

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Diverted Objectives

"So, do you know where I should read the book of water magic knowledge, Vaeral?"

I asked the question that Vaeral seemed to be waiting for.

Strangely enough, Amdarais felt annoyed when he heard my question.

"W-well…yes… yes… Of course, I know, Rezvan. In fact, I'm already prepared the idea for you to learn the Water Magic Spell first so we can face the Ice Queen together."

Vaeral said it in a hasty tone.

"Oh, that's good. Where should I go to learn the book of water magic, then?"

"To the royal garden, Rezvan. Venharice's Royal Garden, to be precise."

"Wait, isn't that your family's garden, right?"

"Yes… it is. My family, the Venharice, own the book of water magic knowledge that could help you learn the basics of Water Magic Spells."

I paused for a moment since I still remember how the Venharice noble family despises Vaeral because they disagree with his marriage to Soliana.

From that, it wouldn't be as easy as visiting Venharice's Royal Garden and learning the Water Magic Spell.

"Hmm… can I just visit there and learn that Water Magic Spell?"

I asked Vaeral while pretending to be unaware of that story.

"You can, but it's not that simple."

Vaeral answered it sheepishly.

"Why? Isn't your family don't allow it? Even you're part of them?"

"I'm a part of Venharice's noble family. But after my marriage with Soliana, I'm not their family anymore. So they hate my decision to marry Soliana because she is basically born from another noble family who is always opposite Venharice."

"It's time to fix the broken relationship with your family, I guess…?"

"Yes… that's what I intend to do after I escape from the Ice Palace. I want to rebuild that between my family and Solaina's family."

"So, you will return to Venharice, right?"

"Yes, with any consequences, I will face it."

I smiled over Vaeral's determination.

However, Amdarais stare at us pessimistically.

"Don't get overconfident. You're too long stay 'rested' in Ice Palace without using any Magic Spell. It wouldn't be easy to build a coalition again with Venharices if your capability as Magician is weak. It's your family. You know their arrogance is baffling to anyone in this world."

Amdarais suggest Vaeral sharply.

"…and I'm really not sure the Krismenar family on your name now could be accepted among Venharices."

Amdarais adds his negative opinion.

"When it comes to arrogance, it's not only Venharices and Yinleth families. It's well known the Dark Elves' arrogance is in their blood."

"You just add the low probabilities of succeeding on your plan, Vaeral."

Amdaries replied in a mocking tone.

No wonder he seems upset and annoyed with Vaeral's plan.

"Don't doubt anything over my new family name. Krismenar is the name Soliana, and I chose when we separate our way from Venharices and Yinleth."

"They would bring that up, moron. Didn't you say that the Dark Elves are a bunch of arrogant and narcissistic Monsters? Then, of course, you would see the Venharices mocking you for having the new names and leaving Venharice's name because of the silly reason of 'love.'"

"Damn… no wonder you choose to become a Supreme Magician without choosing to build a coalition with any family. You're the most annoying compared with the Dark Elves."

"Bah, shut up! Who cares about noble families?! I'm the Supreme Magician and the one who they should obey!"

Not only is Amdarais cynical, but his stupid vanity also makes things too much complicated.

I admit Amdarais capable of profoundly analyzing the situation quickly with the reasonable act and thought.

Still, sometimes it becomes missed when his pride goes too far.

"Rezvan, what do you think? I believe this plan would work for us."

Vaeral immediately asks me because he's tired of continuing his conversation with Amdarais.

At the same time, I know he wants my support since Amdarais does not have full control over himself and me.

"Rezvan, think it more thoroughly. You know this plan has a low probability of succeeding. You're getting used by this dumbass for helping you solve his family problem! Now you understand why I'm getting irritated over this idiot, right?! Everything fell apart because of his late decision! Leave him! We can think of another plan that could benefit us more!"

Amdarais yelled it out loud for conveying me to not follow Vaeral's plan.

Again, both Amdarais and Vaeral debate each other with constant slandering.

Being silent between those slanders, I took a deep breath to calm my mind.

My defeat by the Ice Queen changed the tide for me to continue my struggle to become a strong Magician.

The complicated problem between the noble family among Dark Elves makes things worse, which I grasp as it wouldn't be solved solely by my Magician Skill.

Even though it's just a glance, I heard Vaeral shouting to Soliana to 'fix the thing that got messed up' before we escaped to the Amdarais' Magical Gate.

I still need to understand Vaeral's problem and how he wants to solve it among the noble families.

Not to mention the Derberos families, who will intervene to make things getting more complicated.

Despite the significant threat that Vaeral must fight, I understand his determination deeply.

His tenacity reminds me of my father's determination, especially when he tries anything he can to save his marriage.

However, my mother chose to leave my sisters and me after my father's severe sickness.

I remember my mother said that she couldn't take it anymore to pay my father's medical payment and every family expense.

I feel lots of despise and anger whenever I remember my mother's betrayal for leaving us and choosing to have a new life with a new man.

The hard part is that my father let her go if my mother wanted, but he would not let himself leave his responsibility to my sisters and me.

Even though she is my mother, I curse her when she chooses to leave my father pompously.

Driven by my past, I know what my answer is.

That tragedy is painful for anyone, and I don't want to Vaeral run into that despite his determination.

"Vaeral, I'll go with you. We'll learn the Water Magic Spell in the Royal Garden Venharices."

I said it firmly.

Vaeral smiled in relief while Amdarais seemed annoyed with his long exhale.

I already predicted their reaction, so I don't really care about Amdarais' annoyance.

"You know the way to the Royal Garden Venharices, right?"

I asked Amdarais, but he's not answering it.

"Rezvan, for the Lord of Merciful, do you think it's a good idea? It's dire, man. The problem with Venharices is complicated. There's no way Vaeral managed to earn Venharices acknowledgment for us to read the Water Magic Spell!"

Amdarais repeated his concern to me.

"I see there's no other way. We had to move fast, Amdarais."

"Why did you rush? The Dark Elves and Halflings are no longer chasing you, right? So even if they're attempting to invade the human world, you can have time to plan your attack on them!"

"If I do that for a long time, I might have a Diamonds I need to increase my Magician status. But it would take too much time. So even if I do that, I'm not achieve anything new Magician Spell that I could utilize for facing the Monster."

Amdarais paused for a while.

I know he's losing his word for tackling my argumentation.

"You said that to reach the Supreme Magician, I should master all of the elemental magic spells, right? Why do you suddenly doubt yourself on this? Isn't it about the complexity? Of course, it would be complicated, man. My Magician life is already complicated as hell, to begin with. So why I'm not just moving with it and carrying on?"

Amdarais was utterly speechless.

He's losing any word for showing his irk while Vaeral chuckled over my confidence.

"Whatever… do as you like, Rezvan…."

Amdarais said it with a lazy tone.

"Then, answer my first question. Can you use Magical Gate to the Venharices' Royal Garden?"

I ask for clarity.

"Yes, I can… Just don't involve me when you guys face Venharices. Both Venharices and Yinleth are a headache for me. No… all Dark Elves is a headache if I could say."

Vaeral laughed and heard Amdarais answer.

Looking at both of them having gone 'civilized,' I know we have already set on our new plan for learning the Water Magic Spell.

We both know there will be a complicated conflict among Venharices, but we'll face it anyway.

"Well, well! It's a new beginning! Thank you for your patron, Rezvan! You are really such a great help!"

Vaeral thanked me passionately.

Despite his problem, I never thought I could see his genuine smile for facing all this.

"Thanks too, Vaeral, for saving me from the Ice Queen. Your wife's Ice Magic Spell's definitely a scary one."

I replied with a smile.

Vaeral only laughed sheepishly when he heard it.

"So, when we went there?"

Amdarais asked Vaeral and me.

Probably he wants to prepare the Magical Gate toward the Venharices' Royal Garden.

"Wait, before that, could you prepare a Magical Gate to my place first?"

I asked Amdarais immediately.

"Yes, no problem. Something is missing in your place?"

"No, there's someone that I want to visit first before we go there."