
The System of Cultivating Immortality

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21 Chs

Chapter 7 Master all-seeing eyes!

Outside the howling jungle, all was quiet, and there was no sound of birds or insects.

Fei slowed his breathing and waked slowly forward.


Not far away came the sound of branches being crushed.

Alert, he leaned himself to get close to it.

When he got close enough, a wild boar appeared panting.

It was one meter long and half a meter tall, with two tusks 20 or 30 centimeters long.

"Ok, find you."

Not afraid, he jumped out.

When the boar saw him, it gave a roar and rushed at him.

In the howling jungle, the beasts here were all very fierce and one could attract more. Normal Warriors dare not fight with a wild boar.

But it's what Fei wanted, who is confident of his strength.

If he is afraid to fight even a wild animal, he will only run away from powerful enemies in the future. He is not afraid of losing, but that he is always weak.

When the boar was about to run into him, Fei drew his breath and tapped the ground to sidestep. After dodging the boar's attack, he used Mighty Kong boxing.

A punch was thrown and a muffled thud sounded. He felt himself hit on an iron plate, and the pain made his fists numb.

The boar's thick fur made it as impervious as a coat of armor. His punch was powerful enough to crack a big tree, but it had no effect on the boar.

"Alright, I have a way to deal with you."

The boar rushed at him again. But this time he lowered himself instead of dodging it.

It was about to hit him, and its scythe fangs about to pierce his chest.

He took advantage of its force and used Mighty Kong Boxing, The second move King Kong squat!

With a hook, he hit the boar on the nose from the bottom up. The force of this hit knocked it over, and Qi in his fist exploded in its brain, making its eyes bomb.


With a mournful roar, the boar crashed to the ground and died on the spot.

[Ding Dong]

[Congratulations! You killed a boar and gain experience points of 100!]

[Congratulations! You get the equipment: Power ring!]

[Power ring: wearing it increases your power by 5.]

"An equipment? It's amazing, like fighting a boss and getting equipment when playing the game! Let me try it on."

He wore the ring on, but didn't feel any change.

At this time, behind him came the hiss and roar of animals. Turn a look, three wolves are eyeing him covetously.

At the head of the three was a she-wolf of great size. Behind her were two Wolf pups, smaller than she was. They must have heard the fighting and smelled blood.

Her teeth bared, with her eyes hostile. The two pups tried to approach the carcass, but she bellowed them down.

Looks like they're just here for food, but he wouldn't mind three more practice partners.

Fei clicked his knuckles and assumed an offensive posture.

Seeing this, the female wolf growled and pressed down. The two little wolf also made the same action.

And then, with a short growl from the female wolf, the pups scattered, left and right, to his flank and rear.

"Ha, know to use tactics. Try to hit me from different directions?"

He sneered and changed his posture.

He changed his fist to the palm, with his right hand pointing straight at the Wolf, his left arm tucked back to his waist, and his body slightly tilted to the left. This posture helped him meet attacks from different directions.

In this case, he chose to use Cloud Kong Palm which is more flexible than Mighty Kong Boxing.

Suddenly, without warning, three wolves jumped on him at the same time.

In a flash, he firstly reached out his left hand to grab the throat of the wolf behind the left and threw it at the wolf on the right, and then chops the female wolf's neck with his right palm.

In a matter of seconds, he was free of the siege by three wolves:

The wolf pup on the floor fainted, and the other groaned in pain. And the she-wolf was knocked out of the air and hit in the vital, The blood oozing from her nostrils and her chest heaving violently. Hearing the pup cry, she struggled to get up.

Fei went to the she-wolf and raised his hand being about to chop her off.


The wolf let out a whine, then stumbled up behind him and tugged at his clothes.


The mother wolf also gave a long roar, and the voice was full of sorrow.

Fei looked from pup to the she-wolf in surprise. She was looking at the pup with sad eyes.

He immediately remembered how sad his mother's eyes had looked when he and she had been forced to leave the Tang family.

Such feelings moved him to pity. Animals still attach importance to family, and never abandon. Some scumbags can leave their wives and children. It's no match for animals! How rificulous!

Fei dropped his hand and sighed.

"I'll let you go, but how do you live on your own."

Seeing that he was no longer going to attack the she-wolf, the pup ran quickly to her side and licked her wounds. The other pup came to his senses.

The she-wolf seemed to understand him and nodded her thanks.

It was not a good place to stay, he made a quick exit.


[Ding Dong]

[Congratulations! The proficiency of Cloud Kong Palm has been upgraded to proficient!]

[Congratulations! The proficiency of Mighty Kong Boxing has been upgraded to peak!]

[Congratulations! You has been upgraded to Warrior of sixth rank!]

After a morning of hunting, his strength has been greatly improved. He kills most of his victims with a single shot. Among them, a bull was hard to beat.

The bull was large and had unusually hard skin. There's nothing ordinary people could do to hurt it. However, Fei used the tenth move of Mighty Kong Boxing: King Kong shock mountain.

With quick punches, he smashed the bull's head.

He had no idea his power would be so great. Meanwhile, he felt that he had not spent as much energy fighting the boar. He guessed it was because Power Ring.

He was happy with his growth, but he also found some problems: His speed was not fast enough to catch up with some agile animals. So he needs a martial technique to improve his speed.

"The hunt has been fruitful in terms of strength and weakness."

Fei was satisfied of himself. He packed up his hunt and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, there was a roar of anger.

He turned sharply, with his piercing eyes fixed on a distance of ten meters.

In the sunlight, shiny black fur came into his eyes through cracks in the branches.

"There is a beast in the vicinity. Sounds like a big bear."

That morning he had been watching his prey before attacking, and his vision had improved considerably.

Especially in critical situations, he has to be extremely focused on finding the flaws of his prey.

[Ding Dong]

[Congratulations! You has learned the skill: all-seeing eyes.]

[All-seeing eyes: the proficiency level is entry, it can enhance your senses and improve your powers of observation.]

"Learn skills myself? Great!"

"All-seeing eyes!"

He activated the skill and silently observed the fierce beast afraid to give away his position.

It was a huge bear, as he had expected. But he found the bear bleeding from an arrow in its right eye, which made it go into a rage.

Someone is fighting with the giant bear!


There was a miserable girl's howl. It sounded like she got hurt.

His eyes flashed. And then he quickly sneak there like a smart civet cat.

Hiding in a bush, he observed the situation:

A young girl was leaning against a tree with a empty quiver on her back, panting. She was holding a bow in her left hand, clutching her heart and an arrow in her right hand. Her clothes were torn, her hair disheveled, and blood seemed to ooze from the corners of her mouth, but her eyes were fixed on the giant bear who went mad.

On the other side, the bear growled and tried to pull the arrow out of its right eye. Several arrows were still sticking out of its body, and the ground around it was littered with broken arrows.

[Ding Dong]

The system beeps. The task is coming.

"What a great reward!"

Even if it was for a reward, he couldn't turn his back on the girl, and he also knew that such a formidable enemy could not be defeated by him alone.

After making up his mind, he quickly sneaked behind the tree where the girl was leaning:

"Listen to me,"