
Offer refused?!

After that surprising well it wasn't neccesarrily surprising considering the fact that before he died, dragon ball super mentioned, Jaco being on a trip with Bulma's younger sister tights around this time as well.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Also, I had offered them a chance to become an immortal alien. Do you know what they did?

"I think I will have to say know to that." Mr. Brief's said calmly.

That's right, they refused!

"How could you say something like that!"

Bulma felt, scared....and betrayed...scared because they were her parents. Here they were being offered something most people would kill to have, and they just threw it aside. Not to mention, do they not want to live for her? Do they hate her that much?"

"Dear, if we hated you, you would have been kicked out of the house a while ago." Mrs brief said with a soft smile, "But we could never hate you, you were born from my womb, we could never hate our blood, isn't that right honey?"

Mr. Brief's nodded his head, "The reason we denied him Bulma-chan, is for our own benefits, we are only human, and I would want to see my family and friends that have passed away as soon as possible. I fear living long can bring changes to a person."

"Daddy, haven't you been listening at all, you know he can take back immortality right, if you want to die you can die."

There was silence for a moment, before Bulma blinked

"Uh Bulma-chan..." Goku started, he had on a nervous expression on his face.

"Yes, Goku-kun I realized it the moment I said it." Bulma groaned

Shiro laughed, "Yes, that is true, I was going to explain that as well before you refused and cut me off."

They at least had the decency to look sheepish.

"Well, then Shiro \-san, I accept thiis power that you gave my daughter."

""Me too." Mrs brief nodded her head a smile on her face.

Both of them looked curious and excited.

'System, transfer the Saiyan Bloodline, and the eternal youth quirk to Mr. and Mrs. Briefs.


Shiro's body glowed for a second, before Mr. and Mrs. Brief's body began to glow as well, shining like a bright star.

Once the glow started to dim, a tail sprouted from behind them, and their hair grew slightly spikier. turning from grey to brown, Mrs Briefs hair turned from light blonde, to dark blonde, not much has changed about her, though she looked more glowing symbolizing her own youth restored, her body was more curvy and fit. Mr. Brief however looked so much different, but at the same time, see some recognizing features that can make you know it's him, but it is hard.

That was Shiro's gift for being apart of the family, and according to there own reactions, Mr. and Mrs. Breif loved it.

"I'll be..." Mr. Breif muttered, looking down at himself, "I never thought I'd see the day


Hey, Powerstones? Have a nice day

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts