
The System of Cultivating Immortality

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TTTrrr · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 6 The power surge

Fei stepped into the yard.

After the warm-up, he did a horse trot and took a deep breath. Then, he gave a sharp blow:

The first move: King Kong shake tree!

There was a crack in the air. A warm flow rushed from his belly to his right fist.

Then right hand took back, left fist punched:

The second move: King Kong squat!

After it, Fei felt warm all over especially the abdomen. It's like there's a fire burning.

The third move: King Kong seize!

Finishing the third move, a strong aroma of herbs rose from his body. The medicinal power of Hui yuan Dan was brought into full play.

The veins in his wound were growing fast. And his body was constantly absorbing Qi, which filled up his abdomen.

Now, his wounds were completely healed!

He felt full of power and Qi in his body burst out with the punch and broke the wind in the air.

[Congratulations! You have been upgraded to Warrior of the sixth rank!]

"Great. I'll be able to use all my strength once I've recovered." Fei felt very pleased.

Look at the sky. The moon has risen.

"Keep practicing!"

Taking a deep breath, Fei struck with a palm, which split the air, driving a wind as sharp as knife.

[Congratulations! You learned the martial art: Cloud Palm.]

[Cloud Palm: A primary martial art, can improve the power of palm strike. ]

In fact, he had already learned Cloud Palm before. But today he played it at the first time after the rebirth. So it's been included by System.

[The proficiency of Cloud Palm: Peak.]

As an entry martial art, it was practiced by Fei very skillfully. So its proficiency is peak.

Gathering that he only mastered two martial arts, he decided to continue practicing Cloud Palm to warm up.

He stretched his body and flew his hands. Qi in his body rushed into his palms, making them as sharp as two knives. But his every move, all natural, were flexible and elegant like a cloud.


Fei struck a big stone in the yard with his right palm. With a loud crack, the stone split in two, with a smooth cut. The white violent Qi still lingered around his fingertips, which was misty but chilling.

All of a sudden, some inspiration came from "Mighty Kong Boxing". Fei realize there were some tricks that could be incorporated into the Cloud Palm.

So he changed the way he waved his palms, and it made the flexible palm technique contain a sense of majestic power. With a mixture of strength and softness, he waved his arms, like King Kong waving them in the mountains, nimble and powerful.

A silhouette of King Kong loomed behind Fei. Compared with the one in entrance exam, this shape was smaller, but its movements were more fluid and ethereal, just like a drifting cloud.

[Ding Dong]

[Congratulation! The primary martial art: Cloud Palm has been upgraded!]

"What the fuck? A martial art can be upgraded?" He quickly looked into System:

[Cloud Kong Palm: An intermediate martial art. It's a combination of Cloud Palm and Might Kong Boxing, which exercises a combination of flexibility and powerful. The proficiency of it is entry.]

"So, as long as I keep practicing, I can upgrade my martial arts?"

He felt a thrill of ecstasy. If his guess is true, it means that his potential is limitless. Since an primary martial art can be upgraded to intermediate, can my intermediate martial art Mighty Kong Boxing also be upgraded to advanced?

To know that an advanced martial art is very rare, and its power is also huge. Even one who has mastered it can be unparalleled in the world!

What's more, an advanced martial art can be upgraded to a top level...

His heart was racing.

To test the power of the new technique, he gathered Qi in his right palm and chopped a big tree in the yard.

With a cloud crack, the tree fell down.

His hand did not touch the trunk of the tree, which was split by the sharp palm wind alone.

What a terrible power!

Fei clenched his fist, filled with anticipation for the future.

The next day, before dawn, he's already practicing in the yard. It's one of the times when Qi is the strongest during a day, so is very suitable for cultivation.

[Cultivation mode begins…]

In the practicing mode, System will help Fei absorb Qi around him.

He struck palms like knives, and punched his fists like dragons. The yard echoed with his roar and the sound that caused by his fists breaking the wind.

Practicing with Mighty Kong Boxing, Fei learned Cloud Kong Palm quickly. By the end of the morning, his palm technique was more skillful and agile.

[Ding Dong]

[Congratulations! The proficiency Cloud Kong Palm has been upgraded to skilled!]

In addition to that, he clearly felt that he became more adept at Mighty Kong Boxing!

There is no doubt that his fighting power has increased greatly!

After lunch, he said goodbye to his mother and set off for the suburbs outside the town.

His destination was Howling Jungle.

It didn't used to be called Howling Jungle, but just a normal jungle outside the town. There were no beasts here, and residents of the town often visited here for a rest.

However, don't know since when, some fierce beasts gathered here. Some residents were attacked by them. Warriors were organized in the town to go to jungle to kill the beast, but they suffered heavy casualties. After that, animal cries often came from the jungle, which it got its name from.

Rumor has it that presence of treasures in the jungle has led to a gathering of fierce beasts. Some Masters come here to look for treasure every year, but no one has ever heard of their gains.

But Fei came here not for the treasure. What's the best way to improve your skills?

To fight!