
The Tangled Ties of Tollygunge

A murder novel written in my off time as student.

Somnath_Meikap · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Discordant Echoes

Decades of collaboration with Echo One had transformed Nova Harmony. The once sterile lunar colony pulsed with vibrant music, a fusion of Earthly melodies and the alien entity's otherworldly harmonies. The annual Harmony Festival had become a beacon, attracting explorers and diplomats from across the known human colonies.

This year, however, a shadow fell over the festivities. A series of disturbing reports trickled in from outlying lunar settlements. Instruments malfunctioned, spewing out jarring, discordant music. Animals became agitated, reacting with fear to the strange sounds. The colonists, their moods inexplicably shifting, reported feelings of unease and paranoia.

Tara, Maya, and Anya, now revered elders revered for their connection to the melody, sensed a disturbing echo of the past. The distorted music mirrored Dr. Volkov's attempt to manipulate the melody, albeit with a more insidious twist.

"It's not the same," Maya whispered, her voice laced with concern, as they huddled in the council chambers. "This feels… darker, more malicious."

Anya, ever the pragmatist, activated a holographic map of the moon, pinpointing the affected areas. "The outbreaks are concentrated near the old restricted zones," she said, her brow furrowed. "The areas where Dr. Volkov and his Purists conducted their experiments."

A sickening realization dawned on Tara. Could remnants of Dr. Volkov's twisted technology still be active? Had they fallen into the wrong hands?

Suddenly, the holographic map flickered, the image distorting before solidifying into a chilling scene. A group of cloaked figures, their visors obscured, stood in the heart of a lunar mine, surrounded by pulsating machines spewing forth the discordant melody. At the center stood a figure, tall and imposing, its eyes glowing with an eerie red light.

The leader of the figures held aloft a device, a grotesque fusion of lunar technology and Echo One's shimmering energy. As Tara watched in horror, the figure poured its own distorted melody into the device, amplifying the discordance a hundredfold.

The image flickered and died, plunging the council chambers into darkness. A stunned silence hung in the air. Then, the unmistakable sounds of discordant music filled the room, emanating from an unseen source.

"They've infiltrated the central network!" Anya exclaimed, scrambling to activate the security protocols.

Panic surged through the elders. The very essence of their collaboration with Echo One, the melody itself, was being weaponized. Their peaceful bridge was being twisted into a tool of chaos.

As the discordant music intensified, a chilling realization dawned on Tara. This wasn't just an attack on Nova Harmony; it was a deliberate provocation aimed at Echo One. Someone was trying to sever the connection, to spark a conflict between humanity and their newfound allies.

But who? And why? With the threat escalating rapidly and the discord threatening to overwhelm them, Tara knew they had to act fast. The fate of their collaboration, perhaps even the future of humanity and Echo One, hinged on their next move.