
The tale of a supreme Dao prodigee

A young boy in a remote village found a pearl one day, which awakened his extreme perceptive to the world mysteries. While he explores the world and reaches the greatest being in the world, he will grow and develop his village to be the focal point of the whole world.

sunhell · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
151 Chs


As Elrian stood in the quietude of his room, he couldn't shake off the electrifying sensation coursing through his veins. His newfound connection with the wind was like an unspoken language, a dance of mutual understanding. Though no words were exchanged, he felt as though the wind whispered secrets to him, secrets only he could understand.

With a sense of curiosity and wonder, Elrian extended his arm, his palm open and facing the ceiling. He took a deep breath, centering his focus on the invisible currents of air that danced around him. His senses, now magnified, caught the subtle shifts in temperature and pressure, the playful swirls and tender gusts that made up the atmosphere of his room. Closing his eyes, he tried to resonate with this newfound sensitivity, to understand the wind as more than just a flow of air—instead, as a living, breathing entity.

In his mind's eye, he envisioned the wind currents as streaks of vibrant green light, much like the sigil that had merged with his soul. He imagined these ethereal streams of light converging around his palm, twirling and spiraling in a dance of elemental communion. But how to coax them, to ask them to respond to his will?

He recalled the moment the sigil had merged with him, the seamless union that had granted him this unimaginable affinity. Could the key lie in harmonizing his inner Qi with the elemental Qi of the wind? A revelation dawned upon him. He had to become the conductor of an elemental symphony, to guide the wind without forcing it, to request its assistance rather than demand obedience.

With renewed focus, Elrian began to circulate his own Qi through his arm, directing it toward the center of his palm. He envisioned his Qi as a warm, golden light, mingling with the cool, green light of the wind. Slowly but surely, he felt a change. The air above his palm seemed to thicken, its speed ever so slightly quickening. The ambient sounds in the room took on a different quality, as if being carried by this miniature vortex of air.

Excitement rushed through him, but he restrained himself. Overeagerness could disturb the delicate balance he was trying to achieve. He had to keep his Qi stable, to maintain the harmonious flow that had begun to form.

Minute after minute passed, each second an eternity, yet also fleeting in the grand scheme of things. Elrian could feel the wind responding to him, like a shy animal slowly gaining trust. The currents above his palm began to swirl more noticeably, although still subtle to an outsider's eyes. A symbiotic relationship was forming, a dance of two energies meeting halfway, merging into something greater.

Finally, he opened his eyes, his palm still raised. The room looked the same, yet entirely different. Though the physical manifestation of his efforts was subtle—a barely noticeable increase in the speed of air above his hand—the implications were monumental. Elrian had successfully manipulated the wind, harnessed its power through sheer force of will and Qi manipulation.

As he lowered his hand, the currents seemed to wave goodbye, reverting back to their natural state but leaving him with an unmistakable sense of kinship. He was elated, his heart pounding with joy and disbelief. He had touched the untouchable, sensed the insensible, and he knew his life would never be the same.

For now, though, Elrian decided to retire for the night. Tomorrow would undoubtedly bring new challenges and opportunities to explore this mysterious gift. But as he lay in bed, slowly drifting into sleep, he knew that tonight marked the beginning of an incredible journey—a journey not just of cultivation, but also of a deep, meaningful relationship with the very fabric of the world itself.

He closed his eyes, allowing the comforting embrace of sleep to envelop him, as dreams of windswept landscapes and soaring heights filled his slumber. With the first rays of the morning sun, a new chapter in Elrian's life would begin. But for now, he slept—a boy connected to the wind, both grounded and unbound, on the cusp of unimaginable adventures.

Elrian woke up feeling more alive than ever, the events of last night still vivid in his mind. As he prepared breakfast with his parents, the air in the kitchen seemed to bristle with energy, though he wasn't sure if that was a product of his heightened senses or the excitement that today, he would begin his journey in Qi cultivation.

While eating breakfast, Elrian listened intently as his parents shared their own experiences in Qi cultivation. Their eyes sparkled as they spoke about their techniques, the initial struggles, and the sense of triumph when they successfully harnessed Qi for the first time.

"We practice the most basic form of cultivation here, the one that almost everyone in the village has access to," his father said, passing the bread. "It's far from perfect, but it serves its purpose. We mainly cultivate to become stronger for hunting, so that our village won't suffer from scarcity."

His mother chimed in, "Your father and I were quite gifted in Qi cultivation. It took us many years, but we managed to reach the Qi Initiate stage. You have to understand, Elrian, not everyone in the village is as fortunate or as talented. Many haven't even reached the first stage; they're still mortals with no command over Qi."

Elrian looked at his parents with newfound respect. He knew that hunting was perilous, that every foray into the woods carried risks of injuries or worse. That his parents had undertaken the arduous journey of cultivation, not for personal glory or power, but for the wellbeing of their community, was both humbling and inspiring.

The revelation also cemented the importance of his own cultivation journey. If he could cultivate Qi successfully, not only could he personally become stronger, but he might also be able to contribute more substantially to the village, maybe even discover ways to help others in their cultivation paths.

His thoughts whirled around the potential, the responsibilities, and the excitement of what lay ahead. The breakfast conversation with his parents wasn't just a casual sharing of experiences; it was the passing of a baton, the first step in acknowledging that he was on the cusp of joining a tradition that stretched back generations. As they finished their meal and cleared the table, Elrian couldn't help but feel that the day ahead was the beginning of something truly monumental.