
The Tournament Of Champions

Daryn's crossed to a different world entirely from his. Although there are somethings actually similar with his anyway.....In a world not yet forsaken by the gods, Daryn tries to absorb traditions and beliefs that he believed myths or extinct in his home world. How will he take it all and also hold unto the little hope of finding his little sister who he has always protected. The trial of champions; where gods choose champions only to order them to do their whims. A mother that refuses to loose her son to hades curses him to always be reborn to her immediately after his death. Though she bent the laws, balance must be kept. Her son never remembers her in his reoccuring lives...but she still bends that. R17 not for persons below 17

Scon3z · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
47 Chs

Only you.


She watched her mate glow and increase in size. He was in pain and she could hear bones breaking resonating from his body.

"Daryn," She called. She heard a growl in response. A deep murderous growl.

When she could here no more bones breaking and no painful grunts she took a step towards him. A growl rumbled in his throat forcing her to stand still.

He straightened from his crouched position and shook his large beast like head that was lightly tipped in furs till his neck where the furs seemed to get thicker all the way to his shoulders.

From Darla's view behind him, he was covered in thick dark furs from his broad shoulders till his back forming a triangle till his waist that a furry tail protruded from.

His hands was covered in furs his hands were clenched but when he released them, she found sharp claws at the tip of his fingers.

His ears were pointy and stood proud at the side of his head.

Apart from areas with less furs, her mate was completely covered in furs and glowing with the moon light.

The light from the bonfire even helped outline his features further. Making him shimmer from godly radiance. He stood tall and huge with a beastly aura exuding from him but still glowed a calm radiance of the moon's light that attracted her. Attracting her to danger.

If she hadn't known him, she would have called him a god of death.

His head turned to watch her over his shoulders. A pur like sound rumbled in his chest and he whined before shaking his head again then he raced into the jungle jumping over the houses defense traps in one graceful effortless jump.

Darla just stared fazed by what she saw. It was not until she heard his blood curdling howl did she return to reality. The reality of what her mate had become.


Nothing left for the feast, she started organising things moving them inside the house.

She moved Eric's drunk limp body in the house almost falling from his weight. Their was even a time she had to drag him so she could fit him in the house but still the man did not even stir from his sleep.

"Huh he was really knocked cold" she layed him on his layed out furs and went to bring the feast food in.

She arranged the things they used for the feast and stacked them in places they were supposed to be then waited for Daryn to return.

She had waited the whole night but he did not return. So at the first light of dawn, she went in search of him.

'What if he had changed' she asked her self as she walked the trail her pace slowing down. Fears and what if filling her thoughts.

She shook her head. 'NO' willing her self foward. Even if he was now different, she wouldn't abandon him. They were mates; they face everything together. She did not care if he was now different all she wanted was him and the certainty he loved her the same.

Strengthening her resolve, she hurried into the jungle in search of her mate.

She searched the jungle for hours tracking Daryn's paw prints. Being an experienced hunteress, finding his paw prints was not difficult for her.

The prints led deep into the jungles reaching dense parts that Darla barely visited when she was hunting and measuring the distance from home, Daryn covered a lot of ground.

Soon it was high noon and she still had not found him. She was tired and stressed but most of all she was impatient.

What if he got into a fight with one of the jungles big predators or other hunters saw him and took him as a priced hunt.

All these thoughts ran through her head fueling her anxiety and fear.

She had taken to the trees to search better when she saw a figure walking stealthily hidden in the shade of the great trees. No one had to tell her who it was. She followed him leeping high up in the trees.

They continued like this till they got to the waterfall. Where she found him the first day they met after he was attacked by a higher wolf.

The day he entered her life.

He entered the waterfall and started cleaning himself. Darla watched from the trees.

A moment later she came down the tree and walked to the waterfall. She stopped just before the waterfall and watched him through the water.

"I must have scared you last night.." he said "...to the extent you can't come close to me without fear of your life"

Darla did not speak she just watched the red claw marks on his back as water and blood flowed in thw wounds and down his back.

"Aren't you going to ask what i am...what monster i have become" he turn to her staring into her shining eyes that held back tears.

"Damn it Darla. Can you still love a monster"

Her brows creased pain written all over her face.

"Tell me Darla!" he said this time louder. She startled blinking back the tears that threatened to fall.

"You are no monster Daryn" she said barely above a whisper.

He scoffed. "That's not what it seems like...I know that is also what you think" he brows pinched.

"Do you think i would be here if i thought that" she said covering the space between them anger flared in her eyes not minding the person before her could probably snap her in a second.

"Do you think i would have scanned i third of the jungle if i did not still love you, Did not care about you?" She closed the gap till they stood toe to toe.

"Daryn, i still love you. Monster or not you are mine and it can't be changed" she said giving an airy laugh her anger melting once she was close enough to smell him.

She cupped his face and pulled back the wet strand of hair that clung close to his eyes.

"Personally, i think you are beautiful" she whispered and kissed his chin. That was enough certainty Daryn needed.

Daryn stared at her mouth opened for some time. Slowly taking in what was happening and what she said turning every word over in his head until his eyes locked on hers that shone with tender love.

"Oh, Darla" he pulled her to his chest and kissed her passionately. She responded sucking on his tongue and delving hers in his mouth and arching to him.

Daryn groaned as his body started to react. His member pointed to her stomach throbbing and hot.

She gasped and moved her hand to it and began to pump him. Communicating her love and desire in ways he would understand.

A bellow resounded in his throat. He started to tug at her hunting gear to discard of them.

He tossed the bow and quiver to the side and unhooked her leather straps to remove her leather vest.

In no time she was bare chested pressing her soft breast to his hard chest.

He proceeded to her belt. Happy she didn't bring any of her knives, he threw that one aside as well. Then unbuttoned the leather trousers. Breaking the kiss so he could strip her off it.

He returned to her lips after then hooked his arm around her thigh carrying her into the waterfall.

He pushed her to the stone wall and trailled kisses on her neck. He sucked the skin at her collar bone and nibbled on it leaving a hickey.

Darla gasped. She arched further then dragged his head so his lip met hers. He brought one hand from her waist to her breast and cupped it.

"Gods...i love you Darla. You don't know how much"

He sealed their lips again and played with her nipple.


The kiss was hungry...needing. Daryn raised her legs hooking them around his waist so he found her middle.

Pulling him closer, she wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her waist ever so slightly. Allowing his throbbing member to find her opening.

"I need you Daryn...please"

Daryn groaned his pleasure and shoved inside her.

"Ah,.." Darla's eyes rolled in their sockets. Her body immediately gripping around him so tightly.

"Gods!! Darla" he gasped in her mouth. Hammering his hunger into her.

"Oh," Darla shivered from every stroke begging him not to stop. She kissed him in wide abandon. She could never get enough of him and neither could he.

He removed himself from inside her gaining an angry groan from her.

"Don't worry love I am still here" he kissed at her neck breathing in her scent not forgeting to nibble on the skin.

Darla yelped. The sudden pain pushing her to the edges of ecstasy.

Daryn turned her around her face to the stoney wall and her back to himself. She could feel the heating iron inside her thighs.

She moaned. Looking over her shoulder to see the heated lusty look in her mates eyes which fueled her own to several degrees. She whined to let him know she was impatient that she needed him now.

"Shh...let me take my time." He said in a hoarsed whisper that only made her more impatient she whimpered. Then he moved his cock around her entrance to position himself entering ever so slowly. Darla groaned and moved her hips back to meet him and he entered.

Daryn groaned as her walls began to squeeze around him. "Oh" . He gripped her waist and slammed inside her loosing every little bit of control he had left. They fucked like animals in heat groaning and mourning as skin slammed to skin under the waterfall the cold water turned hot on their bodies. Heated by their shared passion.

Darla jolted flowing on a wave of orgasm but the male behind her wasn't even close. She arched lifted a hand to her back looking for his neck behind her before another wave of ecstasy crashed on her washing through her. Her knees buckled and she held on him for support.

Daryn growled as her walls thightened again. He hammered faster his hips moved in a blur and he climbed his own climax. With one final thrust he came shooting methaphorical arrows in her womb then with a sigh slumped on her shoulders. Heavy quick breaths shoved out their nostrils.

He nuzzled her neck scenting her hair using every will power so he doesn't get hard again from her intoxicating scent maveled at the control she had on him. When she had finally found her feet she turned to him looking into his eyes, she smiled

"Did anyone tell you how amazing you are?" She whispered. A bellow rose in his throat and he kissed her. "Only you"

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