
The supernatural academy: The demon and the hybrid

Well who would have thought I would end up in a supernatural academy ? I'm so excited for the new experience. (Note the sarcasm). Why the hell do I have to go to a supernatural academy. I'm currently in my room coming up with various strategies to make my Dad change his mind about me attending the academy but I immediately discard that plan cause knowing the kind of person my father is, there is no way out. "Well it's official my life just made a turn for the worst" I said to myself before sighing again for the hundredth time today. "Yo princess I heard you would be leaving the empire to go to the so famous academy" my best friend Brenna said while giggling after staring at my sulking face. "Don't be mean Brenna, stop making fun of our sulking best friend" my other best friend kaida said while chuckling obviously being sarcastic as always. "If you guys aren't going to help then could you atleast shut up" I snap at them "sorry" they both said in unison realizing I was in a bad mood. "But you know there's nothing we can do" kaida said and I had to agree with her cause she's right. I sighed heavily before saying "supernatural academy here I come". My name's is Aurora and I'm a princess of the fire dragon empire and last child of the Royal family. And I'm also an hybrid. A very powerful one but there is a catch, I can't control my powers. I'm not just a fire dragon but a witch.

isabelle moner · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

Sorcery test

Aurora's pov

I did not wait to see what was going to happen before rushing out of the hall, with tears in my eyes I ran back upstairs to my room where I can comfortably cry my eyes out. getting into my room, I went straight to my bed without pulling my uniform nor shoes and pressed my pillow over my face sobbing pathetically to myself. How pathetic could I actually be? I asked myself laughing bitterly with one thought in mind, no wonder father wanted so badly to get rid of me, I mean why wouldn't he? Should he be proud of having such an embarrassment as a daughter? I mean I would try to get rid of me as well, I mean so did mom, I guess she was already well aware of the fact that I was going to grow up a failure and that's why she had easily let father take me away, she couldn't even fight for me, she didn't want me, some mother she is but then again nobody does. I'm such a pathetic loser who can't even defend or stand up for herself, if I look so pathetic in my own eyes, I wonder how the other students present at the dinning hall saw me.

Author's Pov

Aurora kept beating herself up regarding what happened at the dinning hall, she cried straight for over thirty minutes non stop. Her face was all puffy and red from all the crying she had done, and her eyes swollen. Standing up from her bed she walked straight into the bathroom to rinse her face so she can get back to class to take her sorcery test, she knew she can't miss it even though she have no idea of what she was going to do since it's a practical test and her magic sucks, on getting to the bathroom a fresh wave of tears started pouring from her eyes upon looking at her reflection on the mirror that was hanged on the bathroom wall, she couldn't help breaking down, she looked so weak and pathetic nothing like her father or her siblings hell! It's no wonder her father sent her away, who would have believed she is his daughter when she is this pathetic and pitiful. Sitting on the floor she sobbed some more before deciding to stop feeling sorry for herself and instead go take her test before she gets into more trouble for skipping classes and she would rather not get on miss Hannah nerves and feeling sorry for herself won't solve anything.

Walking out of her room, she walked down the hallway of the girls dorm accidentally bumping into someone. "Not again". She thought to herself. Getting ready to apologize she heard the voice said.

"Aren't you really pathetic?, You let that dumbass demon hit you like you're some sort of statue or is it pushing bag, you stood there and let her hit you for her entertainment and amusement like you're some sort of a clown, hell! You did nothing, don't you know how to defend yourself? Or do you gain some sort of pleasure from the pain and embarrassment people inflict on you? Do you enjoy the pain, the embarrassment? Please do tell". The voice asked angrily getting on Aurora's nerves, Aurora knew the person talking very well but why was the person angry like she was the one that got hit, she sounded even more angry than Aurora herself and that's what confused and annoyed Aurora. "Is it that you want people to feel sorry and pity for you? Is that it? Is it the reason you let her hit you for what wasn't your fault in the first place? If that's the reason then sorry to break it to you hon, this is the supernatural world, no one will feel pity for you, you'll only become a target for bullying..". She went on to speak further but was cut off by Aurora.

"What are you insinuating Amber". Aurora asked in a shaky voice which was also hoarse from all the crying she had done. Locking eyes with Amber. "Do you think I enjoy this? That's sick of you to think, do you think I wouldn't have done something if I could?".

Amber's face soften after seeing the puffy face of the blonde girl in front of her, her voice shaky, Amber knew she went to cry immediately she ran from the dinning hall and that's why she ran after her waiting for her to come out when she's done crying to give her a piece of her mind but after seeing how weak and vulnerable she looked she don't think she can go on scolding her anymore. She was just upset at how Aurora carried herself, the air around Aurora just seemed too weak and fragile for Amber's liking and in the supernatural world there's no place for people like that, defenseless people are easily noticed by the supernatural creatures and then preyed upon. From what she can remember, Aurora wasn't a weak person she was strong and powerful, so she don't understand how the Aurora she knew could turn into this pathetic and weak girl standing in front of her, she's angry because this is the supernatural world where the powerful preyed on the weak like what mia just did, she tried to show off her strength by bullying Aurora in front of everyone at the dinning hall today, in the supernatural world that's how it is. And Aurora not attacking back just earned herself multiple bullies, people who would want to prey on her because they are well aware she is weak and defenseless.

"What do you mean by you would have done something if you could?" Amber asked her softly not having it in her to yell at her any longer.

"What do you suggest I could have done?". Aurora answered her back with a question.

"Grab a fistful of her hair and bang that empty head of hers against the wall, maybe that would have fixed the loosed screws in her head". Amber said shocking Aurora with how serious she was saying that, Aurora could even picture Amber doing that and that's what terrified her. Aurora felt that was too aggressive and knew for a fact she couldn't do that.

"Don't give me that look". Amber said to Aurora understanding the looks Aurora was giving her. "Now as didn't defend yourself or fight back, you've earned yourself a great amount of bullies, people with no better things to do than to pick on the weak, you just fed Mia's ego, you know this school is filled with supernatural creatures who feed on the weak and who feed their ego on the fear of others.".

"What do you mean?". Aurora asked.

"You're about to find out". Amber replied her before walking away angrily, she was already plotting on how to get back at Mia for the stupid stunt she pulled.

Breathing out softly, Aurora walked down the long and tiring stairs of the castle that led to the ground floor, she was tired of the supernatural academy and want nothing more than to go home but even herself she knew she won't be welcomed back when her magic still suck as ever before. she walked towards the entrance Opening the doors, walking out of the castle she walked towards the direction of the school building, entering inside she walked down the hallway that led to her sorcery class, glancing at the wall clock on the wall of one of the hallways she saw it was one minute past 9 and her sorcery class starts by eight thirty she was so dead, miss Hannah won't let her off easily she said to herself suddenly nervous. Upon getting to the entrance of her classroom she hesitated on entering, bracing herself she pushed the door open and walked into the classroom with her head down low, glad that miss Hannah hadn't arrive. She inwardly wondered what was keeping her since miss Hannah was always on time and hated lateness. Passing the rows of seat she went straight to the back where Sabrina was seated with an empty seat by her side. Aurora took her seat besides Sabrina with her head still held down avoiding Sabrina eyes, she didn't want to see the pity in her eyes and feel more pathetic about herself. Whispers and murmurs of the students in the classroom floated non stop into her ears.

"She is a fool" a voice said.

"Pathetic" another said.

"A disgrace to the entire supernatural world". Another said.

"A pathetic being".


"Look at her face all red and puffy, didn't I tell you she went to cry at how pathetic she is". A voice said laughing loudly.

"Why won't she?". someone else responded in mockery. "I would cry too if I were her, she's pathetic".

"After class let's bully her and see if she would retaliate or just stand and let herself be our personal punching bag". A very squeaky annoying voice said giggling to someone.

"Yes let's try that, it would be fun". Another voice replied.

Aurora shut her eyes and tried hard to shut off their voices from her head but they just came floating in non stop, guess this was what Amber was talking about. Aurora felt Sabrina place her hand upon hers sympathetically which made Aurora feel like bursting into tears but refrained from doing so knowing it will only worsen things.

"Quiet down". Aurora heard a loud authoritative voice said. Raising her head she saw miss Hannah walking gracefully into the classroom, her fiery red hair tied in an elegant bun, her forest green eyes moving around the classroom sternly, she had a very stern expression on her face, she always do even on the very first day Aurora saw her. Aurora could swear she had never seen a smile on her face since she met the woman. Her eyes roamed across the classroom and her face twisted in disgust the instant they landed on Aurora. Aurora knew the woman hated her, she had noticed it since she arrived at the academy but thought it was all in her head but with time, she noticed it wasn't in her head and the woman really doesn't like her and she had no idea why. At first it hurt her greatly since she had actually developed a liking and respect for the woman but as time went by and she realized the woman was never going to like her or give a reasonable and acceptable reason as to why she didn't like her, her likeness and respect for the woman grew into a deep hatred for her so when miss Hannah looked at her which such disgust she didn't feel anything but more hatred for her, it didn't phase her though like it did before and she was glad.

"Today,". Miss Hannah started. "You all will be taking a practical test on some of the things I've taught since the beginning of this term. since you all will be going on your break, I've decided to test you all on what you've learnt since no exam will be conducted this term. Now every one of you should come out and pick up a cat and return back to your seat". Miss Hannah said pointing towards the corner of the classroom were several cats were kept in crates. Aurora wondered how she had missed it, guess she just wasn't paying attention.

Each student went out in the order which they were seated picked up the cat and returned to their seats.

"Place the cats on your desk". Miss Hannah ordered which they all did. "Over these past months I can recall teaching you all a great number of spells, but for today you'll only be casting three spells and simple ones at that because I'm feeling generous, so for the first spell I want you all to change the color of the cats on your desk to your desired color ".

Immediately Miss Hannah finished the students started chanting, waving their wands. Sabrina turned towards Aurora and whispered, I've got you covered after noticing Aurora failed to change the color of cat. Looking careful at miss Hannah and confirming she wasn't staring at them, Sabrina waved her wand chanting the spell changing the cat on Aurora's table from black to white. Aurora felt ashamed, she don't know what the did wrong, she flicked her wand the way Sabrina did hers and she chanted the exact same words Sabrina chanted , so why didn't hers yield a result but Sabrina's did. Miss Hannah kept moving around the classroom inspecting their works, her heels clicking softly on the marble floor.

"STOP!! What is the meaning of this". Miss Hannah yelled out to them. "Why and how are you getting this simple spell wrong? You!!". She yelled pointing at a petite girl with glasses whose cheeks instantly got red after being called out by miss Hannah rushing to her feet. "I said change the color of the cat not change the animal to another animal, who asked you to turn the cat to a squirrel. How many times have I said the movement of your wand and the way you chant the words are the most important aspect of casting a spell? I have told you all times without number that if you say or pronounce a single word wrongly you've messed up the entire spell, hmm? How many times? Chanting or pronouncing even a word wrongly can change the entire spell, you have to be one with your wand, a spell isn't only about chanting and waving wand, you need to concentrate, you need to be deeply concentrated inorder for the spell to work". She yelled further with her eyes twitching.

Taking a deep breath she tried calming herself. "Moving on, next spell, make the cat float six feet above the ground and bring it down safely"miss Hannah said after successful taming her anger.

"ARRRGH" she yelled loudly flaring up. "Well I think we can all agree you are all lost cause. So you mean to tell me that I've been wasting my time teaching you all, this unbelievable". She said. "Unbelievable". She murmured to herself. So the only people that are able to levitate their cats aren't up to five, is that what you're all telling me? In a class of over forty students? Wow, impressive". She said. "So you mean to tell me I've only been teaching five students?". Laughing in disbelief she paced round the classroom, "and you Aurora!!" She yelled stalking towards Aurora "You're not fooling anybody, I know you didn't cast those spells yourself, you cast even use magic to save your life if that's the only way for you to get saved, I don't know how you did it but you can't get better at magic overnight, I know you cheated, you must have studied or gone through the book of dark magic". Miss Hannah asked making Aurora huff in disbelief at her stupid guess. "You know what, you have detention from four to six where you would explain to me how you cast these spells correctly, infact you'll cast them in my presence". Miss Hannah said. "You're all failures, disappointment and a waste of my breathe". She said walking out of the class.

"So..... Class is over?" Sabrina asked laughing.

"I guess" Aurora shrugged looking out of the window in thought. She already has detention for the rest of the year so the joke's on miss Hannah. The students remain seated in the class since the period wasn't over before miss Hannah angrily walked out of the classroom so they had no choice but to remain seated. Once the bell rang signalling the end of this class and the beginning of another, each students returned their cats back to their crates at least the ones who still had cats. Walking out of the class, Sabrina and Aurora walked to their next class. Aurora was in her mate history class not paying attention but looking deep in thought. She was brought out of her head by the ringing of the bell. It was time for their thirty minutes break. Standing up she walked outside walking down the hall where she met Sabrina who walked up to her.

"Where are you going?" Sabrina asked her.

"To the library". Aurora replied. She wanted to be something quiet where she wasn't constantly reminded of what happened in the dinning hall. Everywhere she went, she heard people whispering, pointing towards her, telling those who weren't present in the dinning hall when she got slapped about what happened. Sabrina quickly understood why and replied.

"I'll join you". bending into another hallway, the voices of the students telling others about what happened was still being heard by Aurora and Sabrina.

"Do you want me to hex them". Sabrina asked Aurora.

"What?". Aurora asked.

"I can make their body itch badly, cause painful pox to appear on their skin or better turn them to frogs". Sabrina explained excited.

"You really can?" Aurora asked.

"Yes". Sabrina said with a smirk.

"I thought that's black magic which only black witches are allowed to tap from cause if white witches tap from it they'll get tainted?". Aurora asked confused.

"Yes but only if the white witch repeatedly tap from it then will they be tainted". Sabrina explained. "I've only used it twice".

"But it's forbidden and evil and is said to make one evil once they get tainted". Aurora explained worriedly.

"Yes it's forbidden but nobody knows and you're the only one I've told since I started taping from if and it isn't really evil, you won't believe the kind of spells you'll find there, I have the book, I bought it from someone whom said she got it from some sort of forbidden library. It's pretty cool, maybe next term I'll bring it so you can also learn from it, maybe you'll be able to wield forbidden magic and then you'd be able to defend yourself". Sabrina explained to a worried Aurora.

"If you hex them is it permanent". Aurora asked since the students were still saying stuff about her.

"Nope, I haven't really perfected it so the hex would only last for a couple of minutes".

"That's not enough" Aurora thought to herself which shocked her, when did she start being so heartless, she asked herself. "No don't bother I wouldn't want you tapping into black magic because of me". Aurora said to Sabrina which wasn't the the real reason she refused.

"Ok" Sabrina said.

After two more classes it was finally time for their lunch break. Sabrina and Aurora walked into the cafeteria but separated on getting inside since Sabrina had her own group of friends. Aurora walked towards the table where her friends were seated with her head bowed. Taking her seat, Lilith came taking her seat placing her tray of food as well as Aurora's on the table, passing Aurora's tray to her she gestured for her to eat since she didn't had breakfast.

"Hey Aurora are you ok?". Eva asked worriedly seeing Aurora not talking.

"Don't ask me that, and please mind your business, you always know how to put your mouth were it doesn't belong". Aurora replied harshly shocking herself and those around her as well. She could swear she wasn't the one who said that and was about to apologize but seeing the look and Eva's face she felt awful and kept quiet.

"I'm sorry for asking, I was just worried". Eva said hurt.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it, it just came out". Aurora apologized.

Laughing Eva replied before walking away angrily. "You're sorry? You know, you always do this you act rude to us as if you're the only one facing problems then apologize saying you didn't mean it and you weren't the one who said that, but then again who did?

"Auro...." Hydra started but was cut off by Aurora.

"No please don't, don't ask if I'm ok, I'm not, I don't know what's going on with me anymore sometimes I say things I don't mean, I'm not even the one saying those things but no one will believe me, and nobody gets me nobody, so please don't ask because I'm not ok, I set Lilith on fire, I hurt her and could have killed her if not for Sabrina and I could have sworn that wasn't me. my powers are out of control, I hear voices in my head, sometimes I feel myself loosing control of my own body, I'm not ok" Aurora sniffed with tears in her eyes.

"Aurora" Lilith called.

"No please just stay away from me". She said before rushing out of the cafeteria.