
Reaction (5/5)

You know whats funny, in your previous life when you read dozens of sceneroes where the mc is reincarnated, or even non reincarnated stories where the mc get's into multiple different situations, my last story was a story where the mc is Gohan, and dissappears after the cell games, and becomes a student, to the God of Destruction's angel whis, then returns, and everything has changed.

It doesn't even need to be about fighting, just the reactions and the slice of life; all though boring to some people, it's all Shiro really needs, and now, he was looking at the parents reaction

The parents reaction went from being extremely confused,

Thery know for sure that their daughter is not an alien because Mr. Brief's was there to see Panchy give Birth herself, and Panchy never forgets the feeling of pain when given birth, so it must be two things, either Bulma is lying and they all are playing a joke, or a prank. Or she is telling the truth, the only possible way for Bulma to become a alien, an Immortal alien...

iShe used the dragon balls to become the alien.

And according to her, she has already found the perfect boyfriend, so because of that she used the wish for something else.

His wife voiced her thoughts, "Dear, I know you maybe feeling a lot different now with Goku-kun here, but I know you are still a hundred percent human." she said, and she patted her belly, "I birthed you myself you know~"

Shiro smiled at that, "With all due respect Mrs. Briefs. It is not because of whether or not she was birthed by you. "

To being extremely suspicious/shocked, Mr. and Mrs Brief.

"Well, then, Shiro-san." Mr. Brief said, eyes narrowed, "care to enlighten us?"

Shiro smiled at them, "do you remember what I said earlier?" He asked, "or rather what Bulma said I did earlier?"

Mr. brief frowned. before his eyes widened.

To realization, "You mean you knew your son was somehow going to end up with my daughter, so you protected her by using the dragon to make her into an alien and a immortal?"

The saiyans have infinte potential, in terms of power and strength." Shiro explained, "We have a lot of enemies in the vast universe, so in order to protect my family I used the dragon balls to make a wish, so that way my son would not suffer from loss if she grows old and dies while he still lives healthy, young, and strong, while we train her to be strong enough to defend herself from said enemies. ."

"And that wish was to turn my bulma into an immortal..." he trailed off, "What were your species called again?"

"Saiyan." Shiro smiled.

"Ah yes, an immortal Saiyan."

"Wait a minute!" Bulma interuppted, "Why are you not shocked about the Aliens existing thing part!"

"Why should we be dear?" Mrs Brief asked, "Is it really that big of a deal, we have already met an alien before."

Mr. Brief nodded his head, "Yes, an alien space cop the...galactic patrol...what was his name again..."

"Jaco Dear..." Mrs. Brief smiled amusingly at her husband.

"Right Jaco."

"And you didn't tell me!"

"Well for starters you never asked, Mr. Brief smiled, Bulma put both of her hands on her head and moaned apathetically

Shiro chuckled.


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