hear me, can you at least let me reincarnate as a high official of the Genetic Tower?', he tried to console himself.

Kidding aside, based on the information inside the notebook, it was actually his parents and another couple who survived the God's Capture project. He even suspected that one of them shared what truly happened because Liz was able to get it from the public data last time.

He couldn't help but get nervous as he continued reading from the notebook. This piece of paper was proof of what truly happened 270 years ago. If this information became public, the Astro family, the families of the other two people, or anyone connected to them, would be labeled heretics by the entire world.

Even if the current New Earth looked lively and magical, it was actually a culmination of so many deaths of humans who became victims of the biochemical warfare and plague of the undying virus during the first few years of the New Earth's calendar. Hence, a lot of people's hatred will surely ignite once the truth is discovered.

Cane spent eight days reading all of the pages in the notebook. During those eight days, the Food Vial became his only source of energy, and he finally got accustomed to his body as it was now able to function well. He was still in awe of the extent of the knowledge in the notebook. There were a lot of things written there that were the results of his parents' lifelong research. He wanted to know more about his situation, but nothing was written about it, or they simply did not have time to examine him based on how distressed they looked on the video.

On the last page of the notebook, it instructed him to visit a website that he could use to navigate the new world. There were still a lot of questions on his mind, but he knew that his parents only wanted to protect him. After contemplating what to do, he decided to visit the link that was written in the notebook.

'Liz. Please visit 122.081.398.0000000000000.'

'Accessing.' 'Authenticating.' 'Access Granted.'

'Liz will now function as a virtual assistant. Please call me Liz.'

Cane got surprised because the AI, Liz, suddenly combined with the link that she visited.

'Liz. Kindly inform me about this new you.'

'Yes. I am Liz. I combined it with the virtual world that your parents prepared for you. I am now more intelligent and can be an evolving AI. I am currently present on a small earring that your parents pierced on your right ear.'

He checked his right ear and there really was a small black diamond-looking earring on it. He guessed that he was not able to notice it due to how small it was and because he had too much to think about.

'Should I call you Master or anything?', Liz asked.

'Master seems a bit corny. How about Boss? Or commander? Or maybe Your Highness? Ugh! I never thought that picking a title to be called upon was this hard. Let's just stick to Doc. I am more accustomed to Doc.'

'Yes, Doc.'

Cane smiled after hearing what Liz called him. He truly couldn't understand it himself, but he felt attached to his current self. He tried to remember his previous life, but it was hazy and his head ached if he did. Hence, he decided to focus on this new world and accept that he was Cane Astro, the son of the scientists who changed this world.

'Liz. What is it within this virtual world? Why did my parents leave me this thing?'

'Good question. Actually, your parents were pioneer scientists for the Green God Company. The company had so much research and inventions that were not available to the world. They wanted to monopolize or control the world, using force if need be. But just before their debut, their last project — God's Capture — failed and ultimately led to the destruction of the company.

Four people survived, and that included your parents. After its destruction, your parents and the other two people each parted ways and vowed to not mess with the Gods anymore. Your parents predicted that the technology that the Green God Company painstakingly worked on would sooner or later be discovered by the world and hence the current planet. The undying virus of today is actually not a new discovery. The Green God Company has long attained results when it comes to genetics and viruses. The reason why you are still alive is due to that.', Liz said in a human-like voice.

'So the link contained more information about what happened. My parents must have designed Liz to combine with it. Also, if that was what actually happened, why did my parents warn me about the Green God Company? And there is a Green God Company today. Is it the same as the one that was destroyed in the past? But it seemed that the public did not know much about the true events. This must mean that someone had a monopoly on the information or that the Green God Company did not actually collapse.'

Cane did not have a choice but to be included in the muddy waters of the new world he was in. He was naturally fearful of the unknown, but the limitless possibilities and adventure he would experience gave him an undefinable courage to go out and start his journey. But he realized that he had to have a clear goal before doing that. He knew that his reincarnation was not possibly a simple coincidence because it was too insane to be one.

'Another thing that your parents predicted is the weaponization of humans using the virus. They have had preliminary results with that technology already, and they believe that the new world that you will wake up in will be full of the results of their research. There's also a chance that your parents are still alive. I do not know how, but if they used every technology at their disposal, they would surely survive. I am confused as to why you are left alone here, but they left me with you. I am the only advanced AI that was produced in their time. Since it has already been 270 years since the Greed God Company's destruction, the same technology as mine will surely surface or have already been developed.'

'Thank you, Liz. We will find out everything once we go out. Do you have anything in your system that will help me get healthier? I still find it hard to walk continuously.'

Cane had a lot to digest and think about. With his level-headedness activated, he realized that he would need to ensure his health and survival before thinking about finding answers to his questions.

'Yes, Doc. Dr. Ranger Burnhill Astro, your father, led the genetics research of the Green God Company. His division determined that the undying virus was actually harmless. So they mixed in genes from beasts and other unknown ingredients, transforming test subjects into monsters or superhumans.

For some reason, your parents did the same to you. I think that it is highly connected to the Gods. The Astros had brilliant minds, so they must have known that you had a high chance of survival. Now that you are awake, I have a training regiment here that was used to train the first superhumans of the Green God Company.

As you know, there are two viruses inside you. The origins are your right eye and right hand. The records about your virus are not available in my system. So, your parents might also not be aware of what elements your viruses hold if there are any.'

'Viruses have elements?', Cane asked in surprise.

'Yes, Doc. Normal viral gene mutations only give superhumans a superb boost in their physical or mental aspects. The supreme viral gene mutations, however, sometimes provide elemental prowess or unique talents.

By the way, I now have information about the outside world's situation as I finished gathering all the publicly available and level two information. As expected, the advancement of the current viral gene technology has surpassed what was discovered by the Green God Company 270 years ago.

The Green God Company of the past only got results for the third evolution of viral genes, but today, superhumans can evolve to the seventh viral gene evolution. Do you want more specifics about each level?'

Cane gasped. He already overestimated the level of technology New Earth would possess after 270 years. But what is the seventh evolution of gene mutation? Did that mean that humans could fly or something like that already?

'Oh, my poor parents. I am just not sure if you are saints or devils this time.', he sighed.

'I will worry about other things after leaving this bunker. Let us see the training regimen and skills you spoke of first.', Cane decided to prepare by beginning with good health.

Virus? My neighbor said I got one because I wore a facemask. ^_^

SleepingGluttonycreators' thoughts