
The Tales Of The Snake

This is about a man that finds himself in the body of a young Orochimaru , without his full memories of his past nor help of any sorts to aid him. Join him as he discovers the troubles that plagued the original owner of this body and the tribulations that this once known genius has to go through to survive as well as hidden truths that have been buried. DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership of any of the characters in this story except for the one I created and I also do not own picture on the book cover. Note: This is my first book published, I hope you like it and please leave a good comment if you do. I will also be doing other novels in the future, so please remember my author name to follow my work. P.S: I am not above constructive criticism so tell me if there's anything in need of correcting and also the Discord of this novel will be released in the following chapter's so follow them if you want to chat

AV_Samson_5454 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: A New Day

After that I felt nothing, I just saw pitch black darkness, but my consciousness was coming back to me so I tried opening my eyes.

I finally managed to get them opened, I saw a grey ceiling with white walls. I looked around to get my bearing, I saw white curtains where a door was supposed to be, that added with the white beds and a drip stand next to me, I could guess that I was in a hospital room.

"What happened? I was at the Academy having my test and then… and then…" I couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried, but I recalled the feeling of fullness, if that made any sense??

[ Ah, You're finally awake, that's good, just tell me if you feel any pain and I'll call a nurse]

A man walked in and leaned his shoulder on the wall and crossed his arms. He had short black hair, brown eyes and a scar on his nose, he had a deep voice and was wearing the Shinobi get up; with a black sleeveless shirt that showed his ripped muscles, black long pants, grey sandals, a ninja headband on his forehead and more importantly his whole left arm was wrapped in bandages.

' What is with everyone and bandages", I kept my thoughts to my self as I answered.

" No I'm not hurting anywhere, it's just that I'm a bit confused, can you tell me what exactly happened that got me in a hospital, eh…" I said, recalling I didn't know his name.

[ I was told it had something to do with chakra path getting bigger, I don't know the details but it's seems to be a good thing considering you're already awake.] He said with a smile at the end.

[ By the way, my name is Hatsue Sarutobi, but you can call me Hatsue, I'm here to take you to your new residence, eh… what's your name?] He asked me

" My name is Orochimaru Yasha, but you can call me Orochimaru" I introduced myself.

[ Orochimaru huh, alright got it. Well Orochimaru, can you move] He said, I nodded to his question.

Hatsue got off the wall and started walking towards the curtains, I followed him in a hurry while noticing how heavy and full I felt.

We walked out the office without needing to check out, and considering the amount of people I saw there I don't think anyone noticed us. ' Why are their so many injured patient? Is it because of the war? But from my memories the First Hokage is still alive, although it's the Second Hokage that's currently on seat, dammit I need more information!" I thought with frustration.

We had been walking for awhile now, and I started seeing less and less shops, 'Must be the residential area, I guess".

We finally reached a two story building with a small backyard behind it, it had stairs that led directly to the second floor, so the floors are probably separated, it also had a balcony on the second floor with two windows, the building looked old but not too old , it looked good overall.

[ Alright, we're finally! Here's the keys kid and in case you loose your way to the Academy, it's the biggest building over there, you really can't miss it… ehh, yep! I think I got everything, oh right, classes start tomorrow and you're in room A1, well that's it, anything else you'll have to figure out yourself, see ye kid, oh! Your allowance is in your room you'll receive one every month, bye!] He finally took off, leaving me standing there with keys in my hand

" Well, eh, I guess this is where we're staying Orochi, wait a min–what about all my stuff at the Orphanage, tck, dammit that dude didn't even allow me to say a word" I started walking up the stairs to my new home.

" So what are you thinking Orochi, should we find our way back to that Orphanage" I entered the room and said to Orochi

( I don't think that will be necessary) Orochi finally said his first words of the day

" What are you talking about! What about our cloth, the scroll left behind by our parents… AND WHAT ABOUT MY MONEY!!!–" I stopped myself as I got a look at the room.

The room itself was a one bedroom apartment, it had a bed, a table and chairs on the left side and on the right had a fridge next to the window, I could see a door which should lead to the bathroom, while the on the right side where the fridge was, a stove which had one kettle and a pot on it. A bag of clothes was placed on the side of the wall and their was a familiar looking metal-box paper monster placed on the center of the room.

" Wow! Look Orochi, they brought our stuffs, man, that Hatsue dude sure is a nice guy"

( That wasn't what you were saying a minute ago)

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about, anyway, come one let's go get some shut eye we've got a big day ahead of us" I said as I noticed it was getting dark outside.

I immediately laid on the soft bed, discarding the thought of washing up; for some reason I felt blotted and full, although I don't know why? But their is something else that's more important right now

" Hey Orochi, tomorrow is going to be the beginning to our legendary tale…are you going to help me?"

(Why ask such an obvious question, of cause I'll help, I am you, so stop wasting time and get some sleep)

I looked into the eyes of Orochi for second, trying to find any falseness, but I wasn't really seeing anything.

' I can't even tell if he's lying, well, theirs nothing I can do about him. I should focus on this whole war situation, first objective should be to get as strong if not stronger than the original Orochimaru from Naruto… but honestly that's just the best case scenario, I would take whatever I can get as long as I can survive. Dammit, I remember there are three more wars after this one… nope, not gonna think about it, let's go to bed." I slept away from my troubled thoughts.

The next day I woke up to Orochi's constant nagging about being late I rushed to get a shower, I opened the fridge to get something to eat but it was empty, 'I guess I expected too much from the service I had received, better buy something on the way to the Academy",

I went through my clothes, but except for colours they were all basically the same style. I had on, a grayish white kimono that showed my singlets which was white sleeveless shirt and I wore black long pants to go with my black sandals.

" Alright, good to go. How do I look Orochi"

( You look like you're late, now get a move on) Orochi said with a deadpan straight face

" Sheessh, So much attitude this morning" I took some money from the allowance given by the village, don't wanna be touching my inheritance.

I went out , locked the door and immediately started running for the huge Academy building in the distance, while looking out for shops on the way to buy something to eat.

I finally reached the Academy with time to spare

" Wow Orochi!! Did you see how fast I was just now" I was barely breathing heavy after all that running, ' Must have something to do with my chakra paths being opened, no wonder ninjas can do all does cool stuffs!!! I immediately zoned out and started imagining myself doing a Shinobi run from trees to trees.

( You better stop talking to me, unless you want to be known as the crazy kid on your first day) Orochi immediately ruined my fantasy with that reminder.

I quickly increased my pace, hoping nobody saw my previous outburst.

I arrived at my classroom which was room A1. I find that they are already kids seated in, I swiftly sat down in the front seats, which were obviously empty.

The class room was university style, with all the seats facing a single podium which the teacher is expected to teach, the rows of fixed wooden tables and moveable chairs are raised a level from the front row, which is on the ground level, to the back row, which is the highest. Their are windows on the left side of the class when facing the teacher.

I took my seat next to the window on the front row, the tables were separated making a pathway of stairs that led to the last row while each tables could hold four chairs. After I settled down I brought out a note book and pencil that I bought on the way to write anything down if need be.

I finally settled down and submersed into my thoughts. 'My first objective should be to understand how to use my chakra, although I want information on this whole war thing, that would be pointless considering this is a world of strength and I can't do anything without it".

I noticed that the noise in the class suddenly doused down into silence. I looked around me and discovered that the once empty classroom was now full and an adult was walking into the now quite classroom.

He had a bulky statue, his skin was on a darker tone, he wore a long sleeve black leather trench coat jacket over his Shinobi uniform, he had black long pants with brown sandals. He had strong jawlines with a square face with brown piercing eyes, he wore his ninja headband on his right shoulder.

' This dude just screams strict, maybe I should make a good first impression" I thought to my self as I looked at the teacher who had a big frown etched on his face as he walked to the podium.

A random student from the middle lane suddenly stood up and said with a loud voice.

[ Good morning teacher! I hope t–Arghhh!]

The poor kid didn't get to finish his sentence when a flying object suddenly hit him right in the forehead. I traced back to where the object landed and behold the flying object was a white chalk stick

I instantly looked at the teacher with a raised brow, ' Where did the chalk come from?". The teacher in question stood on the podium with his arms crossed except his his right hand which had its index and middle fingers stretched out, showing just how effortless the previous task was, he had his two fingers in the direction of the now red bulging forehead of the unfortunate kid.

[ I'll say it once and only once, no talking without my say so, with that said my name is Masaji, but you all will call me Sensei Masaji, am I clear?] Sensei Masaji said

The classroom was quiet as Sensei Masaji looked at us with a frown still plastered on his face, one kid realized something and tried to speak

[ Yes Sensei! Arghhh!] The kid screamed at the end as he fell back on his seat with both hands covering his forehead

[ Didn't I just say no talking!] Sensei Masaji said as his arms were still crossed,

Seeing how I couldn't trace his moment despite looking right at him I was surprised 'What the heck! I didn't even see any movement!" But I couldn't care about that because I was soon drawn-in by what Sensei Masaji said next.

[ Now it's time for the topic of the day, Ninjutsu] Sensei Masaji said with a frown still etched on his face.