

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
79 Chs

Blocked Fire Magic Spell

"Rezvan, you finally woke up."

It's still blurry, but slowly I can see clearly the face of Amdarais and Vaeral looking at me.

I lay down on the bed that feels familiar.

I was looking around, and there were a lot of bookshelves that I had read books on it before.

Only see it from there; I know I'm inside Amdarais' Clock Tower.

I breathed a sigh of relief to succeed in escaping the Ice Queen's Menace.

The moment I want to get up, half of my head suddenly feels cracked.

I closed my left eye immediately since it felt like someone had stabbed it several times with a cold knife.

I rub my head while enduring the pain, but the cracking force me to lie again in the bed in agony.


In that pain, I feel numbness gradually spreading from my left eye to inside my head.

What the hell is this?

I thought the pain of Ice Seal was already done after we had escaped from the Ice Palace?

"Rezvan, calm down for a moment."

Vaeral held my hand and then closed my left eye with a black and brown eyepatch.

His right palm squeezes the eye patch, and my hand softly casts Water Magic Spell.

"There's none to seize

On the airless world

The flow is your path

Stream, O Water Realm!"

The blue aura emerges on my eye patch, spreading its cool air that diminishes the numbness and constant pain in my head.

I took a breath for a while, then got up slowly.

At least now I can breathe in relief.

"Don't remove the eye patch if you don't want your head feels cleaved again."

Vaeral warns me.

I just nodded.

Even this eye patch made me like a pirate; I don't mind wearing it as long as that cracking pain in my head is gone.

"Why it's so painful? Isn't it from the Ice Seal?"

I asked Vaeral.

"Yes, Rezvan. Even the Ice Seal from Soliana on you aren't completed, the remaining of it still on the Red Dragon's Eyes on your Soul's Spirit."

Vaeral explained.

"The Ice Seal blocked half of your Fire Magic Spell, Rezvan."

Amdarais added the explanation.

"At least the Ice Seal is not completed because if that happens, well, you'll end as a frozen statue with an 'Eternal Peace.'"

"Bah, stop this 'Eternal Peace' nonsense! I had enough of that bullshit!"

Amdarais and Vaeral started debating while I kept silent to hear them.

"Hey, just be grateful since we escaped from Soliana, pal. Don't fuss over things that already happened."

"Of course, I yell over the past, moron! Suppose you already choose to be free in the beginning. In that case, we could plan an effective strategy to ensure Soliana cooperates!"

"It's a difficult decision I must take, idiot! I need to take a lot of thought when choosing to fight against my own wife!"

"Hah! It would be better if you were bolder and quicker over longing for your freedom rather than live in boredom and peace in the Ice Palace! You damn late, Vaeral!"

"Shut the hell up, skeleton asshole! At least I'm managed to save Rezvan before Soliana crushes him into a snowflake with her Ice Scythe, damn it!"

"Do I should repeat myself over and over, dumbass?! You're late, and it's your fault! We could prepare better for stopping your bickering with your wife and-"

"Okay, enough already, you two."

I hurriedly intervened because those two slanders made my head hurt.

"It's already done, Amdarais. Let's focus on planning things to do despite cursing over the past."

I said it firmly to Amdarais.

Vaeral smiled in relief after hearing that.

"You don't understand how the mess you are now, huh? The Ice Seal is blocked by your Fire Magic Spell, Rezvan. You can't use Fire Explosion Spell to break the Ice Seal like you do to Vaeral! Gah! This damn Ice Seal is irritating!"

Amdarais yelling loudly, venting all his anger because it's our loss.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled to calm my mind.

I know that my Magician skill has become limited with this Ice Seal.

However, I don't want to give up because of this mess.

"I know it's a mess, but I still want to think about what to do next to improve. Can you help me with that, Amdarais? I'm sick and tired heard yelling and cursing all the time."

I said it with a hopeful tone.

Amdarais simply nod while holding his irk.

"Before we go there and discuss anything we should do, are you alright, Vaeral? I mean…some of your face and body looks…concerning…."

I asked Vaeral while looking at half of his face and body that got burnt.

Probably because of my Fire Explosion Spell.

"Yeah… It's hurt, but I think I had to do this to free myself from the Ice Seal. It works, though. I can cast the Water Magic Spell again, thanks to you."

"I'm sorry. I never thought the Flame of Fire Explosion spell was too hard on your body."

"No, no… not really, Rezvan. I know you're already the flame magic power to the lowest on the Fire Explosion spell I used to break the Ice Seal. This burnt is a consequence of clashing between the flame of the fire magic spell and the Ice Seal in my body. It's surely painful and burning, but it destroyed the Ice Seal and released my Soul's Spirit."

Vaeral rubbed softly his burnt on his face with a smile.

Hopefully, it's a sign that he's okay.

"It's my first time seeing Water Magic Spell. Never thought it would be powerful for countering the Ice Magic Spell."

I asked in amazement while remembering the ice cube changed entirely into a water prison that trapped the Ice Queen.

"Well, lucky for you then, Rezvan. The Water Prison casting spell is rarely seen on new Magician."

Vaeral chuckled.

"Basically, the Water Magic Spell and Ice Magic Spell are the same elements. The difference lies in the knowledge for learning it."

Amdarais helped to elaborate on it.

"The Ice Queen surely would be more hostile to us since Vaeral now leaves the Ice Palace. Therefore, our attempt to reach the book of Ice Magic Spell will be more difficult than before."

Amdarais sighed, still thinking of another strategy for having access to learn the Ice Magic Spell.

As I remember the effectiveness of Water Magic Spell for countering Ice Magic Spell and the increasing risk of Ice Queen's revenge, one fleeting idea popped into my mind.

"How about I learn the Water Magic Spell first?"

Amdarais and Vaeral suddenly stare at me with serious faces.

"I mean, my Fire Magic Spell is blocked now. If I had Water Magic Spell on my Soul's Spirit, at least I could use it for facing the Ice Queen later, right?"

I elaborate on my reasoning.

But Amdarais and Vaeral are still silent.

It seems they're on their own thought.

"You guys said the Ice Queen will become more hostile when we meet her again. So, it would be better to prepare ourselves with proper Magic Spell for countering her attack."

I explained my reasoning again more deeply.

Both Amdarais and Vaeral slowly nodded, then faced without any words.

In that awkward silence, Vaeral coughed to get my attention.

"Well, to be honest, I'm excited to hear you want to learn the Water Magic Spell, Rezvan. I'm glad you have the spirit of learning first in this difficult situation."

Vaeral said it with welcoming tones.

"Can you teach me then, Vaeral?"

I asked curiously.

"No, it doesn't work like that, Daredevil. You can only learn Magician Spell by learning it first from the book of knowledge."

Amdarais intervene.

"If that so, can Vaeral opened the locked bookshelves of water and ice element on the second floor of Clock Tower?"

I insist because I remember I can open the locked bookshelves of fire element book knowledge after using the Red Dragon's Eyes.

"No. You need the core of the Ice and Water magic spell to do that. To achieve that, learn the basics about Ice and Water Magic Spell from the book knowledge."

"Wait, so the bookshelves of water and ice element on the second floor of Clock Tower contains a different book of knowledge?"

"Yes, it contains the book of knowledge about advanced and unique Ice-Water Magic Spell. But, in the end, you must first strive to learn the basics of ice magic spell book knowledge from the Ice Queen bookshelves and basic water magic spells from 'someone's' bookshelves."

"Man, why it's different from the book of fire magic spell knowledge?"

"The book of knowledge in here is my collection that is not completed. The Fire magic spell you learn on the second floor of my Clock Tower is the basic knowledge. My bookshelves have no knowledge book of advanced fire magic spells."

I took a breath for a while to calm myself after hearing Amdarais's explanation.

"Basically, the book of Knowledge to learn the magic spell in your Clock Tower is incomplete, huh…."

"Yes… my town getting destroyed and my Clock Tower almost crumbled because getting invaded by the hater among monsters. It's not surprising my book of knowledge is getting stolen by them."

"Well, that's… rough."

After hearing Amdarais's answer, I know our reasonable priority is to learn the basic water magic spell.

The question is, who's 'someone' with the bookshelves containing the essential book of water magic knowledge?

In the middle of my thought, Vaeral looked at me passionately.

It seems that question is the most awaited question for him.