
The strongest swordsman's journey

And if Miyamoto Musashi went to the world of one piece, what would happen? Well, we will see your journey to become the strongest swordsman in a world totally out of the ordinary and unknown to a mere human from another world.

Nigga_TrapStar · Komik
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2 Chs

I died? God?

Chapter 2

The two samurai looked at each other for a while trying to find an opening to attack and after a few seconds, Sasaki Kojurō ran towards Miyamoto Musashi performing his technique.

Sasaki: [Ittoryu Iai - Tsubame Gaeshi.] Sasaki held his katana up and threw it all down at a speed trying to hit Miyamoto, but Miyamoto managed to defend himself by placing his two katanas in front of Sasaki's katana and the two katanas shocked by interrupting Sasaki's technique and after the shock, Sasaki and Miyamoto moved away for a few meters.

Miyamoto: [So, this is the famous Tsubame Gaeshi style? I really found Kojurō - Dono interesting.] Miyamoto spoke while looking intently at Sasaki.

Sasaki: [Thank you Musashi - Dono, but unfortunately you haven't seen her completely.] As soon as Sasaki finished speaking Miyamoto ran towards Sasaki putting the left-hand katana up and throwing it down and the right-hand katana playing it diagonally and Sasaki saw this and moved away from a little and dodged the diagonal blow and put his katana in front of Miyamoto's blow and managed to defend himself and as soon as he defended Sasaki took a step back and tried to cut his katana from bottom to top in Miyamoto, but Miyamoto managed to step back by deflecting and getting a small cut, and as soon as he deflected Miyamoto tried to punch with his katana in his right hand in Sasaki, but he managed to deflect by getting a cut beside his stomach, and the moment he took the cut, Sasaki took his katana and performed his technique again.

Sasaki: [Ittoryu Iai - Tsubame Gaeshi] Sasaki lifted his katana and threw it down quickly, but Miyamoto managed to defend against that blow with the left-hand katana, but the technique is not over yet.

Sasaki performed a bottom-up blow, cutting Miyamoto's chest deeply, but Miyamoto took the pain and performed his technique.

Miyamoto: [Nitoryu - Quick cut] He lifted his two katanas and threw them down quickly, cutting Sasaki deep in the neck and chest and Sasaki slowly fell on his back on the floor and smiling he said.

Sasaki: [I lost.] And finally, it went out and as soon as Sasaki paid it, Miyamoto saved his two katanas and said.

Miyamoto: [Thanks for fighting Kojurō - Owner, and rest in peace.] While Miyamoto gave his greatest respect to his opponent a shadow slowly came towards him and took his poisoned bow and shot Miyamoto in the back. and as soon as Miyamoto felt a pain in his back, he felt weak and fell to his knees.

Miyamoto: [WHO IS THE HOLY FATHER WHO dares TO DO THIS?] Miyamoto shouted turning around and as soon as he turned around, he saw who did it and couldn't believe it.

Miyamoto: [Takeda, why? why did you do that?] asked Miyamoto, still unable to believe it.

Takeda: [Hahahaha, Miyamoto - Sama, there are people in this world who want you dead and I only fulfilled that wish in exchange for something I want.] Takeda replied laughing at Miyamoto's misfortune.

Miyamoto: [I see.] Miyamoto commented as he fell on his back slowly and blacked out, but a smile of satisfaction with life was noticeable on his face.

Tekeda: [Why are you laughing Miyamoto? Why? I can't understand these damn samurai who die laughing, (sigh) I have to tell you that I did the job.] Takeda commented while walking away from Funajima Island ...

In a place where total darkness dominated, a robe of light appeared.

Miyamoto: [So, this is the afterlife? interestingly, I always lived believing that death was the end.] Miyamoto commented while looking at the total darkness around him and said.

Miyamoto: [So this is my punishment? Eternal boredom? (sigh) I would rather not have a life than after death, at least I lived my life not betraying my principles and with few regrets, a life with honor.] While Miyamoto reflected on life and death from darkness, one be made of pure blue energy and white eyes in front of Miyamoto and he was startled at first, but quickly calmed down and looked at the being in front of him.

Being: [Did you know words, dear human.] He commented on being while looking at the man in front of him.

Miyamoto: [Thank you, and who are you?] Asked Miyamoto, puzzled.

Being: [Well, in human words I would be God, the being that has always existed and is behind the creation of the whole.] The being replied while slowly putting itself in the lotus position.

Miyamoto: [I see, so why am I here? And before answering me could I ask any questions? It is not always that God is found.] The being smiled and said.

Ser: [Do it.]

Miyamoto: [Is there really life after death? And why don't you just show up and confirm your existence? And what is the reason for the creation?]

Ser: [Not much doubt? Well, my son does not exist life after death, you are an exception, and the reason that I do not confirm my presence is simple, what would be the reason for the creation if I simply appeared and answered all human doubts? That is not my goal.]

Ser: [If I could answer your last question in the form of a message it would be like this. Stop praying and beating your chest! What I want you to do is go out into the world and enjoy your life. I want you to enjoy, sing, have fun and enjoy everything I have done for you.

Stop going to those dreary, dark, and cold temples that you built yourself and that you believe are my home. My home is in the mountains, in the woods, in the rivers, in the lakes, on the beaches. This is where I live and there I express my love for you.

Stop blaming me for your miserable life: I never told you that there is something bad in you, or that you were a sinner, or that your sexuality was something bad. Sex is a gift that I gave you and with which you can express your love, your ecstasy, your joy. So, don't blame me for everything that made you believe.

Stop reading supposed holy scriptures that have nothing to do with me. If you can't read me at dawn, in a landscape, in the eyes of your friends, in the eyes of your little boy ... You won't find me in any book!

Trust me and stop asking me. Are you going to tell me how to do my job? Stop being so afraid of me. I do not judge you, nor criticize you, nor irritate you, nor bother you, nor punish you. I am pure love.

Stop asking me for forgiveness. There is nothing to forgive. If I made you ... I filled you with passions, limitations, pleasures, feelings, needs, inconsistencies, free will.

How can I blame you if you respond to something I put in you? How can I punish you for being as you are, if I am the one who made you? Do you believe that I could create a place to burn all my children who do not behave well, for the rest of eternity? What kind of God can do that?

Forget any kind of commandment, any kind of law; those are tricks to manipulate you, to control you, that only create guilt in you. Respect your neighbor and do not do what you do not want for yourself. The only thing I ask is that you pay attention to your life, that your alertness is your guide.

This life is not a trial, nor a step, nor a step on the way, nor a rehearsal, nor a prelude to paradise. This life is the only one here and now, and the only one you need.

I made you absolutely free. There are no prizes or punishments. There is neither sin nor virtue. Nobody takes a score. Nobody takes a record. You are absolutely free to make your life heaven or hell.

I could not tell you if there is anything after this life, but I can give you an advice: live as if there were none. As if this were your only opportunity to enjoy, to love, to exist. So, if there is nothing, you will have taken advantage of the opportunity I gave you. And if there is, you are sure that I will not ask you if you were well behaved or not. I'll ask you if you liked it if you had fun ... What did you like most? What did you learn?

Stop believing in me - believing is supposing, guessing, imagining. I do not want you to believe in me. I want you to feel me in you. I want you to feel me in you when you kiss your beloved when you wrap your little daughter when you pet your dog when you bathe in the sea.

Stop praising me! What kind of selfish God do you believe I am? It bothers me to be praised. I get tired of being thanked. Do you feel grateful? Demonstrate it by taking care of yourself, your health, your relationships, the world. Do you feel looked at, surprised? ... Express your joy! That's the way to praise me.

Stop complicating things and repeat like a parrot what they taught you about me. The only certainty is that you are here, that you are alive, and that this world is full of wonders. Why do you need more miracles? Why so many explanations?

Don't look for me outside! You will not find me. Look for me inside you. That's where I am.

Miyamoto: [Thanks dad.] Miyamoto replied in a shaky voice and if he had a body he would definitely cry a lot.

Ser: [Don't thank me, son.]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I am Brazilian and I am not very good at English and therefore any mistake let me know that I will try to improve. I'm not very good at describing sword fights, but I'll improve

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