
Chapter 4: The Double

Two months later,

The young omatikaya went to the place of their appointment with impatience. Ludsey, or his double, was waiting for him by the lake. She turned to him and gave him a smile.

Double Lutsey : Kaltxi ma Twilo

He hastened towards her, taking care to avoid falling. Twilo sat down beside her and looked at the lake with a smile.

Twilo: It's so quiet...So relaxed...

D Lutsey: I agree

Twilo: How is your knee?

She stood up and quickly inspected the wound. Of what was left of the wound she had received from picking the seeds of an awaiei, there was nothing left. Indeed, that was the day he had met her. She was collecting seeds from the plant when a living being passed by, in the detection zone of the plant. Alerted, this one deployed its defenses, leaving only a few moments for the Na'vi to protect itself. But a thorn planted itself on its left knee before it could take cover. Fortunately, she had no other injury that could have made the poison more serious. Indeed, the plant's poison was not effective in isolation but from multiple injuries. The young omatikaya had hurried to her rescue, being careful not to trigger a new reaction from the plant. He carried it to the lakeside where he liked to go to heal it.

Since then, they often found themselves here, talking. As they met each other, the ties between them grew closer and closer until they reached the stage of love.

Twilo : It healed well.

D-Lutsey: Yes, I guess Eywa wanted to bring us together that day.

Twilo: Blessed be our Mother, then!

D-Lutsey with a smile: I think the same thing

The two heads came closer little by little until they were able to stick their lips together and kiss languorously. They stayed like this for a long time before moving apart to resume breathing.

Twilo: I love you.

She stared at him with a radiant smile, her eyes so calm, sparkling with passion.

D-Lutsey: Me too, Twilo

Twilo: But there is one thing I would like to know.

This intrigued the latter, who looked at it with a certain surprise.

D-Lutsey: I'll do my best to answer that.

Twilo: Who are you? I thought you were Ludsey because of your clothes and your physique. But I realize that you don't have the same look as her, nor the behavior.

She remained silent for a moment before putting a finger in her mouth, with a more serious look on her face.

D-Lutsey: I understand your question, my Twilo. I promise to answer it, soon.

Twilo: When?

D-Lutsey: Soon. Just be patient

And with these words, she kissed him again.

At the Kelutral of the omatikayas,

Lutsey was teased by his adopted sisters about his gluttony and hated it.

Neytiri : Your stomach is so vast that it would encompass a Taloang!

Lutsey : Ce n'est pas vrai !

Silwanin :Right? Are you kidding? You didn't see yourself yesterday!

Suddenly their laughter faded and their looks became more nervous. This did not escape the last one.

Ludsey: Something on your mind? You seem nervous

The elder took a deep breath before speaking.

Neytiri: Lutsey, we think our parents are hiding something about you. And we want to know what.

At these words, Lutsey's face froze in an expression of sadness, reminding him of the terrible truth. But she immediately took hold of herself and looked at Neytiri with annoyance.

Lutsey: No way! They have enough things to think that my imaginary problems!

The two sisters were surprised by his reaction. They were afraid to retaliate when they heard the sound of wings flapping. Guards came up to the spiral, armed with spears. Moments later, one of the guards descended. The girls, curious, decided to follow him.

Eytukan: Are you sure?

Omatikaya: I was like you. But she wore an armband proving that she was a Menariyä tunti and the eyes left little room for doubt.

Eytukan: Bring her down! They waited a moment before they saw a woman who looked just like Lutsey except for her clothes and the armband showing a body of Ikran. The body of Ikran was painted yellow while the membranes for the wings and tail are red. A purple leaf collar covered her breasts and a yellow loincloth covered the lower part of her body. But what most surprised the girls in the costume, apart from the physical resemblance with Ludsey, was this strange weapon on her left side. They could distinguish the black wrist but the rest was covered in a brown leather sheath. It looked like a dagger but bigger. The stranger looked at them for a moment, impassively, before crossing Lutsey's gaze, before leaving, ignoring the surprise of the elder and the younger one. The stranger turned her gaze towards the chief and then bowed slightly, as a sign of reverence, accompanying the traditional greeting gesture.

D-Ludsey: Ohel ngati kameie, Eytukan, olo'eyktan des omatikayas

Eytukan Ohel ngati kameie menariyä tunti. If you really are what you say you are. She smiles at the statement she was expecting.

Eytukan: Are you sure?

Lutsey: No!! I refuse to believe that!

Mo'at : Lutsey...

Lutsey: . I can't stand what this stranger dares to say! She pretends to be my twin sister! No sister can conceive two children at the same time! It is impossible! Moreover, our clan has been decimated and I am the only survivor! So stop your deception and show your true face, coward!

Despite the violence of the remarks, Joltsyn remained calm. She was expecting this kind of reaction from the young meriyä's words.

Joltsyn: I am proof that you were wrong, big sister.

Lutsey: I'm not your sister!!!! With these words, she ran towards the visitor, before someone could hold her back and attacked. Joltsyn didn't move, stayed cold and finally dodged Lutsey's raging fist.

Joltsyn determined: Big sister, you know it's true. Eywa has shown you this moment, just as she has shown me. Lutsey gritted her teeth, determined not to show any sign of weakness in front of her. Joltsyn par his elbow from the left side and his left knee quite easily. How if she knew where she was going to hit.

Joltsyn:. We're the same, you and I. What you see, I see. What you feel, I feel. We're sisters. Twin sisters.

This could explain the feelings she had felt and outside of her heart. The imaginary wound....NO !!!!! She refused to believe it !

Lutsey: LIES !!!!!!

In a fit of rage, she delivered a headbutt, but her opponent had time to let go of her hands and parry the blow with his arms, but had to step back several steps. Joltsyn's arms trembled but Joltsyn stood firm and inflexible while Lutsey shed tears, thinking back to his past. Parents with whom she could never share joys, doubts or sadness and a clan she knew nothing about.

It took him a long time to accept this fact and to close his heart and mourn. And this stranger would come in and wake up his old and painful wound, pretending to be his sister ! ! But she won't let her get out of it so easily !

Joltsyn: Your heart is moved, sister. I can feel it. Your rage and anger the People of Heaven..... But above all, your sadness and pain. I know these feelings because I share them with you.

Lutsey: No! Stop pretending to be something you're not!!!

Joltsyn: Look deep inside yourself. You know I'm right.

The young warrior remained silent and closed her eyes, clenching her fists, and when she opened it, Lutsey collapsed, horrified when she realized the truth.

Indeed, she felt a deep connection with this woman who looked so much like her. In addition to the feelings she shared, she could detect her sorrow for a suffering loved one and above all.... love...This foreign passion for Twilo that she had never understood the origin of.

Joltsyn was right... She tried to convince herself otherwise, but this link was enough to break all her certainties. The young warrior was so shocked that she did not feel her sisters trying to bring her back. How could this be possible?

His twin sister watched him with concern, feeling deep dismay and confusion. But she could do nothing but wait, hoping that she could accept it and prepare her destiny.

She immediately concentrated on Eytukan in order to deliver the main reason for her coming.