

Shadowslash then kills the officer after torturing him for half an hour, he then have his clone transformed into an exact copy of him, the imps saw all of this and were shocked but quickly they went on their way.

The battle of the higher ups doesn't involve them, since Shadowslash was treating them better than their former superiors, they rather have him than anyone else.

Shadowslash knew that this was risky but he doesn't care, as long as he finds one imp that has much denser pit lord bloodline compared to others of its kind, he'll immediately recruit him.

He will build his power with the help of these so called slaves of the demon world, with Heaven Swallowing Technique and Devouring Rune, he could transform the life of any low rank demon.

He started walking around the city, if he saw any orphans, he would approach them and started using his spiritual sense to delude them and brought him to the home of the demon officer he had just killed.