
The Supreme Lord's Surrogate Bride

In the dimly lit room, Magnus gently caressed her cheek. "My love, you know I've been a man of power and ambition, but in your eyes, I see a world I never knew existed." "I've always known there is goodness in you, even behind that tough exterior. But if you have two choices in your hands, will you choose love over power, milord?" Lysandra asked. Drawing her closer, Magnus whispered seductively, "Perhaps I desire both. Stay with me and I'll make sure you won't slip away, because I want you to be my only bride. I don't care if you're a boy. I would not wish any companion in the world but you. I'll protect you, cherish you, and love you like no other." *** After a terrible fever following the nuclear explosions wiped out many people on Earth, especially women and children, making childbirth risky for both mothers and babies, Lysandra Mullendore must go through the changed world. The old world with its structures has crumbled, and what's left is those with power and their strength. The looming threat of extinction is a constant shadow, a grim reminder of the fragile state of humanity as it struggles to endure in this perilous new reality. Some women, like her, managed to survive, but they are very scarce. And even fewer are protected from groups of men who, out of fear, try to dominate those who are left. Her journey takes a dangerous turn when she escapes a brutal surrogate program "The Hive", disguising herself as a boy using fake name, to survive in the oppressive Regime of Acheron. Living in disguise as a boy in a world governed by tyrants posed its challenges, but fate led her to an upscale café where the elite seek solace in luxury. It was here that she discovers an unexpected talent within herself, one that can melt even the iciest of hearts, including that of Magnus Caelumthral, known as the Supreme Lord. Despite his formidable intellect and power, his heart was a fortress until her charm breached its defenses, captivating him completely. In a post-apocalyptic world shattered by disease and despair, Lysandra's strength becomes her beacon of salvation. Her presence awakens something in Magnus, something he thought was long gone. Together, they navigate a world on the brink of chaos, where love and power collide, often demanding sacrifices along the way. Amidst the chaos, while his men relentlessly eliminated the rebels and seek the best candidates for the surrogate program, Magnus relentlessly pursues the little boy... Lysandra, determined to make her his, no matter the cost. Can she break his heart's icy chains? Can their connection endure in a world where survival is a daily struggle and trust is a rare find? Can love flourish in the darkest of times, when she's the key to his peace and he's the key to her freedom? In the end, for humanity to start anew, there needs to be someone to lead the way. *** Disclaimer: This story is purely a work of fiction and is the product of the author's imagination. Some names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Your supports in power stones, gifts and golden tickets as well as some reviews are highly appreciated. Thank you. @Cover design and all character images by the author with AI generated image. Find me in IG @Karensiarose Discord @Karensia

Karensia · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs


Year 2093 AD. Four years before the catastrophe.

Dust swirled around his boots as Magnus crunched across the land. The air hung thick and heavy, a stark contrast to the sterile, oxygenated air of the Haven, a place where he called home.

He was on Earth, feeling like a ghost in a world that had changed so much. Sent on a scouting mission, his heart longed for the vibrant greens and blues of his childhood memories, ones captured in faded photographs and stories passed down through generations.

Mount Chibouris loomed majestically before him, its towering peaks reaching towards the heavens. As he walked along the rugged terrain, the tranquility of the mountains enveloped him, the only sound his steady footsteps cracking the silence.

The wind picked up, whipping a stray strand of hair across his eyes. As he squinted, a melodic voice pierced the stillness, drifting through the air like a gentle breeze.

He paused, his senses sharpening as he listened intently. It wasn't the harsh screech of a vulture or the the whisper of the wind.

It was no ordinary song; it was a melody so pure that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the earth. It was sung in a language he didn't recognize, but it vibrated deep within him, stirring something ancient and primal.

Curiosity driving him forward, Magnus followed the sound, weaving his way through the lush foliage that blanketed the mountainside. His boots kicked up dust devils that swirled in the scorching sunlight.

The song grew clearer, a girl's voice, strong and clear, weaving its magic through the air.

He crested a small rise and stopped dead in his tracks.

And then, he saw her.

A girl sat on the ruins of what looked like an ancient building. Her back was to him, her long, dark braid a stark contrast to the bleached white stones around her. Her voice was rising and falling in perfect harmony with the natural world around her.

As she sang, a strange thing happened.

The plants seemed to sway in time to her melody, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. Flowers bloomed at her feet, their petals unfurling in a riot of color and fragrance.

The parched, skeletal trees that dotted the landscape seemed to perk up. Leaves, once brittle and brown, unfurled hesitantly, a vibrant green pushing through the dust.

Wildflowers erupted from the cracked earth, their petals unfurling in impossible hues of purple and orange.

Butterflies, seemingly conjured from nowhere, danced around the girl. The dying wind died completely, replaced by a gentle breeze that carried the scent of damp earth and the promise of rain.

Magnus watched in awe, captivated by the girl and her otherworldly song. There was a power in her voice, a magic that transcended the ordinary. It was as if she held the very essence of life in her hands, weaving it into every note she sang.

It was as if the world itself was responding to her song, a symphony of life blooming in the wilderness.

Her voice rose to a crescendo, and then, with a final note that echoed through the canyons, she fell silent. The butterflies settled on her outstretched fingers, their wings like a kaleidoscope of color. Slowly, the magic receded. The wind picked up again, the newly bloomed flowers drooping slightly.

Magnus stepped forward, his voice a mere whisper. "Hello?"

The girl turned. Her eyes, the color of a stormy sky, widened in surprise. She wasn't beautiful in the traditional sense, but her face held a wild, untamed beauty, the kind that belonged to the Earth itself.

Barely beyond sixteen, she stood tall and confident, showing a strength that seemed beyond her years. Her long hair flowed down her back in wild waves, framing her face like a dark curtain. And though her clothes were plain and a bit old, there was something graceful about her that hinted at a deep wisdom.

They stood there for a moment, looking into each other's eyes, feeling a strange energy crackling the air around them. In that instant, Magnus sensed something inside him, a feeling he couldn't quite explain beyond words.

She was no ordinary girl; she was something more, something extraordinary. And as he looked into her stormy eyes, he knew that their meeting was no mere coincidence. It was the beginning of something greater, something that would change both their lives in ways they could never have imagined.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice husky and low.

Magnus cleared his throat. "Magnus. From... above." He gestured vaguely to the sky.

Her gaze followed his, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Above?" she echoed with disbelief. "There's nothing above but the dead sky."

A lump formed in his throat. Dead sky. That's what it was called now.

He averted his eyes at the forests with heavy heart. This girl with her magic song, was the only mystery he'd encountered on his entire journey.

And then he glanced back at her, a determined glint flickering in his eyes. This was more than just a scouting mission now. He had to learn more about this girl, about her song, about how it could bring wonder to their world. And perhaps, he thought, he could persuade her to join him, to share her gift with the world above, which lacked the warmth and magic of the world below.

The girl studied him with both suspicion and curiosity. "You said you came from 'above'," she repeated, her voice still laced with disbelief. "What do you mean? Are you one of those… sky demons?"

Magnus winced slightly at the term. "Demons? No, nothing like that. We're… humans. Like you."

Her skepticism remained etched on her face. Humans, as she knew them, were the ones who had caused so much damage to the planet, but Magnus wanted her to see they were different.

Sensing her distrust, Magnus decided to try a different approach. He knelt beside her, his hand hovering over a struggling wildflower. "This it's beautiful," he said softly, "I haven't seen anything like it… up there."

She glanced at the flower, a flicker of something like pride crossing her features. "It responds to my song," she explained simply. "The Earth remembers, and sometimes, it listens."

His mind raced. The song, the Earth remembering – could it be the key to restoring the planet? He looked at her, her connection to the land undeniable. "Tell me," he began cautiously, "where did you learn this song? Do you know of others like you?"

She shook her head, her dark eyes shadowed. "There were others, once. But… the Blight came. It took them all."

Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke of the event that had ravaged the Earth, a harsh reminder of the catastrophe that had forced humanity to seek refuge in the sterile confines of The Haven.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Magnus felt a growing sense of urgency. He knew he had to convince her to come with him. The world around them, with all its magic and wonder, needed to be shared, and he was determined to make her see that.

"Listen," he said with newfound purpose, "my people... they live above, in a place called the Haven. It's... not like this. But we're trying to find a way to understand the Earth better. Your song, your connection... it could be the answer we've been searching for."

She looked at him skeptically, then back at the land slowly coming back to life under the fading light. A silent struggle played out in her stormy eyes. The Haven, a place built by those responsible for the Blight, a place that had abandoned the Earth? Yet, the potential to save her home… 

"I… I need to think," she finally said, her voice barely a whisper.

Magnus understood. This was a decision with immense consequences. He rose, offering her a hand. "Take your time. But know this," he said, his gaze locked on hers, "the future of this world… it might just depend on you."

She stood slowly, her hand brushing against his as she took it. A spark, a connection, flickered between them, as fragile and hopeful as the first blooms struggling through the cracked earth. 

Magnus felt disappointed when she hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her stormy eyes. Before he could say more, a loud noise broke the peaceful moment they had. It was a deep, sad sound, coming from the other side of the forests behind them, like a giant ringing a broken bell.

She flinched, her face hardening. "It's time," she muttered, a hidden urgency creeping into her voice. 

"Time for what?" Magnus asked, his brow furrowing. He saw a new wariness flicker across her features, a fear that hadn't been there before. 

She didn't answer. Instead, she looked away, determination sparking in her eyes once more. Before Magnus could react, she swiftly ran off, disappearing into the maze-like forest.

Magnus felt frustrated. Just as he started to break through her barriers and they began to connect, she disappeared. He hurried after her, calling out into the emptiness, but he didn't even know her name. How idiot!

But she was gone. The only trace of her presence was the lingering scent of wildflowers and the faint memory of her melody, echoing in his heart like a ghost.

Left standing in the midst of wilderness, a cold dread washed over him. Was she part of some hidden community, a society clinging to survival in the shadows of the Blight? And more importantly, would he ever see her again? 

Magnus stood there for what felt like an eternity, watching the sun set with fiery colors streaking across the sky. It felt like time stood still as he gazed at the horizon.

It was a sleek, metallic capsule-like vessel, but with the advanced technology of the Haven that allowed it to camouflage according to the surrounding area, much like a chameleon blending seamlessly into its environment.

He had come seeking answers, but now he was leaving with even more questions than before he arrived. Meeting the mysterious girl had given him hope that they could understand the Earth better. But now, he couldn't shake a gnawing fear – had he missed his chance to help, or worse, had he put her in danger?

As he started the long trek back to his retrieval point, the memory of her song lingered in his mind, a bittersweet melody that promised both beauty and peril.

He knew, with a deep certainty, that this was far from over. He had to find her again. The fate of humanity, and perhaps his own heart, depended on it.