
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
74 Chs

A Discordant Melody

The discordant music thrummed through Nova Harmony, a sonic assault aimed at the very core of the colony. Panic surged through the streets as instruments malfunctioned, spewing forth jarring notes, and animals howled in distress. Tara, Maya, and Anya, their faces etched with grim determination, watched the holographic projection flicker wildly.

"They're overloading the network," Anya declared, her voice tight with urgency. "The security protocols aren't strong enough to contain the distortion."

"We need to disable the source," Maya said, her eyes flashing with anger. "But where is it?"

Just then, the projection flickered back to life, revealing a chilling sight. The cloaked figures from the previous scene stood triumphant before a massive antenna, the very one used to communicate with Echo One. The leader, his red eyes gleaming with malice, channeled his distorted melody into a device pulsating with stolen alien energy.

Anya gasped. "The restricted zones! They've accessed Dr. Volkov's old tech and somehow… repurposed it."

The realization hammered at Tara. These weren't just opportunistic criminals. They possessed knowledge, a disturbing connection to Dr. Volkov's twisted legacy.

But the time for theorizing was over. They had to act.

"We can't use the network," Tara said, her voice cutting through the panic. "We need to go there, directly."

Maya and Anya exchanged a worried glance. The restricted zones, riddled with the remnants of Dr. Volkov's experiments, were dangerous even without the added threat of the cloaked figures.

"There's no other way," Tara insisted, her gaze resolute. "We need to disrupt the transmission before they sever the link with Echo One."

Anya, despite her reservations, knew Tara was right. "Alright," she said, her voice firm. "We need a small, agile team. People who know the restricted zones."

With a heavy heart, Maya volunteered. "I'll come. We need someone who can understand the music, counter the distortion."

Tara nodded in silent agreement. They knew the risks, but the stakes were higher than ever before. The fate of their collaboration, the very peace they'd built with Echo One, rested on their shoulders.

As a small, covert team assembled, the discordant music reached a crescendo, a sonic weapon aimed at the fragile bond between humanity and the unknown entity. With a shared look of determination, Tara, Maya, and their companions donned protective gear and boarded a lunar rover, their hearts pounding against the ever-present thrum of the discordant melody.

They raced through the desolate lunar landscape, the barren surface illuminated only by the flashing lights of their rover. The closer they got to the restricted zone, the more intense the discordance became, a physical assault that gnawed at their minds.

Suddenly, the rover lurched to a halt. A figure, cloaked and menacing, stood in their path, blocking their way. The leader of the attackers, his red eyes burning with malevolent glee, brandished a device that pulsed with stolen alien energy.

"You won't get there in time," he sneered, his voice distorted by a modulator. "Our melody will sever the connection. Harmony will be replaced by discord!"