
Freya Vs Yusuf II

Weapon after weapon began to strike at the female mage, as she tried to block and parry them. Yusuf would grab one weapon and strike, before grabbing a completely different weapon, with a different range and striking power. He continued to attack with a mad ferocity, dealing blow after blow, strike after strike.

Despite Freya’s efforts, most of the weapons got through her defense and struck at her armor. The female somehow managed to protect her unarmored head. The aura powered weapons didn't leave any marks on her Master ranked chest piece, but the force of impact still rattled her rib cage.

The rest of her Epic ranked equipment was being chipped away little by little, quickly losing their durability. Although, Freya’s strength was now equal to Yusuf’s, she could only block so many attacks from a faster opponent, before damage started accumulating.