
The Sweet Temptation of a God

When a God decides to jump down and cause some havoc.

DaoistSFHCTS · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


Naomi awoke to sounds of chaotic fighting and screams. She instantly snapped herself awake and grabbed the gun on her belt and headed out of the clothing store. The others had also awakened and joined her.

What met her eyes made her want to vomit. Corpses of C group of the other leaders, suddenly she had a bad feeling.

She saw a man from C group desperately try to defend against one of the guards, Johnathan. Naomi drew her gun and shot Johnathan's hand, immediately causing him to drop the knife he had been pointing at the man.

Naomi and others quickly went to restrain Johnathan, and she noticed the other guard on watch was dead.

"Johnathan! What the fuck are you doing!" Naomi screamed and punched Johnathan. He was such a caring person, what could have possessed him to do this?!

"...my family...where...is my family?" Johnathan seemed unphased and continued muttering to himself.

Suddenly, Naomi's heart dropped.

"Where the hell is Lex!" She punched Johnathan again, knocking out a tooth.

"Haha...we killed him obviously....Fucking freak think he's better then us because of his power..." Johnathan grinned creepily.

"YOU-!" Naomi's face scrunched up and tears began to fall. "I'm s-so sorry Lex...this is all of my fault...."

Another commotion was heard from the entrance. A man with jet black hair, and green eyes saw Naomi and the surrounding scene. He casually observed his surroundings and frowned.

"It seems this place is still the same after all, isn't that right, Gun Empress?" He scoffed, looking indifferent to this whole ordeal.


Eon wandered around, casually looting everywhere he went. As he wandered, he also found out several things. It seems like monsters from fantasy worlds had also traveled here.

"In order for monsters from other realms to travel here, it has to be the work of an upper level God. But, why would someone mess with Aphil, who's also an upper level?" Eon paused. "This might be more serious then I thought, one of Aphil's enemies might be the cause for this..."

As he was gonna continue to talk more, he realized he was being followed.

"Ah, am I gonna get jumped?" Eon thought about the pros and cons. If he can convince them that he's useful, they won't kill him. But he already just did that with Naomi's group, he didn't want to kiss another boot again.

"Hey there, boy~" Just as Eon turned a corner, a weird middle aged man with grimy looks approached him.

"Mmm...yeah...no." Eon gagged as he saw the desires coming out of the man's body. "[Don't drink food and water for 2 months]. Then, i'll [give myself to you]."

Eon then walked away, not caring to realize that there was a brown haired boy who saw this entire commotion.


"...What the fuck is this?" Eon squinted his eyes as he tried to look at the bright shining door that just popped out of no where. "?????"

"! This is...a portal!" Eon widened his eyes. This made his job alot easier then he could just go in and find out what's happening.

"Hah, i'm quite lucky. Let's see what this door leads to..." He slowly opened the portal, and was immediately pushed back by a gust of wind.

''...Hm? That isn't quite right." Eon stood up again, re-adjusting his mask that got crooked. "Oh sacred portal, the connector of realms. Let this supreme being use it as my will."

Words appeared on the door frame. "I...only...take....my....master..."

"...Who's your master?" Though it was rare for a portal to have some sort of affection with it's master, it wasn't impossible.


"Tch, how troublesome." Eon frowned and kicked the portal frame. The portal shivered and did nothing else. Seeing how stubborn it was, he kicked it one last time before wandering off again.

As he wandered around, he saw an abandoned Halloween store.

"Hm, it might be good to get a few back up masks incase this one breaks." Eon thought as he waltzed in. Truly, this mortal world is like a much needed vacation that he needed.

After much consideration, he picked a rabbit mask, a blank mask, and a beautiful black and white masquerade mask. He'll be sure to wear the black and white one later, he thought as he stuffed them into his brown bag.


"Shit, our medical supplies are running low..." Azrael cursed as he saw their depressing bits of supplies left.

"Aurgh, how are we supposed to treat our group?" Emma bit her nails and pondered to herself to find solutions.

"If only we had someone with the power to heal wounds..." Zack sighed. Currently, only Emma, Azrael, and him had powers, thus becoming the 3 leaders of the 27 people group they were in.

"Do we have to resort to stealing....?" Emma was a morally upright person, but ever since the apocalypse came...

"Calm down, there is bound to be more medical supplies lying around." Zack's ability, critical thinking, allowed him to maintain his logic in dire situations. "Instead of going to the hospitals or stores like the others, there should be plenty of medical supplies in the bathroom cabinets."

"Still, there might be a chance that they might not have medical supplies, it's already taken, or might be in some other place we don't find." Emma wasn't the sort of person to take gambles.

Zach snorted. "Then what do you wanna do flower girl? Make some dandelions and cure wound here?" Emma and the others still didn't know what was her ability. They only knew it had something to do with growing plants.

"Oh shut up 4 eyes! If you put your 2 brain cells together and think, then you'd realize how weak you are! Wow~ These monsters will definitely be scared about how SMART I am!" Emma didn't like her sore spot being touched, so she mocked Zach.

"You fucking-"

"Shut up before i'll knock you two out." Azreal had gotten a headache after listen to those bozos argue.

Instantly, the both of them shut up. Unlike them who's powers still were quite new, Azreal had seemed to discover his power right at the start of the apocalypse. They called his ability compression, as he could immediately compress anything, things and people.

In fact, Azreal had saved the group multiple times with his power. So Emma and Zach didn't want to piss off Azreal, who they respected.
