

Aurora's pov

It's time for detention and I haven't seen any of the girls since I left the cafeteria. I have chosen to just avoid them totally since I can't stop being rude to them or figure out what is going on with me, I've decided to avoid them in order not to hurt their feelings more than I've already done. They are not going to understand what I'm going through because I don't even understand what I'm going through and so how am I going to explain anything to them. How am I going to explain to them that I don't realize what I say to them until I finish saying it, they are not going to believe me, they will just think I'm giving flimsy excuses on why I was being a bitch and they'll eventually abandon me. How am I going to explain the type of thoughts that run through my mind, how should I explain that I sometimes have the urge to kill or burn something or someone and so I'm a danger to them. I can't explain anything so it's better I just avoid them rather than for them to avoid me cause that will hurt even worse. We were all supposed to go to detention together like we always do but I decided to go by myself. Arriving at the classroom, I noticed the lights were turned off with Amber sitting alone in the dark. I wonder why she didn't turn on the light. I walked towards the wall at the other end of the classroom, my hands searched the walls until I found the light switch, flipping it, the classroom was instantly flooded with light. I then walked back to the middle of the classroom where all the seats were gathered and arranged in the same circular fashion as the first day I walked into this classroom. i took the sit close to her instead of sitting with the girls.

"This is new" Amber sneered glaring at me.

"What is?". I asked uninterestedly.

"You coming to detention by yourself and you sitting in a different seat instead of the ones close to your bodyguards". She said bluntly with a mock smile.

"What do you mean by my bodyguards?" I asked in annoyance.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" She asked while I just kept staring at her or rather glaring at her. After some minutes of her not getting a reply from me she continued.

"Haven't you noticed yet?" She questioned. "They are always around you so they can protect you from the other students, they make enemies with the others all because of you. Why can't you stand up for yourself? Do you think they'll always be there for you? Don't you feel disgusted with yourself because whenever I see you, I feel disgusted. You're not weak, you just act like you are, I believe that there is no one in this planet, human or supernatural beings that is given birth to weak. Being weak is a choice, so as being strong and you chose to be weak". She continued.

"When are you going to stand up for yourself, when are you going to stop being this weak and defenceless girl, so you think they'll always stick with you for the rest of your miserable life? Don't you think they deserve a life of their own other than being your protectors, don't you think they deserve to make other friends apart from you? Because of you they can't make friends, this is the supernatural world, you have to be strong and stand up for yourself because a time will come when there would be nobody to stand up for you. What will happen to you when there is nobody to help you huh? What are you going to do? Are you going to run to the toilet and cry your eyes out? Or are you going to stick up for yourself".

"That is none of your business, if I choose to cry my eyes out or stick up for myself, that isn't something you should concern yourself with" I told her. Yes she is correct and I know she's only saying the truth but she still has no right to tell me that and especially in such a rude way. I could already feel my energy trying to burst out of me, it was raging inside me begging to be released, I feel like I'm going to explode any second from now, I have never felt anything like this. The energy is so strong, I am trying my best to control it but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do so if she keeps running her stupid hole.

"You're so pathetic, I feel so sorry for your parents, your mother especially for giving birth to such a pathetic being like you, if I were to be her I would have killed you or abandoned you long ago" she spat and that was all it took for my powers to burst out of me.

Author's Pov

Amber was instantly thrown across the room by an invisible force without Aurora having to lift a finger. Looking down at her clenched fist Aurora could see blue flames circling around it and at that moment all she wanted to see was blood, Amber's blood.

The killing intent that was present in the room was so heavy, She stalked towards Amber, who was still on the floor recovering from the hit but was soon on her feet snarling dangerously while glaring at Aurora when she saw her stalking towards her as if telling her to back down but that wasn't enough for Aurora to back down. She had the urge to kill Amber and she's going to stop at nothing until she sees her dead. Aurora continued stalking towards Amber like a predator stalking it's prey and immediately Amber started transforming since she felt threatened.

Purple veins could be seen running across her face and neck and her sharp fangs extended from her mouth as she growled at Aurora viciously which only made Aurora angrier and before Amber could realize what was going on she was hit with a fireball which sent her flying across the room, she hit the wall at the corner of the classroom hard, creating a deep dent in the wall.

Amber was soon on her feet with eyes gleaming with excitement as Aurora kept throwing fireballs at her non stop. this was what Amber always wanted, a competition, a strong competition who could match with her strength and who would fight her without holding back like her brother always does. it's been so long since she fought with her life on the line like this and so she was enjoying this and was extremely proud of herself that she is still as strong and fast as before, that she hasn't gone soft else she would have been dead by now. She could feel the strong killing intent coming from Aurora and this brought a huge grin on her face.

She knew the girl was powerful and had potential all along and all she needed was a little push. She hates that the girl who has such power in her acts so weak and pathetic. The girl disgust her with the way she carries herself like a weakling, a looser whereas she isn't. So she decided to show the girl her true potential, what she was capable of and that she isn't as weak as she thinks and also to enjoy herself as she do that. It was actually a win-win situation, Amber needed someone strong enough to spar with her while the girl need someone to show her how powerful she actually is.

Amber dodged them swiftly with ease smiling and laughing like a psychopath. She seems to be enjoying this and that only enraged Aurora further as well as her dragon side and soon enough Aurora was in the process of transformation without her realizing it. She didn't know what is going on, she wasn't in control. It was like someone else was controlling her body but she didn't seem to care or try to gain control, she knows she's not in control, she can feel it. It's the same feeling of darkness she gets when she is being rude and bitchy to someone, she isn't in control during such times too but now she doesn't seem to mind, she likes it and it seems like at this moment she's going to stop running from it and rather embrace it, she would stop running away from her monsters and embrace them instead. She liked what was happening, she felt alive, she felt strong for the first time in her life, at this moment she isn't disgusted with her self instead she was proud of herself. She felt so powerful and she liked it

She was never a weakling after all and after today she was going to prove to the world she's powerful and not the pathetic, weak, fragile girl they all see her as. She has never felt like this in her entire life so she's going to enjoy it to the fullest. She was filled with so much rage that she didn't care what the thing controlling her body did, as long as Amber would be dead then she's ok with it. Dark smoke began swirling around her when suddenly dark massive wings extended and unfurled from her back, the wings were large and scaly, a pair of dark horns grew on her head. Her usual brown eyes began changing its color. They darkened from light brown now turning black. Her entire eyes were covered in black.

She didn't transform fully, she only had a partial transformation. This had never happened before but then again she isn't a full dragon after all so she wasn't concerned with this development and it didn't hurt a bit so there is nothing to be worried about. Spreading her large magnificent wings, she flew straight towards Amber with a strong killing intent.

Immediately Amber saw what was happening she was shocked and a little scared because right now, Aurora looked like a demon or even worse especially with so much darkness she was exuding. Chills ran down her spine and she shivered slightly but she instantly put her fear aside and took up a fighting stance knowing fully well that if she continued standing there she would be killed before she know it. She looked up and saw Aurora flying towards her with eyes trained on her, so she waited for Aurora to be close enough so she could manipulate the wind to do her bidding.

Aurora was getting closer to amber with every second that pass when suddenly she was held back by one of her wings and was thrown across the room really hard. She hit the wall at the end of the room and the deafening sound of broken bones echoed in the classroom. A loud and blood curling scream came from Aurora immediately her body connected with the wall. She curled on the floor screaming in pains, it hurts, everything hurts, especially her wings which is the most sensitive part of a dragon. Her wings cocooned around her, wrapping her like it was trying to sooth the pain while she kept groaning in pains. The bones were reconnecting in a very slow and painful way since she wasn't a full dragon. There was only one solution for the bones to heal fast to end her pains and that was for her to transform fully into a dragon but she immediately discarded that thought. There was no way she is going to pass through that pain, that pain was hundred times worse than the one she was passing through currently.

"Why did you do that?" Lilith screamed at Damien in anger who was standing in front of his sister protectively. He didn't spare her a glance but kept glancing at Aurora who was on the floor writhing in pains worriedly. He didn't mean to throw her that hard, he only wanted her away from his sister. Seeing her writhing in pains with her wings wrapped around her like that made him feel bad, he felt awful. Damien was also confused as to why she wasn't healed yet, she is a dragon shifter which means she has fast healing ability and a couple of broken bones shouldn't have had her sobbing and writhing in pains like that.

When Damien and the rest of the group had arrive, he saw the, blonde head girl flying towards his sister with so much killing intent that everyone present in the room felt. The killing intent was so much that it made him scared for the life of his sister and at that moment all that was running through his mind was to protect his little sister. She was all he had and if anything happens to her he would have himself to be blamed for not being a good elder brother. And so he quickly materialized in front of his sister at the last minute and using supernatural strength, he threw the blonde head across the room thinking he won't cause much damage since she was a supernatural creature. But looking at her now, he felt angry with himself and disgusted as well. He didn't think he was a man of morals, neither was he a good person but hurting a lady was something he never thought he could be capable of.

Damien couldn't even respond to the red head demon screaming at him because he was already feeling awful. Principal Demitrey walked into the classroom with the head teacher Miss Hannah, somebody must have gone to fetch them. They walked towards the blonde haired girl who was still curled on the floor no longer writhing or groaning in pains but was now sobbing softly.

"There is nothing I can do to help her, she has to shift fully in order for her bones to heal else she will be in pains for like a day or two after all she is an hybrid not a full" Damien heard the head teacher say to principal Demitrey.

"An hybrid?" Damien thought to himself "Is that why she hasn't healed yet".

"You're a witch there must be something you can do, like cast an healing spell or something" principal Demitrey replied his eyes still on the girl who was now trying to sit upright.

"It isn't working, I don't know why it isn't working but I tried to cast the spell immediately we walked in but it's like she is immune or something" The head teacher stared in frustration.

"How is it possible that she is immune to magic" principal Demitrey murmured to himself.

"I'm going to assume she's a royal dragon, since royal dragons are immune to some certain spells" The head teacher replied looking extremely annoyed. "The only solution now is for her to shift fully, so we need to take her to the school grounds for her to have enough space to shift".

"I'm not going to shift" Aurora grunted out still in pains while cleaning her tear stained face, she was sure all her ribs were broken but it'll all be worth it by the time she is done with that irritating Vampiress.

"Young lady, you have no choice, it's either you shift or you remain in pains" The head teacher replied harshly with eyes shooting daggers at Aurora.

"I'll manage" Aurora stated matching her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Take her to the infirmary Damien" Principal Demitrey ordered Damien.

"I'm not going to go to the infirmary" Aurora stated firmly

"You're clearly hurt, you need to go" principal Demitrey said.

"Even if I were to go, they wouldn't be able to do anything so it's useless" Aurora insisted making the head teacher annoyed.

"Stupid child" she murmured which Aurora heard but chose to ignore.

"Very well then, since you refuse to be taken to the infirmary go to your room and rest till you're fully recovered, there would be no classes and no detention for you till you are fully healed" principal Demitrey stated before walking away with the head teacher glaring at Aurora in anger.

Aurora tried standing up clenching her jaw in order not to scream out in pains. Her friends instantly ran to her side to help her but she pushed their hands away. She could still feel the rage and darkness coming from the thing that was controlling her and she didn't want to hurt her friends so she had to push them away.

"I don't need anyone's help" she limped holding her ribs with her face contorted in pains. She looked up glaring at Amber coldly that made Amber shiver.

"This isn't over yet" Aurora promised staggering out of the room, swaying a little while moaning in pains with every step she took.