
The terminally ill obessed Queen, is a Man!?

She was kind and loving In the eyes of her friends and family, but the pressure received from unsatisfaction made her does evil things as she reliazed that somehow soothes her agony, as a psychic she kill those she hates and revived them just to say she isn't the one you can play with, even so she's appointed as the bad guy, she'll tricked others believing she's the true victim. out of nowhere, she died due to cramp legs as she running away from 5th floor during fire incident as she jumped into a lake. When she woke up, she finds herself to be the tyrant queen of another dimension who terror the whole continent with a complete hidden identity. Later she found out she wasn't the entire main character and she wasn't the true villain at all. will she pretend like the way she used to be during her previous life? killed by her loved one for q simple misunderstood? or will she reign the new world she had no idea for?

KIKI_GERALD · Fantasi Timur
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16 Chs

Ep 11 : man eater (3)

'To all people who knows me, well or not. I simply just wanna say I love you It's okay if you hate me for all the bad things I did, But let me tell you that's not me. It the other me.'

This was written in every books she had in her room to remind herself what she was like everyday in case she forgots. For some cases she loved it and sometimes mixing up those identities using the same mood to spice things up.

"Being wicked is good I laughed so dearly that my smiles gotten brighter" - Annie Marrie

The man eater seemed tired of lifting Annie's heavy body so she threw the fat man randomly on top of trees in the jungle.

As he was overweight, Annie immediately crushes over branches and landed on the mudded ground.

He held the sting in his head and waist. Only the two of them were there.

The r dark atmosphere of the man eater was perched on a tree above him with her tongue outstretched. His palms hissed holding back the creature's saliva trying to melt his body.

"where's your friend bitch?"

Annie frowned trying to get away. The man eater giggle seeing how scared he'd become. It's like they weren't the same person.

"I don't share food. Plus they're gonna shred me to pieces if they know I'll be eating the desert" Judging from the way she dressed, Annie concluded this creature was the one sat next to Nayden.

Annie rolled her eyes as she held her shoulder- He got a cracked bone. His chest throbbed not because of the ugly creature but he was afraid of the dark as he hates being alone.- He acted diffferently when he's alone.

"Well..I have not eat a long time either " from the corner of his eye and still in a sitting position, his stomach growlee

The man eater scratched Annie's face. When he laid down accidentally, he was stabbed then scratched to the base of his thighs.

Annie roared yet the creature laughed happily and immediately licked the licked the blood that spewed out.

"People with high spirituality like you are as good as the boy you were holding"

Annie slapped the girl's face and crawled back.

" What do you mean? "

"the boy is dead . I'm the one who ate him I bet you're taste the same!" as the girl tried to chop his feet, Annie raised both of his legs, from his hips he twisted the creature's neck and sit on her belly.

Annie held her stomach as she took a deep breath. The creature was suddenly grumpy when she saw the reflection of the spirit behind Annie.

"haaa..hmmph" His vision was blurred due to lack of oxygen. Annie examined the wound in her stomach and laughed.

"wow..I'm so badly injured?" The creature hissed angrily but couldn't get up from Annie's overlap.

"Where do you want to go? Don't move ... it hurts" said Annie.

The fat man brought his face close to the man eater's and stared at him for a moment without fear.

"if you're beautiful like before maybe I'll let you eat some of my meat"

"unfortunately you're ugly now..otherwise I'll gladly fuck you" Annie whispered softly in the girl's ear. The man eater felt insulted and bit the flesh of Annie's cheek until it broke.

He went crazy and swallowed the piece of meat. Yet she still could not get up from the ground.

"Ahaha .." Annie laughed. The creature fell silent.

"hmm..ahahahaha .." He laughed again causing the creature to groaned even though in front of him was only a human.

"I told You not to move bitch..it's hard to catch you later, I'm hungry " Annie sighed with a smile on her face that was shattered on one side.

The creature changed its face back into a teenager to beg Annie to let him go because somehow she felt her life was going to end today.

"that's more like it .." Annie said Annie kissed the woman's mouth so greedily that the creature was stunned.

Apparently that, was Annie's plan. "eh .."

"wait a minute..I'm a woman right? "

Annie stopped kissing the creature and wiped their lips. She apologized.

"hey..don't worry you're not gonna get fuck by the thing you ate" Annie got up while his injuries healing up.

"don't tell me you want it? is that why you eat this? or you teared it to do something bad?" Annie pointed at his pants.

"naughty girl.." Annie would have guess this is the first meal of the girl today. Those thing can eat something else but they favored men's private part.

It's like a jealousy of not having a romance with them for being rejected. They won't stop until a man chooses them.

The 5 creatures landed not far from them and brought some villagers from other villages.

Annie made eye contact with them all including the men which were trembling in the arms of the ugly creature.

The sights of their sister in an odd position makes the 5 creature gasped before they flew onto Annie anggrily.

Annie headbutted the first girl marched towards her. later on, the other girls stayed in the air unable to move. Annie smiled.

Then he raised his finger to count the body.

"5, I will eat one" As he tried to walked to one of the girl hanged in the air, Annie stumbled by a rock and nearly fall.

The girl which kissed by him laughed quietly.

Annie stroked the the girl that tried to drunk him last night.

"hi..and goodbye?" Annie widen up his mouth to suck the woman into his stomach and it did.

"not so good" he blurped.

For information, it's not that he is weak if his third eye open, but it will make him even stronger because his healing ability will decreases.

Furthermore, he like it more that way because he loved the pain and he can fight more with his weird ability. - the ability of he will be able to become what he ate. Though he had more that he had lost count.

But what he knew, his time ability that brought him into this world that saved her from being drowned had gone and he cannot return to the present world.

The sealed creatures loses from his grip and started to attack him as they mad their sister was eaten.

Annie rolled her eyes to the left, therefore they rolled to the left as well.

His tongue grew longer and and wrapped around all the creatures like snakes and slammed them to the mudded ground.

The creature was unhurt by his saliva imitated from their eaten sister as their skin prone to it.

10 more creatures came from the south and hurriedly came to where they were and with no question they attacked Annie like an enemy.

Annie's body was twisted by them wanting to be divided. That is when Annie wailed, suprising the creature to how similar it was to their own sound.

Right now, Annie had transform into one one the man eater. He uses the opportunity to stabbeb the creatures with his long nails. The creature groaned in pain.

He pulled it back and foward though the blackened blood kept pouring she enjoyed it and slashes the bodies apart.

Annie assemble the creatures together, he lets pierce his own skin and spilled the blood through his nails.

When the blood touches the creatures, it light up and burn them immediately.

Annie liked it so he nodded his head enjoying the view before sit next to the creature he teased earlier.

"what a beautiful music isn't it?" he referred to the agony of the death in front of them.

He smile to the villagers and told them to walked away.

"hey..will you do it with me?" the girl pulled his wrist and looked at him with hope.

Annie gulped. "I'm a girl" he answered.

"what a lie I can smell you" Ignoring the fact her sister got killed in attempt to save her, she seducing the criminal.

"Yes I'm a man. And I'm a girl." Annie Yawned.

"listen I don't know how to do it okay?" he pushed her away and slapped her fingers.

She frowned and touched her lips as she wanted more.

"go away" he said.

"You said you were hungry. I'll feed you" she came closer.

Annie got up and ran away. She got pissed.

Due to his overweight body, Annie could not ran better as he intended. He also cannot see well what's infront of him that he slip and hit his head on a tree.

Sorry, I update later than usual and the story telling was a bit messy. I forgot to rewrite it back from the deadli e

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