
Jun Yao & Hai Wang

After the unfortunate incident with Ling Shen, the group kept walking around the Academy for some more time before they finally reached their destination.

In front of them was a huge sign that spelled 'Testing & Practice Arena'. The sign was so huge that it could be seen from 30 meters away. That was their current distance from the sign. After walking for a bit longer, they saw that there was a majestic gate underneath it. It was around 5 meters tall and would weigh roughly around the weight of 20 healthy, adult men.

Most of the children were overwhelmed by the size of the gate. They were in deep thought about how they were going to open it. The gate was a shocking sight to those students, but not to Vice-Principal Huan.

The Vice-Principal took a couple of steps forward and pushed open the gate, using just one hand. Looking at his expressions and actions, one could tell that opening the gate was no big job for him.

The respect for the Vice-Principal had once again risen in the minds of the children. With such formidable power, no one dared to offend him.

As the gate slowly opened, a terrifyingly unbearably loud screeching sound was produced. The students felt as if their eardrums were being torn apart, but once again, Vice-Principal Huan was completely unaffected.

After the gate had finally fully opened, and the screeching sound had completely stopped coming, the students saw a huge room, in the center of which, a young man was sitting. After the gate had opened, the man got up from his seat and greeted the Vice-Principal.

He said, "Hello there, Vice-Principal Huan. Long time no see! It has been a lot of time since you personally came here, what's the matter?" the man then saw the students behind him, and said, "Why have you personally come here with these students, and other than that, they are first-years?"

The man was left a little shocked. At first, he thought that these first-year students were the children of some important individuals or young masters of some noble families. Just out of curiosity, he swept his gaze around at the bunch of students. After seeing two kids indulging in a fist-fight, with a circle of other students surrounding them and cheering at the back of the crowd, he lost all hopes of them being nobles. That kind of behavior was, from no angle, worthy of nobles.

The Vice-Principal had understood what the man was thinking, and replied, slightly smiling, "I am not here for any specific reason. The Principal had called a meeting for all the teachers previously, especially first-year teachers, so that's why I'm here. Just think that I'm just a mere replacement teacher."

The man nodded his head and faced the children.

He then spoke in a loud enough voice that could be heard by everyone present in the huge room, "Hello children, I am Jun Yao, the man in-charge of the 'Testing & Practice Arena'. I welcome you all here. First of all, I'll brief you about this place. In this vast arena, there are three main sections, each for the three types of Cultivation. Here, first, you will be given proper demonstrations of each of the three types of Cultivation and then the strengths and weaknesses will be evaluated. This is what will be happening today. You will get sufficient time to think about your personal favorite type of Cultivation. Tomorrow, you will fill out a personal preference test, in which you will have to write which type of Cultivation do you like the most, and why do you like that particular type, and all those boring, general questions. After that, you will get to test out all of the three types of Cultivations. Well, don't get too freaked out, because the tests will be really basic. We won't ask you to break 1 foot thick logs of trees! The next day, the evaluated results will be shown to you, and in the results, you will get to know our views and how you did in each test. So, this is enough for today, let's go and see some action! Follow me!"

When teacher Jun Yao said that they were about to see some action, all the students were overwhelmingly excited. They were really longing to see some real action after that long and boring speech.

After a while of walking, the children reached another room, which was willed with dummies wearing armor, weapons like shields and spears, thick logs of trees, and all kinds of weird things. Amidst all that stuff, was another man, who was extremely well-built, compared to Jun Yao, and also very muscular.

After teacher Jun Yao reached here, he stopped, and once again spoke, "This is Hai Wang, one of my subordinates, who has trained the Body Cultivation."

Teacher Jun Yao motioned to teacher Hai Wang, who in turn, addressed the students, and said, "Hello kids, I'm Hai Wang, and I practice the Body Cultivation. I am currently at the mid 5th level. I am going to show you the might of the Body Cultivation. Watch and learn!"

With this, he released his aura, which was really strong. This aura, however, wasn't frightening, nor was it showing any traces of killing intent, it was just the symbolization of sheer brute power and strength.

Teacher Hai Wang then leaped about 3 feet high into the air and landed a ferocious punch on the ground. Just as his punch made contact with the ground, the ground instantly started shaking violently. Cracks started appearing around the radius of 5 feet from the point of impact. Then, suddenly, Hai Wang's figure had disappeared, and in a flash, it had appeared behind a dummy lathered with all sorts of armor, which was 5 meters away from the previous location of teacher Hai Wang. He then punched the area between the head and the shoulders, just at the centre of the neck, and his hand pierced right through the armor, (which wasn't that hard and in that much quantity, as compared to the vital areas) as well as the neck of the dummy, and emerged from its throat. After this, he kicked a nearby shield, and there was a 2 inch deep mark of his foot engraved into the shield. He then leaped up into the air, this time roughly 5 feet above the ground and landed a fierce punch on the top of the same dummy's head and cracked the armor, which shattered to pieces, but, he didn't stop there! His punch kept rushing down to the bottom of the dummy, tearing it to two different pieces, but that wasn't the end yet! His punch shot down at the ground, just like a meteor hitting the Earth, and left a 5 inch deep hole in the ground, which had such severe after-effects that, the ground started violently trembling, and cracks appeared on the ground, this time roughly around a radius of 10 feet!

After this awesome performance full of sheer brute power and strength, teacher Hai Wang was left totally unscathed, with not even a single bruise, or even a tiny scar on his body.

All of the students were left completely awestruck! They couldn't even imagine teacher Hai Wang's power!

Tao Xue stood at his place and shockingly thought, "What kind of monster is this man? That power was not under the limits of an average human! That was completely monstrous strength!"

Yo... At least some action! The next chapters will be even better! Please care about this poor, needy author and support his series!(I'm the poor, needy guy...) ;-)

TheOmnipotentOtakucreators' thoughts